

1 November 1999



Eleventh session

Bonn, 25 October - 5 November 1999

Agenda item 12 (a)



Recommendation of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation

At its eleventh session the Subsidiary Body for Implementation decided to recommend the following draft decision for adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its fifth session:

Decision -/CP.5

Programme budget for the biennium 2000-2001

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling paragraph 4 of the financial procedures for the Conference of the Parties,

Having considered the proposed budget for the biennium 2000-2001 submitted by the Executive Secretary (FCCC/CP/1999/INF.1, FCCC/SBI/1999/8, FCCC/SBI/1999/4 and Add.1),

Noting the annual contribution of the host Government, DM 1.5 million, which offsets planned expenditures,

1. Approves the programme budget for the biennium 2000-2001, amounting to

US$ 25,286,000, for the purposes specified in table 1 below;

2. Adopts the indicative scale of contributions for 2000 and 2001 contained in the annex to this decision;

3. Approves a drawing of $ 2 million from the unspent balances or contributions (carry-over) from previous financial periods to cover part of the 2000-2001 budget;

4. Approves the staffing table for the programme budget, as contained in table 2


5. Approves a contingency budget for conference servicing, amounting to $ 5,661,800, to be added to the programme budget for the coming biennium in the event that the General Assembly of the United Nations decides not to provide resources for these activities in the United Nations regular budget for the biennium 2000-2001 (see tables 3 and 4 below);

6. Approves additional resources for secretariat support for the work on matters related to the consideration of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention, amounting to $ 1,263,200, to be added to the programme budget for the biennium 2000-2001, of which $ 363,200 will be drawn on available resources, including unspent balances or contributions from various financial periods (see tables 5 and 6 below), on the understanding that additional voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities will be needed in order to cover activities in relation to the work of the consultative group of experts;

7. Requests the Executive Secretary to report to the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at subsequent sessions on the implementation of paragraph 5 above, as necessary;

8. Authorizes the Executive Secretary to make transfers between each of the main

appropriation lines set out in table 1 below, up to an aggregate limit of 15 per cent of total estimated expenditure for those appropriation lines, provided that a further limitation of up to minus 25 per cent of each such appropriation line shall apply;

9. Decides to maintain the level of the working capital reserve at 8.3 per cent of the estimated expenditure;

10. Invites all Parties to the Convention to note that contributions to the core budget are due on 1 January of each year in accordance with paragraph 8 (b) of the financial procedures and to pay promptly and in full, for each of the years 2000 and 2001, the contributions required to finance expenditures approved under paragraph 1 above, as offset by estimated contributions noted under the third paragraph of the preamble to this decision and under paragraph 3 above, and the contributions which may result from the decisions referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6 above;

11. Takes note of the funding estimates for the Trust Fund for Participation in the

UNFCCC Process specified by the Executive Secretary ($ 3,691,800 for the biennium 2000-2001), and invites Parties to make contributions to this fund (see table 7 below);

12. Takes note of the funding estimates for the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change specified by the Executive Secretary ($ 6,178,900 for the biennium 2000-2001), and invites Parties to make contributions to this fund (see table 8 below);

13. Requests the Executive Secretary to report to the Conference of the Parties at its sixth session on income and budget performance, and to propose any adjustments that might be needed in the Convention budget for the biennium 2000-2001;

14. Authorizes the Executive Secretary to make a complementary contribution, from available resources, to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of $ 300,000 during the biennium 2000-2001;

15. Authorizes the Executive Secretary to incur additional expenditures of up to

$ 1 million to offset part of the costs of activities arising from the preparatory process leading to the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties, drawing on available resources, including unspent balances or contributions from previous financial periods, on the understanding that additional voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities and the Trust Fund for Participation in the UNFCCC Process will be needed in order to cover all activities envisaged in the preparatory process of the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties.

