10 June 1999




Tenth session

Bonn, 31 May - 11 June 1999

Agenda item 4 (a)







Draft conclusions by the Chairman

1. Proceedings

1. The SBI considered this sub-item at its 1st, 3rd and 8th meetings, on 31 May, 1 June and 10 June, respectively. The body had before it the following documents: FCCC/SBI/1999/INF.1, FCCC/SBI/1999/INF.3, and FCCC/SBI/1999/INF.4.

2. Statements were made by representatives of _ Parties, including one speaking on behalf of the European Community and its member States, one speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and one speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States.

3. At its 3rd meeting, on 1 June, the SBI agreed that this sub-item should be taken up in informal contact group discussions in conjunction with sub-items 4 (c) and (d) of the agenda. The informal contact group was co-chaired by Mr. Paul Maclons (South Africa) and Mr. Daniel Reifsnyder (United States of America).


2. Conclusions

4. At its 8th meeting, on 10 June, the SBI, having considered a proposal by the Chairman, adopted the following conclusions:

(a) The SBI noted with appreciation the information contained in document FCCC/SBI/1999/INF.3 regarding the activities undertaken by the secretariat to facilitate the provision of financial and technical support as well as the information regarding the status of preparation of communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention;

(b) The SBI took note of views expressed by Parties and information contained in document
FCCC/SBI/1999/INF.1. It requested the secretariat, in preparing its report on "Information on relevant actions by the Global Environment Facility", in accordance with decision 10/CP.2, to ensure that the GEF secretariat will make available the dates of disbursement of funds for enabling activity projects for the preparation of initial national communications by non-Annex I Parties;

(c) The SBI, having considered document FCCC/SBI/1999/INF.4, recommended that the "List of projects submitted by Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention in accordance with Article 12.4 of the Convention" contained in that document should be taken into account by the GEF when implementing its operational programmes;

(d) The SBI agreed that the co-chairs of the informal contact group would prepare a miscellaneous document providing a framework for comparing the views submitted by the Group of 77 and China and the European Community and its member States, to be considered by the SBI at its eleventh session;

(e) The SBI took note of the views of the Group of 77 and China and the European Community and its member States contained in the annexes to the conclusions on agenda sub-items 4(c) and (d) and invited Parties to submit to the secretariat further views and comments, if any, on the provision of financial and technical support by 15 July 1999. It requested the secretariat to compile and make available such views and comments at the eleventh session of the SBI;

(f) The SBI decided to continue its consideration of this sub-item at its eleventh session, by requesting the informal contact group to continue its discussions, with a view to recommending a draft decision for adoption by the COP at its fifth session.


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