23 August 1999






Eleventh session

Bonn, 25 October - 5 November 1999

Item 7 of the provisional agenda


Eleventh session

Bonn, 25 October - 5 November 1999

Item 7 of the provisional agenda




Submission from a Party

Note by the secretariat

1. A submission has been received from the Gambia on behalf of the Group of 77 and China on matters of relevance to the consideration of agenda item 7 of the provisional agendas of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) at their eleventh sessions.

2. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, this submission(1) is attached and is reproduced in the language in which it was received and without formal editing.










The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling Articles 4.1, 4.3, 4.5, and 4.7, taken within the context of Article 3, and also Articles 5(c) and 6(b) of the Convention;

Recalling further the provisions for capacity-building for developing countries contained in Decision 7/CP.4 (Work Programme on Mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol); Decisions 10/CP.2 and 12/CP.4 (National Communications of non-Annex I Parties); Decisions 9/CP.3 and 4/CP.4 (Development and Transfer of Technologies); Decision 5/CP.4 (Implementation of Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the Convention); Decision 6/CP.4 (Activities Implemented Jointly under the pilot phase); Decision 14/CP.4 (Research and systematic Observation); and Decisions 11/CP.2 and 2/CP.4 (on Guidance to the Global Environment Facility);

Underlining that capacity-building is for and by developing countries, and activities for capacity-building are to be undertaken in developing countries, within the context of the FCCC, and under the guidance of the intergovernmental process of the Convention;

Recognising that the developing countries, in particular the least-developed countries and the small island developing states amongst them, because of their vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change and exposure to natural disasters, require special capacity-building initiatives;

Recognising further that the main constraints to capacity-building in developing countries, in particular the least-developed countries and small island developing states amongst them, include lack of access to necessary technologies and know-how, including information technology, lack of appropriate institutions, the lack of financial resources, including for participation in meetings, workshops and seminars, and lack of a regular forum for exchange of information and development of positions among developing countries;

Emphasising that capacity-building, including education, training, public awareness and research are pre-requisites for the meaningful participation of developing countries in the FCCC and the Kyoto Protocol processes, which participation should require the cooperation of the public and private sectors, civil society, relevant financial institutions and development partners;

Emphasising further that capacity-building is a continuous process to be undertaken at all levels, including long-term planning, and aiming at strengthening relevant institutions such as FCCC national focal points or national authorities designated to handle climate change activities, universities, sub-regional and regional institutions, as well as human resources development, in order to provide a critical mass of specialists in all areas relating to the implementation of the Convention;


1. to conduct capacity-building activities for the implementation of the Convention in accordance with the provisions of this decision, and the prioritised capacity-building needs for developing country Parties, contained in the Annex to this decision;

2. to provide the necessary financial and technical support to strengthen UNFCCC national focal points or national authorities designated to handle climate change, including training, exchange programmes and equipment;

3. to support national activities to develop and promote climate-related research and studies for the implementation of the FCCC through:

- the development and strengthening of national centres of excellence;

- assistance to these centres to enable them provide information on climate change with the use of information technology;

- the identification of developing country institutions that can undertake activities at sub-regional, regional and international levels; and

- support for the networking of these developing institutions among themselves, and between them and relevant institutions in developed country Parties;

4. to promote capacity-building of national institutions and expertise through:

- the use of national experts or consultants to undertake studies, design and

implementation of projects at national level;

- the setting-up of collaborating centres on climate change-related activities in

developing countries at sub-regional or regional levels, and to use these centres

to promote national capacity-building; and

- training, seminars and exchange programmes for the personnel of developing

country institutions, in relevant institutions of other developing countries or in

developed countries; and

5. to ensure that workshops for capacity-building are undertaken with the participation of developing country Parties concerned, including the approval of the programmes, the presentation of technical papers, and the drawing up of conclusions.

6. to request the Chairman of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the Chairman of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA):

(a) to examine the conformity of capacity-building activities undertaken under the Convention with the provisions contained in this decision; and

(b) to consider capacity-building for the implementation of the Convention as a

regular item in its agenda;

7. to request the secretariat:

(a) to prepare, for the consideration of the subsidiary bodies at their 12th sessions,

a plan to facilitate capacity-building activities for developing countries under

this Convention, taking into account the prioritised list of needs contained in the

Annex to this decision;

(b) to continue to coordinate with the secretariats of relevant UN agencies and

international organisations, and bilateral and multilateral institutions on their

climate change capacity-building activities in support of the implementation of

the Convention, and to report on this coordination, including information on the

financing of these activities; and

(c) to report on the implementation of the provisions of this decision on a regular








1. Institutional Capacity-Building

•Strengthening of national FCCC Focal Points or national authorities designated to coordinate climate change activities.
•Strengthening of relevant and key academic, research and NGO institutions.

2. Capacity-Building under CDM

•Establishment of institutional linkages required for implementation of the CDM.
•Project identification, formulation and design.
•Monitoring, verification, auditing and certification of project activities.
•Development of criteria including for sustainable development indicators, e.g. for adaptation.
•Development of baselines.
•Project negotiation skills.
•CDM demonstration projects to enhance capacity-building (learning by doing), including assessment of costs/risks (long and short-term).
•Data acquisition and sharing.

3. Human Resource Development

•Fellowships and scholarships for formal training at higher levels, specialized training and informal training.
•Development of a "pool" of expertise and skills.
•Climate Change and other relevant studies such as climate change detection and climate variability, impact assessment, vulnerability and adaptation studies, policy analysis.
•Workshops (including workshops to discuss the implementation plan).
•Exchange programmes among Parties.
•Integration of climate change into educational curricula.
•Networking and coordination at local, national, regional, and international levels.

4. Technology Transfer

•Identification and assessment of appropriate technologies.
•Appropriate technology information needs including support for office and other relevant equipment.
•Analysis of constraints to the transfer of technology (non-Annex I and Annex I).
•Exchange programmes.

5. National Communications

•Development of local emission factors.
•Data collection, analysis and archiving.
•Establishment of a Technical Assistance Group, e.g. non-Annex I expert group.
•Vulnerability assessments, including scoping, modeling, analysis, method selection and reporting.

6. Adaptation

•Development of Adaptation project guidelines.
•Case studies of extreme weather events, documentation and dissemination of study reports.
•Capacity-building/enhancement in the marine sector, such as coastal zone management.
•Identification and promotion of traditional knowledge, skills and practices which enhance adaptation.

7. Public Awareness

•Develop public awareness programmes.
•Development and production of public awareness materials.
•Involvement and consultation.

8. Coordination and Cooperation

•Coordination programmes at the individual, community, local, Government, non-government, national and regional levels.
•Involvement and consultation.
•Linking and learning.

9. Improved Decision Making

•Awareness and knowledge.
•Research, data and information.
•Technical and policy.
•Integrating climate change policies into national development strategies/plans.


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