

2 November 1999



Eleventh session

Bonn, 25 October - 5 November 1999

Agenda item 5


Eleventh session

Bonn, 25 October - 5 November 1999

Agenda item 5


Draft conclusions by the Chairmen

1. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) took note of document FCCC/SB/1999/5 and Corr.1 and Add.1 on issues to be addressed in the review of the pilot phase of activities implemented jointly (AIJ), including the third synthesis report on AIJ under the pilot phase.

2. The SBSTA and SBI undertook a comprehensive review of the AIJ pilot phase and concluded that:

(a) Participation in activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase provides an important opportunity for learning by doing and capacity-building, in particular where institutional structures are put in place, which facilitate the identification and development of activities and allow the reduction of transaction costs;

(b) The geographic distribution remains unbalanced in spite of recent improvements;

(c) Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase provide a sound foundation for future projects and project activities;

(d) In order to further increase the number of projects, contribute to the transfer of technology and promote geographic balance, some Parties indicated that additional incentives are required such as the possibility of recognizing activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase under Articles 6 and 12 of the Kyoto Protocol;

(e) Some Parties expressed the view that activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase contribute to gaining substantial experience in measurement, monitoring and independent verification of greenhouse gas emissions and are a good vehicle to address the variety of technological characteristics associated with different types and sizes of projects; and

(f) Further work is required to improve the draft revised uniform reporting format;

3. The SBSTA and the SBI decided to recommend a draft decision on activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase for adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its fifth session.

[For the text of the draft decision mentioned in paragraph 3 above, see annex below]


Draft decision


The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling its decisions 5/CP.1, 1/CP.4, 6/CP.4 and 7/CP.4,

Taking note of the conclusions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at their eleventh sessions on the issues addressed in the comprehensive review of the pilot phase of activities implemented jointly, as well as of the third synthesis report on activities implemented jointly (FCCC/SB/1999/5 and Corr.1 and Add.1),

Noting that activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase have made some contribution to meeting the ultimate objective of the Convention,

Noting that, by virtue of decision 5/CP.1, activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase are undertaken within the framework of the UNFCCC,

Acknowledging the importance of learning by doing through activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase and of providing new activities implemented jointly opportunities to those Parties that have not yet experienced activities implemented jointly projects under the pilot phase,

1. Decides to conclude the review process and, without prejudice to future decisions, to continue the pilot phase of activities implemented jointly beyond the end of the present decade; such continuation should address the issue of geographic imbalance, in particular the lack of projects in Africa and small island developing states;

2. Invites Parties to provide proposals for the improvement of the draft revised uniform reporting format contained in document FCCC/SB/1999/5/Add.1 by

[31 March 2000];

3. Requests the secretariat to prepare a further draft revision of the uniform reporting format and a set of guidelines for its use, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at their [twelfth] sessions;

4. Encourages Parties involved in activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase to submit further information using the uniform reporting format, the deadline for the submission of such information to be considered in the fourth annual synthesis report being [30 June 2000];

5. Urges Parties reporting on activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase to submit joint reports through the designated national authority of one Party, providing proof that the designated national authorities of all the other Parties involved concur with the report;

6. [Concludes that possible future decisions regarding the eligibility of activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase for incorporation under Articles 6 and 12 of the Kyoto Protocol are the sole responsibility of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, at its first session, in taking a final decision on the modalities and procedures governing these mechanisms.]

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