Note: Only tables 5 and 6, which refer to non-Annex I Party communications, and the annex containing the indicative scale of contributions, are attached to this CRP. The remaining tables, which are attached to the draft decision found in the SBI 10 report (FCCC/SBI/1999/8), remain unchanged. They will be included in the draft decision to be adopted by COP 5.

Table 5. Resource requirements for matters related to consideration of

communications from non-Annex I Parties

(thousands of United States dollars)

Item of expenditure 2000 2001 Biennium total
A. Staff costs 457.6 466.4 924.0
B. Consultants 44.0 44.0 88.0
C. Travel on official business 33.0 33.0 66.0
Subtotal 434.6 543.4 1 078.0
G. Overhead chargea 69.5 70.6 140.1
H. Working capital reserveb 44.4 0.7 45.1
TOTAL 648.5 614.7 1 263.2

a Standard 13 per cent applied by the United Nations for administrative support.

b In accordance with paragraph 14 of the financial procedures. The 2000 amount has been calculated as 8.3 per cent of the subtotal and the overhead charge; the 2001 amount has been calculated as the amount required to bring the carried-over 2000 reserve to 8.3 per cent of the subtotal and overhead charge for 2001.

Table 6. Staffing requirements for matters related to consideration

of communications from non-Annex I Parties

2000 2001
A. Professional category and above
P-4 1 1
P-3 2 2
Total Professional category and above 3 3
B. Total General Service category 1 1
TOTAL (A+B) 4 4




