


21 November 1997

Original: ENGLISH


Third session

Kyoto, 1-10 December 1997

Item 2 (c) and (f) of the provisional agenda




Note by the Executive Secretary

1. The following note has been prepared to update the information contained in the annotations to the provisional agenda for the third session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) (see document FCCC/CP/1997/1). This note reflects views expressed at the October 1997 sessions of the subsidiary bodies and at the Bureau of the COP on 26 October, as well as information communicated by the Government of Japan. It refers to items of the provisional agenda for which additional information is presented, but does not repeat information included in the annotations to the provisional agenda. A list of documents before the third session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 3) will be issued in a further addendum under the symbol FCCC/CP/1997/1/Add.2.

Item 1 (b). Election of the President of the Conference at its third session

2. In accordance with rule 22 of the draft rules of procedure and established practice, the President of the second session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 2) will propose the election as President of COP 3 of Mr. Hiroshi Ohki (Japan), Minister of State, Director-General of the Environment Agency and Minister in Charge of Global Environmental Problems.

Item 1 (d). Addresses of welcome

3. Addresses of welcome will be made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Japan, the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture, and the Mayor of the city of Kyoto.


Item 2 (b). Adoption of the rules of procedure

4. A report by the President of COP 2 on his consultations on the rules of procedure, including proposals for consideration and a draft decision for adoption by the Conference, is contained in document FCCC/CP/1997/5.

Item 2 (c). Adoption of the agenda

5. Parties may wish to note that the Group of 77 and China have submitted a proposal relating to the focus of item 6 of the provisional agenda, the high-level segment attended by ministers and other heads of delegation (see document FCCC/CP/1997/L.1).

Item 2 (d). Election of officers other than the President

(i) Election of officers of the Conference of the Parties other than the President

6. Consultations by the President of COP 2 have led to the following nominations. Those marked with an asterisk are nominated for a second consecutive term of office:

(a) From the Group of African States:

(b) From the Group of Eastern European States:

(c) From the Group of Western European and Other States:

(d) From the Alliance of Small Island States:


Final nominations from the Group of Asian States and from the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States have not yet been presented.

(ii) Election of the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole

7. During consultations with the coordinators of regional groups at the October sessions of the subsidiary bodies, all coordinators endorsed the nomination of Ambassador

Raúl Estrada-Oyuela (Argentina) for the office of Chairman of the Committee of the Whole.

Item 2 (e). Admission of organizations as observers

8. During the October sessions of the subsidiary bodies, the COP Bureau considered the list of applicants from observer organizations and authorized the secretariat to advise all applicants of their "pre-admittance status", on the understanding that the final authority for the admission of observers rests with the COP.

9. The Bureau did not express an objection to any of the organizations listed in the annex to document FCCC/CP/1997/4. It recommended that the non-governmental organizations which have an asterisk against their names in that list be admitted only to COP 3, provided that they be invited to re-apply after COP 3 should they wish to continue to participate in the Convention process.

Item 2 (f). Organization of work, including the establishment

of a sessional Committee of the Whole

(ii) Allocation of tasks and establishment of a Committee of the Whole

10. The annotations to the provisional agenda note that decisions on the organization of work will follow the introduction by the Chairmen of the subsidiary bodies of the reports of those bodies, including the decisions recommended for adoption by the COP, and the consequent identification of outstanding issues which need to be allocated to the plenary or to the Committee of the Whole. Unless otherwise decided by the Conference, it is envisaged that all items of the provisional agenda will be allocated to the plenary other than item 5, which will be referred to the Committee of the Whole.

(iii) Schedule of meetings

11. The plenary meeting of the COP to be held on Friday 5 December has now been tentatively scheduled for the afternoon instead of the morning of that day. This meeting will receive status reports from the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole and any officers entrusted with informal consultations. It will take stock and make decisions on the further organization of work, including the setting of time limits on the work of the Committee of the Whole. The informal consultations which were to take place at that time have been brought forward to the morning meeting. The revised tentative schedule of meetings for COP 3 is included as annex I to this document.

