
Agenda provisional de exhibiciones y muestras, que tendrán lugar durante la Cuarta Sesion de la Conferencia de las Partes de la UNFCCC 2 al 13 de Noviembre 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina


Condiciones para Organizadores
Información para Organizadores

Lista de Exposiciones y muestras en COP4 , Buenos Aires, Argentina

2 - 13 November 1998

1 CC:Train Gao Provone

e-mail Gao.Pronove@unitar.org

2 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Hutton Archer

Tel. (1-202) 458-7117

Fax (1-202) 522-3240

e-mail harcher@worldbank.org

The GEF and its activities in the climate change focal area
3 ESTO/Columbia Earth Institute Robert Worrest

Colombia Earth Institute

Tel. (1-202)775-6614

Fax (1-202)775-6622

e-mail robert.worrest@ciesin.org

Promotion and facilitation at all levels, access to information on climate change, effects and response strategies
4 UNIDO Miquel Rigola

Tel. (43-1) 21131 ext 4696

Fax (43-1) 211316803

e-mail gjimenez@unido.org

UNIDO Web pages relating to the Kyoto Protocol, and UNIDO involvement in energy savings, cleaner production techniques and environmentally sound development
5 South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) / PICCAP / Pacific Forum / SIDSnet / UNDP-Pacific Wayne King

Tel. (685) 21-929

Fax (685) 20-231

e-mail wking@sprep.org.ws

Display of climate change studies undertaken in South Pacific countries
6 Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) R.K. Pachauri

Tel (91-11) 462-7651

Fax (91-11) 462-1770

e-mail pachauri@teri.res.in

A developing country viewpoint on the flexible mechanisms outlined in the Kyoto Protocol
7 International Academy of the Environment Robert Hamwey

Tel. (41-22) 702-1860

Fax (41-22) 702-1899

e-mail robert.hamwey@iae.org

Flexibility mechanisms for climate change mitigation
8 UNEP Mark Radka

Tel. (33-1) 44-37-14-27

Fax (33-1) 44-37-14-74

e-mail m.radka@unep.fr

9 Global Network Class GAKKOS Nobuyasu Isarai

Tel. (81-3) 3423- 7915

Fax (81-3) 3423-7814

e-mail isarai@tfc.co.jp

1. Interactive display and distribution of brochure on GAKKOS

2. Trees with children's messages

10 Business Council for Sustainable Development - Latin America (BCSD - LA)* Silvia A. Pinal

Tel. (528) 328-4186

Fax (528) 328-4185

e-mail spial@campus.mty.itesm.mx

Latin American business initiatives and options for greenhouse gas mitigation
11 Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) in collaboration with GREENTIE Michael Rucker

Tel. (33-1) 40 57 65 22

Fax (33-1) 40 57 67 59

e-mail rucker@iea.org

GREENTIE registry and CTI Internet road map
12a Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD) Jacob Werksman

Tel. (44-171) 637-7950

Fax (44-171) 637-7951

e-mail jw18@soas.ac.uk

International environmental law focusing on climate change
12b Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)* FARN

e-mail info@farn-sustentarg.org

Spinning the Web
13 World Resources Institute (WRI) Michelle Corrigan

Tel. (1-202) 662-2547

Fax (1-202) 344-2796

e-mail michelle@wri.org

The Climate Protection Initiative
14 UNDP Thomas B. Johansson

Tel. (1-212) 906-5030

Fax (1-212) 906-5148

e-mail thomas.johansson@undp.org

15 Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPC) Yoshihiro Kageyama

Tel. (81-3) 3279-2188

Fax (81-3) 3241-1826

e-mail kageyama@fepc.or.jp

The role of electric technologies, especially nuclear power in measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions
16 Government of Argentina, Province of Neuquen Jorge Guala Valverde

Tel. (54-99) 49 53 17

17 International Gas Union (IGU) J.F.Meeder

Tel. (31-50) 521-29-99

Fax (31-50) 525-59-51

e-mail secr.igu@gasunic.nl

The role of natural gas as part of the solution to climate change, in combination with energy conservation and efficiency and support for development of renewable energy forms
18 Pacific Rim Consortium for Energy, Combustion and the Environment Trevor Demaiyo

Tel. (1-949) 824-5950 ext 2

Fax (1-949) 824 7423

e-mail tnd@ucicl.eng.uci.edu

New technological developments
19 Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) - University of California* Michael Molitor

Tel. (1-619) 454-1342

Fax (1-619) 534-7042

e-mail mmolitor@chem.ucsd.edu

The climate change research activities of the IGCC and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography
20 World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in collaboration with Monsanto Fernando Rey

Tel. (54-1) 909-8312

Fax (54-1) 316-2507

e-mail fernando.e.rey@monsanto.com

Monsanto's agricultural activities related to climate change
21 German delegation: Bundesministerium für Zusammenarbeit (BMZ) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GTZ) Holger Liptow

Tel. (49-6196) 792168

Fax (49-6196) 796320

e-mail holger.liptow@gtz.de

German support measures
22 Uruguay delegation Luis A. Santos

Tel. (59-82) 817-0752

Fax (59-82) 816-1895

e-mail luisant@multi.com.ur

Diffusion and sensitization of the public on climate change
23 Japanese delegation in collaboration with the Environment Agency and the Export Import Bank of Japan Takehiro Okubo

Tel. (81-3) 3580-1375

Fax (81-3) 3504-1634

e-mail takehiro_okubo@eanet.go.jp

e-mail k-kato@japanexim.go.jp

Government of Japan's programme following COP 3
24 European Community in collaboration with the European Environment Agency Andre Jol

Tel. (45-333) 67100

Fax (45-333) 67199

Reports and information on the state of the environment in Europe
25 Australian delegation Delegation of Australia