Party Name Indicativescale Indicative contributions Adjustments Actual contributions Indicative contributions Adjustments Actual contributions
2000 2001
Albania 0.003 322 10 312 328 10 318
Algeria 0.086 9,234 281 8,953 9,397 286 9,112
Antigua and Barbuda 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Argentina 1.103 118,431 3,600 114,831 120,527 3,664 116,863
Armenia 0.006 644 20 625 656 20 636
Australia 1.483 159,233 4,841 154,392 162,050 4,927 157,124
Austria 0.942 101,144 3,075 98,070 102,934 3,129 99,805
Azerbaijan 0.011 1,181 36 1,145 1,202 37 1,165
Bahamas 0.015 1,611 49 1,562 1,639 50 1,589
Bahrain 0.017 1,825 55 1,770 1,858 56 1,801
Bangladesh 0.010 1,074 33 1,041 1,093 33 1,059
Barbados 0.008 859 26 833 874 27 848
Belgium 1.104 118,539 3,604 114,935 120,636 3,667 116,969
Belize 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Benin 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Bhutan 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Bolivia 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Botswana 0.010 1,074 33 1,041 1,093 33 1,059
Brazil 1.471 157,944 4,802 153,143 160,739 4,887 155,852
Bulgaria 0.011 1,181 36 1,145 1,202 37 1,165
Burkina Faso 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Burundi 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Cambodia 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Cameroon 0.013 1,396 42 1,353 1,421 43 1,377
Canada 2.732 293,340 8,918 284,422 298,531 9,076 289,455
Cape Verde 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Central African Republic 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Chad 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Chile 0.136 14,603 444 14,159 14,861 452 14,409
China 0.995 106,835 3,248 103,587 108,726 3,305 105,420
Colombia 0.109 11,704 356 11,348 11,911 362 11,549
Comoros 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Congo 0.003 322 10 312 328 10 318
Cook Islands 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Costa Rica 0.016 1,718 52 1,666 1,748 53 1,695
Côte d'Ivoire 0.009 966 29 937 983 30 954
Croatia 0.030 3,221 98 3,123 3,278 100 3,178
Cuba 0.024 2,577 78 2,499 2,623 80 2,543
Cyprus 0.034 3,651 111 3,540 3,715 113 3,602
Czech Republic 0.107 11,489 349 11,140 11,692 355 11,337
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0.015 1,611 49 1,562 1,639 50 1,589
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Denmark 0.692 74,301 2,259 72,043 75,616 2,299 73,317
Djibouti 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Dominica 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Dominican Republic 0.015 1,611 49 1,562 1,639 50 1,589
Ecuador 0.020 2,147 65 2,082 2,185 66 2,119
Egypt 0.065 6,979 212 6,767 7,103 216 6,887
El Salvador 0.012 1,288 39 1,249 1,311 40 1,271
Eritrea 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Estonia 0.012 1,288 39 1,249 1,311 40 1,271
Ethiopia 0.006 644 20 625 656 20 636
European Community 2.500 268,430 8,423 260,007 273,180 8,572 264,608
Fiji 0.004 429 13 416 437 13 424
Finland 0.543 58,303 1,772 56,531 59,335 1,804 57,531
France 6.545 702,750 21,364 681,385 715,185 21,743 693,443
Gabon 0.015 1,611 49 1,562 1,639 50 1,589
Gambia 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Georgia 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Germany 9.857 1,058,366 32,176 1,026,190 1,077,094 32,745 1,044,349
Ghana 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Greece 0.351 37,688 1,146 36,542 38,354 1,166 37,188
Grenada 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Guatemala 0.018 1,933 59 1,874 1,967 60 1,907
Guinea 0.003 322 10 312 328 10 318
Guinea-Bissau 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Guyana 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Haiti 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Honduras 0.003 322 10 312 328 10 318
Hungary 0.120 12,885 392 12,493 13,113 399 12,714
Iceland 0.032 3,436 104 3,331 3,497 106 3,390
India 0.299 32,104 976 31,128 32,672 993 31,679
Indonesia 0.188 20,186 614 19,572 20,543 625 19,919
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.161 17,287 526 16,761 17,593 535 17,058
Ireland 0.224 24,051 731 23,320 24,477 744 23,733
Israel 0.350 37,580 1,142 36,438 38,245 1,163 7,082
Italy 5.437 583,782 17,748 566,034 594,112 18,062 576,050
Jamaica 0.006 644 20 625 656 20 636
Japan 20.573 2,208,964 67,155 2,141,809 2,248,053 68,344 2,179,709
Jordan 0.006 644 20 625 656 20 636
Kazakhstan 0.048 5,154 157 4,997 5,245 159 5,086
Kenya 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Kiribati 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Kuwait 0.128 13,744 418 13,326 13,987 425 13,562
Lao People's Democratic Republic 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Latvia 0.017 1,825 55 1,770 1,858 56 1,801
Lebanon 0.016 1,718 52 1,666 1,748 53 1,695
Lesotho 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 0.124 13,314 405 12,909 13,550 412 13,138
Liechtenstein 0.006 644 20 625 656 20 636
Lithuania 0.015 1,611 49 1,562 1,639 50 1,589
