Special Events

When to set up the exhibit at COP4 

Exhibits may be delivered to and assembled on Saturday or Sunday (31 October and 1 November 1998) in the conference facilities. Exhibits should not be delivered on the opening day which is 2 November 1998.

All persons responsible for assembling the exhibit, if not registered as a participant at COP 4, should be notified by Fax to the secretariat together with the vehicle registration number and day of delivery. The fax number at the Centro de Exposiciones, Buenos Aires is (54-1) 809-4201. These persons will be issued a technical pass for the day on receipt of an identification document.

Exhibit organizers will be responsible for dismantling and removing their exhibit.


Location and date of COP 4

The fourth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 4) will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 2 to 13 November 1998 at:

Centro de Exposiciones del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (C.E.)
Avda. Figueroa Alcorta y Avda. Pueyrredón
(1425) Buenos Aires, Argentina


How to get materials to COP 4

Shipping and Storage Agents

Participants who need to transport materials to the conference or to store materials may contact the following agents:

R. G. Polero & Asociados S.R.L.
Avenida Belgrano 748
Piso 10 - Of. 101/102
(1092) Buenos Aires

Attn.: Mr. Roberto Polero or Mr. Mario Filippi

Tel. - (54-1) 331-5322
Fax. - (54-1) 331 4910
E-mail - rgpolero@movi.com.ar


Overseas associates


Bureau E69
Batiment de fret
P.O. Box 1094
Geneva Airport

Tel. - (41-22) 717-8100
Fax. - (41-22) 717-8102



P.O. Box 225
Ch 8058
Zurich airport

Attn. - Mr. Willy Brandtner
Tel. - (41-1) 838-4488
Fax. -(41-1) 838-4489



Wahlerstr. 37
40472 Duesseldorf

Attn.: Mr. Peter Repges
Tel. - (49-211)-65590
Fax. - (49-211)-655-9179



How to rent office space, furniture and equipment

Service Providers

Participants who need to rent office space, office furniture and equipment including communication equipment may contact the following company.

Congresos Internacionales S.A.
Moreno 584, piso 9 A
(1091) Buenos Aires

Attn. - Ms. Shirley van Brugge for office space, office furniture and equipment including communication equipment.

Tel. - (54-1)342-3216/3283/3408
Fax. - (54-1)331-0223 / 334-3811
E-mail - conginte@mbox.servicenet.com.ar


How to organize catering for special events or receptions

Organizers of special events or receptions should contact the caterer for the Conference. It should be possible to organize lunchbags or a buffet style meal inside the room - provided that the room is left in a suitable state for consequent meetings.

It should be noted that the organizers must ensure that the rooms are cleared of any catering at least 15 minutes before the allotted deadline for their event. This means that events scheduled to end at 15:00 must be cleared of food, beverages or utensils by 14:45 and similarly for the evening events.

The Conference caterer is:
Ms. Maria Jose Gutierrez/Mr. Leon Starizelsky
External Catering Sheraton
Tel. (54-1) 318-9232
Fax (54-1) 318-9233