


5 June 1999

Original: ENGLISH


Tenth session

Bonn, 31 May - 11 June 1999

Agenda item 8





Draft conclusions by the Chairman

1. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) noted with appreciation the report of the Chairman of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Steering Committee, on behalf of the agencies participating in the Climate Agenda.

2. The SBSTA expressed its appreciation for the preparation by the GCOS secretariat of the preliminary draft guidance for reporting on systematic observation, prepared for the workshop on the revised guidelines for the preparation of national communications by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Bonn, 17-19 March 1999).(1) It noted that the GCOS draft guidance is undergoing further review. The SBSTA decided to consider the issue at its eleventh session and it urged the GCOS secretariat to make the revised draft guidance available in sufficient time for that session.

3. The SBSTA invited the agencies participating in the Climate Agenda, through the GCOS secretariat, to report to the SBSTA at its eleventh session on their further actions and plans, in accordance with decision 14/CP.4, including proposals to hold workshops and, in preparing to do so, to consult widely, including, inter alia, with the Convention secretariat, the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

4. The SBSTA noted with concern reports of the continued degradation of the observing capability in developing countries and urged Parties to enhance support for capacity-building in developing countries to enable them through, inter alia, GCOS and related activities, both to reverse that degradation and to improve the collection, exchange and utilization of data to meet local, regional and international needs.

5. The SBSTA, in accordance with paragraph 5 of decision 2/CP.4, invited the GEF to include in its report to the Conference of the Parties the specific steps it has taken to implement the provisions of paragraph 1 (c) of decision 2/CP.4.

6. The SBSTA also noted that, whilst decision 14/CP.4 focuses on actions to improve global monitoring capabilities for climate to meet the needs of the Convention, Parties also need similarly to support research on climate change, both nationally and internationally.

7. The SBSTA noted that the secretariat would assess its capacity to carry out the activities requested in this conclusion in the light of the programme budget for 2000-2001 to be recommended by the SBI for approval by COP 5 and would report back on this matter to the SBSTA at its eleventh session.


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1. See document FCCC/SB/1999/1/Add.2.
