
19 October 1999



Eleventh session

Bonn, 25 October - 5 November 1999

Item 8 (a) of the provisional agenda



Progress report on the in-depth reviews of second national communications

Note by the secretariat

1. The present note describes the status of in-depth reviews of second national communications (NC2) from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties). The reviews are being conducted in accordance with decision 9/CP.2,(1) with the aim of completing them before the fifth session of the Conference of the Parties.

2. All Annex I Parties (with the exception of Luxembourg) have submitted their second national communications, which were due by 15 April 1997 for Annex II Parties and not later than 15 April 1998 for Parties with economies in transition. At the time of the preparation of this note, 34 country visits had taken place in connection with the in-depth reviews of national communications and 16 reports have been published. These reports are also accessible on-line via the World Wide Web. They bear the symbol FCCC/IDR.2/country code. The review visit dates and status of the preparation of reports are presented in the table below. First national communications (NC1) from Lithuania and the Ukraine, which were submitted on

21 March 1998 and 16 February 1998 respectively, were also subject to in-depth review.

3. In accordance with decision 4/CP.3,(2) Croatia, Liechtenstein, Monaco and Slovenia have been added to Annex I to the Convention. The amendment adding these Parties to Annex I entered into force on 13 August 1998. Consequently, first national communications from these Parties, according to Article 12.5 of the Convention, were due within six months of this date, namely by 13 February 1999. Communications from these Parties are still pending, with the exception of Monaco which has already submitted its second national communication. The secretariat will endeavour to undertake in-depth reviews of national communications from these Parties recently added to Annex I as soon as they become available.

4. Decision 6/CP.3 provides for the publication of full texts of the in-depth review reports as official UNFCCC documents and their translation into the six official languages of the

United Nations. The secretariat was unable to arrange for the translation of the reports prepared so far due to an overload of the translation services at the United Nations Office at Geneva. For this reason, the in-depth review reports are published in English only. The secretariat has made available the full texts of the majority of the first and all of the second national communications received so far from Annex I Parties on its web site (http://www.unfccc.de).

Second national communications: Status of review as at 14 October 1999

Annex I



due date

Communication received date Review visit


Australia 15.04.97 04.12.97 07-11.10.98 Report published
Austria 15.04.97 31.07.97 30.03-03.04.98 Report published
Belgium 15.04.97 21.08.97 01-05.02.99 Visit done
Bulgaria 15.04.98 30.06.98 03-07.05.99 Visit done
Canada 15.04.97 05.05.97 11-15.05.98 Report published
Croatia* 13.02.99 -
Czech Republic 15.04.98 06.08.97 01-05.02.99 Report published
Denmark 15.04.97 05.12.97 21-25.09.98 Report published
E.C. 15.04.97 15.03.99 28.06-02.07.99 Visit done
Estonia 15.04.98 31.03.98 01-05.02.99 Visit done
Finland 15.04.97 15.04.97 11-15.05.98 Report published
France 15.04.97 12.06.97 23-27.03.98 Visit done
Germany 15.04.97 16.04.97 16-20.02.98 Report published
Greece 15.04.97 12.12.97 17-21.05.99 Visit done
Hungary 15.04.98 01.12.97 04.-08.10.99 Visit done
Iceland 15.04.97 06.08.97 14-18.09.98 Report published
Ireland 15.04.97 08.07.97 05-08.05.98 Report published
Italy 15.04.97 27.05.99 13-17.09.99 Visit done
Japan 15.04.97 02.12.97 30.11-04.12.98 Visit done
Latvia 15.04.98 02.06.98 17-21.05.99 Visit done
Liechtenstein 13.02.99 -


15.04.98 18.05.98 22-26.03.99 Visit done
Annex I



due date


received date

Review visit


Luxembourg 15.04.97 -
Monaco** 15.04.97 14.05.97 - No review visit envisaged
Netherlands 15.04.97 14.04.97 28.09-02.10.98 Visit done
New Zealand 15.04.97 27.05.97 31.08-04.09.98 Report published
Norway 15.04.97 16.04.97 05-09.10.98 Report published
Poland 15.04.98 29.04.98 27.09-01.10.99 Visit done
Portugal 15.04.97 26.11.97 18-22.05.98 Report published
Romania 15.04.98 01.02.99 27.09-01.10.99 Visit done
Russian Federation 15.04.98 18.02.99 28.06-02.07.99 Visit done
Slovakia 15.04.98 06.08.97 14-17.04.98 Report published
Slovenia 13.02.99 -
Spain 15.04.97 22.11.97 05-09.10.98 Visit done
Sweden 15.04.97 05.05.97 30.03-03.04.98 Report published
Switzerland 15.04.97 21.04.97 10-13.03.98 Report published


13.02.98 16.02.98 27.09-01.10.99 Visit done
United Kingdom 15.04.97 13.02.97 07-11.12.98 Visit done
United States of America 15.04.97 11.08.97 20-24.04.98 Report published

* Italics denote Parties added to Annex I in accordance with decision 4/CP.3.

** Monaco notified the Depositary on 24 November 1992 of its intention to be bound by Article 4.2, subparagraphs (a) and (b).

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1. For the full texts of decisions adopted by the second session of the Conference of the Parties, see FCCC/CP/1996/15/Add.1.


2. For the full texts of decisions adopted by the third session of the Conference of the Parties, see FCCC/CP/1997/7/Add.1.