Luxembourg 0.068 7,301 222 7,079 7,430 226 7,205
Madagascar 0.003 322 10 312 328 10 318
Malawi 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Malaysia 0.183 19,649 597 19,052 19,997 608 19,389
Maldives 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Mali 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Malta 0.014 1,503 46 1,458 1,530 47 1,483
Marshall Islands 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Mauritania 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Mauritius 0.009 966 29 937 983 30 954
Mexico 0.995 106,835 3,248 103,587 108,726 3,305 105,420
Micronesia (Federated States of) 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Monaco 0.004 429 13 416 437 13 424
Mongolia 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Morocco 0.041 4,402 134 4,268 4,480 136 4,344
Mozambique 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Myanmar 0.008 859 26 833 874 27 848
Namibia 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Nauru 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Nepal 0.004 429 13 416 437 13 424
Netherlands 1.632 175,231 5,327 169,904 178,332 5,422 172,910
New Zealand 0.221 23,729 721 23,008 24,149 734 23,415
Nicaragua 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Niger 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Nigeria 0.032 3,436 104 3,331 3,497 106 3,390
Niue 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Norway 0.610 65,497 1,991 63,506 66,656 2,026 64,629
Oman 0.051 5,476 166 5,309 5,573 169 5,403
Pakistan 0.059 6,335 193 6,142 6,447 196 6,251
Panama 0.013 1,396 42 1,353 1,421 43 1,377
Papua New Guinea 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Paraguay 0.014 1,503 46 1,458 1,530 47 1,483
Peru 0.099 10,630 323 10,307 10,818 329 10,489
Philippines 0.081 8,697 264 8,433 8,851 269 8,582
Poland 0.196 21,045 640 20,405 21,417 651 20,766
Portugal 0.431 46,277 1,407 44,870 47,096 1,432 45,664
Qatar 0.033 3,543 108 3,436 3,606 110 3,496
Republic of Korea 1.006 108,016 3,284 104,732 109,928 3,342 106,586
Republic of Moldova 0.010 1,074 33 1,041 1,093 33 1,059
Romania 0.056 6,013 183 5,830 6,119 186 5,933
Russian Federation 1.077 115,640 3,516 112,124 117,686 3,578 114,108
Rwanda 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Saint Lucia 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Samoa 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
San Marino 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Saudi Arabia 0.562 60,343 1,834 58,509 61,411 1,867 59,544
Senegal 0.006 644 20 625 656 20 636
Seychelles 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Sierra Leone 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Singapore 0.179 19,220 584 18,635 19,560 595 18,965
Slovakia 0.035 3,758 114 3,644 3,825 116 3,708
Slovenia 0.061 6,550 199 6,351 6,666 203 6,463
Solomon Islands 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
South Africa 0.366 39,298 1,195 38,103 39,994 1,216 38,778
Spain 2.591 278,201 8,458 269,743 283,124 8,607 274,516
Sri Lanka 0.012 1,288 39 1,249 1,311 40 1,271
Sudan 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Suriname 0.004 429 13 416 437 13 424
Swaziland 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Sweden 1.079 115,854 3,522 112,332 117,904 3,584 114,320
Switzerland 1.215 130,457 3,966 126,491 132,765 4,036 128,729
Syrian Arab Republic 0.064 6,872 209 6,663 6,993 213 6,781
Tajikistan 0.004 429 13 416 437 13 424
Thailand 0.170 18,253 555 17,698 18,576 565 18,011
The former Yugoslav Republic of. Macedonia 0.004 429 13 416 437 13 424
Togo 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Tonga 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Trinidad and Tobago 0.016 1,718 52 1,666 1,748 53 1,695
Tunisia 0.028 3,006 91 2,915 3,060 93 2,967
Turkmenistan 0.006 644 20 625 656 20 636
Tuvalu 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Uganda 0.004 429 13 416 437 13 424
Ukraine 0.190 20,401 620 19,780 20,762 631 20,130
United Arab Emirates 0.178 19,112 581 18,531 19,450 591 18,859
United Kingdom 5.092 546,738 16,621 530,117 556,413 16,916 539,497
United Republic of Tanzania 0.003 322 10 312 328 10 318
United States of America 25.000 2,684,300 81,606 2,602,694 2,731,800 83,050 2,648,750
Uruguay 0.048 5,154 157 4,997 5,245 159 5,086
Uzbekistan 0.025 2,684 82 2,603 2,732 83 2,649
Vanuatu 0.001 107 3 104 109 3 106
Venezuela 0.160 17,180 522 16,657 17,484 532 16,952
Viet Nam 0.007 752 23 729 765 23 742
Yemen 0.010 1,074 33 1,041 1,093 33 1,059
Yugoslavia 0.026 2,792 85 2,707 2,841 86 2,755
Zambia 0.002 215 7 208 219 7 212
Zimbabwe 0.009 966 29 937 983 30 954
TOTAL 103.138 11,074,133 336,933 10,737,200 11,270,096 342,896 10,927,200

The scale is based on the United Nations scale of assessments (see decision FCCC/CP/1995/Add.1, annex I, para. 7 (a) as amended in

decision 17/CP.4). The same methodology of determining the scale will be applied to the contingencies in the event they are approved.

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