


10 June 1999

Original: ENGLISH


Tenth session

Bonn, 31 May - 11 June 1999

Agenda item 11


Tenth session

Bonn, 31 May - 11 June 1999

Agenda item 7





Draft conclusions by the Chairmen

1. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) took note of the update on activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase and the compilation of submissions by Parties contained in documents FCCC/SB/1999/INF.1 and FCCC/SB/1999/MISC.1 and Add.1.

2. The SBSTA and the SBI recognized that activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase should provide developing country Parties, in particular the least developed and small island developing States amongst them, as well as Parties with economies in transition, with the opportunity to enhance their capacity-building, and all Parties with the opportunity to gain experience with activities implemented jointly.

3. The SBSTA and the SBI agreed that the review of the pilot phase referred to in decision 5/CP.1, paragraph 3 (b) and decision 6/CP.4 shall address, inter alia, the following issues:

(a) Geographical distribution of projects, particularly the lack of projects in Africa, and the analysis of contributing factors;

(b) Contribution of projects to capacity-building and institutional-strengthening needs of Parties, particularly for host country Parties;

(c) Contribution to the host country's sustainable development needs, priorities and strategies;

(d) Assessment of emissions reduced, avoided or sequestered and the methods used to measure, monitor and independently verify these emissions, including by type of project, and other environmental benefits achieved;

(e) Contribution of projects and related activities to the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to the host country;

(f) Identification of factors that might increase the number of projects implemented under AIJ, taking into account the provisions of decision 5/CP.1, paragraph 1;

(g) Assessment of the uniform reporting format and elaboration of options for its improvement, including a list of standardized terminology and common definitions for key terms, inter alia, related to costs, baselines, monitoring, reporting and verification;

(h) Consideration of costs, including costs of greenhouse gas reductions and transaction costs, and examination of related methodologies;

(i) Evaluation of how standardized methodologies for project review and approval, by both the host and sponsoring Parties, may enhance overall transparency and reduce transaction costs; and

(j) Identification of further work required with respect to baselines, project monitoring, reporting and verification procedures.

4. The SBSTA and the SBI requested Parties to submit additional views and information, structured in accordance with the issues mentioned in paragraph 3 above, by 7 July 1999.

5. The SBSTA and the SBI further requested the secretariat to prepare a report on the issues identified in paragraph 3 above, in time for consideration by Parties at the eleventh session of the subsidiary bodies, on the basis of submissions from Parties in the context of the reporting framework for the AIJ pilot phase using the uniform reporting format, and additional information submitted by Parties.

6. The SBSTA and the SBI invited Parties wishing to engage in activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase but which have not yet had the opportunity to do so, to take full advantage of the opportunities to "learn by doing".

7. The SBSTA and the SBI decided to undertake a comprehensive review of the pilot phase for activities implemented jointly, based on information referred to in paragraph 5 above, at their eleventh session, with a view to preparing a recommendation to COP 5 on further steps.

8. The SBSTA and the SBI noted that the secretariat would undertake the work requested in paragraph 5 above subject to availability of resources for this purpose.


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