Greenhouse Challenge

Carol Bartley

e-mail Carol.Bartley@ea.gov.au

Steps that Australia is taking to reduce greenhouse gases
26 Institute for Global Environmental Strategies* (IGES) Akio Morishima

Tel. (81-468) 55-3700

Fax (81-468) 55-3709

e-mail iges@iges.or.jp

27 United Nations University (UNU) German Velasquez

Tel. (81-3) 5467-1301

Fax (81-3) 3407-8164

e-mail jerry@geic.or.jp

UNU/UNITAR climate change training information and UNU climate change and trade report
28 Hadley Centre Geoff Jenkins

Tel. (44-1344) 856653

Fax (44-1344) 854898

e-mail gjjenkins@meto.gov.uk

Climate change and its global impacts - demonstration of climate model
29 Pew Center on Global Climate Change* Martin McBroom

Tel. (1-703) 5164 122

e-mail mcbroom@pewclimate.org

30 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Jan Corfee-Morlot

Tel. (33-1) 45-24-79-24

Fax (33-1) 14-52-47-876

e-mail jan.corfee-morlot@oecd.org

31 International Energy Agency (IEA) Scott Sullivan

Tel. (33-1) 40-57-65-54

Fax (33-1) 40-57-65-53

e-mail scott.sullivan@iea.org

IEA climate change studies publications
32 Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment (Globe International) Christopher Le Breton

Tel. (32-2) 230-6589

Fax (32-2) 230-0104

e-mail globeint@village_uunet.be

Demonstration of the Globe climate change campaign - equity, contraction and convergence and actions that we all need to undertake
33 Friends of the Earth International (FOE) Frances McGuire

Tel. (44-171) 566-1687

Fax (44-171) 490-0881

e-mail francesm@foe.co.uk

34 Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) Lisa Jacobson

Tel. (1-202) 785-0507

Fax (1-202) 785-0514

e-mail ljacobson@bcse.org

How clean air technologies provide low-cost solutions: how the private sector can positively contribute to the UNFCCC objectives
35 STAPPA/ALAPCO* Gail Graves

Tel. (1-202) 624-7864

Fax (1-202) 624-7863

e-mail g4clnair@sso.org

36 International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Virginia Sonntag-O'Brien

Tel. (49-761) 368920

Fax (49-761) 36260

e-mail iclei_ccp_europe@compuserve.com

37 Central Research Institute of the Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) CRIEPI

Kasua Asakura

Tel (81-3) 3201-6601

Fax (81-3) 3287-2841

e-mail asakura@criepi.denken.or.jp

38 Edison Electric Institute (EEI) John Novak

Tel. (44-202) 508-5655

Fax (44-202) 508-5150

e-mail johnee@eei.org

39 Informations-Zentrale der Elektrizitäts Wirtschaft e.V. Stephanie Pöttgens

Tel. (49-69) 6304-372

Fax (49-69) 6305-367

e-mail pottgens@ize.f.eunet.de

Climate change activities of the German power industry
40 Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Linda Hertzog

Tel. (1-202) 739-8026

Fax (1-202) 872-0560

e-mail lh@nei.org

41 Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) Daniel Lashof

Tel (1-202) 289-6868

Fax (1-202) 289-1060

e-mail dlashof@nrdc.org

CO2 emissions from major electricity producers in the USA in comparison to data from other countries
42 Emissions Marketing Association (EMA) David Baumann

Tel. (1-414) 276-3819

Fax ((1-414) 276-3349

e-mail dbaumann@emissions.org

43 International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)* Asger Garnak

Tel. (45) 3312-1307

Fax (45) 3312 -1308

e-mail inforse@inforse.dk

Sustainable energy activities of INFORSE network focused on NGO activities in developing countries contributing to climate change mitigation and sustainable development
44 International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) Lucien Royer

Tel. (33-1) 476 3 342 63

Fax (33-1) 4754 9828

e-mail royer@tuac.org

Employment and workplace implementation
45 Fonds E7 pour le développement énergétique durable (E7)* Christian Stoffaes

Tel. (33-1) 40-42-11-20

Fax (33-1) 40-42-36-58

e-mail noelle.delarue@prince.edfgdf.fr

Activities of E7 including three ongoing AIJ projects
46 Nature Conservancy Sonal Pandya

Tel. (1-703) 841-4253

Fax (1-703) 841-4880

e-mail sonal_pandya@tnc.org

Land-use change and forestry as a tool for climate change mitigation: Potential models for the clean development mechanism
47 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in collaboration with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Norine Kennedy

Tel. (1-212) 703-5052

(1-212) 354-4480

Fax (1-212) 575-0327

e-mail nkennedy@uscib.org

48 US Country Studies Programm
(first week only)
Jack Fitzgerald

e-mail jack.fitzgerald@ee.doe.gov

Distribution of literature
48 Bellerive Foundation*
(second week only)
Charles Hayne

Tel. (41-22) 346-88-66

Fax (41-22) 347-91-59

e-mail chayne@cameronmay.com

Trade and environment -information on the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and globalization issues
49 European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) Chistophe Bourillon

Te. (44-171) 402-7122

Fax (44-171) 402-7125

e-mail syoung@ewea.org

50 World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in collaboration with the British Petroleum Company p.l.c.
(second week only)
Simon Worthington

Tel. (44-171) 496 4000

Fax (44-171) 496 4630

e-mail worthis@bp.com

Interactive game on climate change
51 Greenpeace Martina Krueger

e-mail martina.krueger@ams.greenpeace.org

A wind power engine

*Las organizaciones observadoras marcadas con un asterisco (*) han sido admitidas provisoriamente para la COP4.