Special Events

Conditions and procedures for special events and exhibits during sessions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

  • Special events or exhibits may be organized only by Parties, the United Nations and related agencies or accredited observer organizations.

  • Special events or exhibits are for participants attending the sessions of the Conference of the Parties and/or subsidiary bodies of the Convention only.

  • Allocation of rooms or space for special events or exhibits will be made in the order in which the requests are received and approved.

  • Registration forms for holding special events or organizing exhibits must be received by the secretariat at least six weeks before the opening of the sessions. Requests will not be considered after that date.

  • Organizers are requested to provide the secretariat with a full set of the documents to be distributed at the special event or exhibit.

  • Organizers and presenters must be registered under an accredited organization to the secretariat in accordance with the procedures detailed in the notification of the sessions.

Special Events

  • Special events are scheduled in such a way as not to conflict with the requirements of the UNFCCC negotiating process. The requested date(s) proposed by the organizer will be taken into consideration. However, the secretariat reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the event in the interest of the negotiating process.

  • Food and/or drinks may be provided for the special event only by the official caterer for the sessions, after consultation with the secretariat. Organizers will be responsible for the room being cleared of food and drinks fifteen minutes before the end of the allocated time of the special event in order that the room is left in a suitable condition for further meetings.

  • Four special events may be scheduled each day during sessions of the subsidiary bodies, while more may be held during sessions of the Conference of the Parties, depending on the conference venue.

  • Special events may be of up to two hours' duration.

  • Meeting rooms are provided free of charge.

  • Overhead projectors, slide projectors and screens are provided free of charge, on request.

  • Other requirements may be contracted through service providers approved by the secretariat. The secretariat will make available a list of such service providers.


  • The number of exhibits approved by the secretariat will depend on the conference venue.

  • The standard allocation per exhibit is two metres long, one and a half metres wide and two metres high (2m 1.5m 2m).

  • Equipment such as a table, two chairs and a power outlet may be provided free of charge, on request.

  • Other requirements may be contracted through service providers approved by the secretariat. The secretariat will make available a list of such service providers.

  • The installation, dismantling and disposal of the exhibit, including documents, brochures and papers is the responsibility of the organizers.

  • Exhibits are for the information of the participants to the sessions and are not to be used as offices.

  • Persons responsible for the installation or dismantling of exhibits (if other than participants in the sessions) need authorization from the secretariat in order to gain access to the United Nations premises. The names of these persons, date and time of their arrival and details of their transport should be sent by fax to the secretariat.