12. The eighth session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM) will be reconvened in Kyoto at 3.00 p.m. on 30 November 1997. This will not affect the schedule of meetings proposed in the annex to document FCCC/CP/1997/1 and updated in annex I below.


Item 2 (g). Calendar of meetings of Convention bodies, 1998-1999

13. The November 1998 sessions of the Convention bodies are currently planned to take place in the Hotel Maritim, Bonn, from 16 to 27 November. It has come to the notice of the secretariat that the dates scheduled coincide almost exactly with those of the tenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (Cairo, Egypt, 17 to 27 November). Further, the COP of the Convention to Combat Desertification, which in common with the sessions of the Convention bodies uses conference services supplied by the United Nations Office at Geneva, is envisaging meeting from 2 to 13 November in Dakar, Senegal. The secretariat is asking whether the dates of the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol could be changed to avoid a conflict with the scheduled dates of the sessions of the Convention bodies.

14. If, instead, the dates of the sessions of the Convention bodies were to be changed, the sessions would be held in the Beethovenhalle, Bonn, which might by then be provided with additional meeting space. An option to be explored would be to meet from 2 to 13 November in place of the COP of the Convention to Combat Desertification, whose secretariat has indicated that it might be able to meet from 16 to 27 November. Compared to the Hotel Maritim, a shift to the Beethovenhalle may entail an increase in costs of up to DM 300,000, whatever the date. This differential cannot be confirmed until the cost of using the Beethovenhalle is negotiated and the likely occupancy of hotel rooms at the Hotel Maritim is estimated. In these circumstances, the COP may wish to decide upon the preferred dates for the second sessional period in 1998, and leave it to the secretariat to make the best possible arrangements regarding location, consulting with the Bureau of the COP as needed.

Item 2 (h). Date and venue of the fourth session of the Conference of the Parties

15. The SBI at its seventh session recommended a draft decision for adoption by COP 3 that preparations begin for the fourth session of the COP (COP 4), which is expected to be held in Bonn in November 1998 (see FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I). Offers by Parties to host COP 4 received before the finalization of this item at COP 3 may still be entertained by COP 3. However a decision on this matter cannot be delayed beyond COP 3.

Item 3 (a). Reports of the subsidiary bodies and matters arising therefrom

(i) Reports of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the Ad Hoc Group on Article 13

16. As noted in the annotations to the provisional agenda, the Chairmen of the Convention's subsidiary bodies will introduce the reports of those bodies. The decisions recommended by the subsidiary bodies which the COP will be invited to adopt are included in the following documents:

A complete list of the draft decisions of the subsidiary bodies recommended for adoption by the COP appears in annex II to this addendum.

17. The COP will be invited to adopt the decisions recommended by the subsidiary bodies without further discussion, with the exception of:

18. Before the adoption of draft decision 1 (a) in annex II below, on cooperation with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the President will give the floor to the Chairman Emeritus of the IPCC, Professor Bert Bolin, who will make a statement.

19. In accordance with decision 3/CP.2, paragraph 5 (FCCC/CP/1996/15/Add.1), the secretariat has made available a progress report on its activities relating to technical and financial support to Parties including the status of preparation of national communications by non-Annex I Parties (document FCCC/CP/1997/INF.3). The report is presented for the information of Parties and does not require discussion. The Conference may wish to take note of this information in conjunction with the report of the SBI.

(ii) Report of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

20. As noted in document FCCC/CP/1997/1, paragraphs 68-70, the Chairman of the AGBM will introduce the results of the Group's work. He will transmit to the COP documents including the revised text under negotiation as it emerged from the first part of the Group's eighth session (FCCC/CP/1997/2) and the report of the first part of the eighth session of the AGBM (FCCC/AGBM/1997/8), as well as the other documents which remain on the table (see document FCCC/AGBM/1997/8, para. 22). He will also make an oral report, on his own responsibility, to cover procedural matters relating to the work of the Group as well as certain matters of substance (see document FCCC/AGBM/1997/8, para. 23).

21. The report on the second part of the eighth session of the AGBM (FCCC/AGBM/1997/8/Add.1) will be finalized for presentation to COP 3 and the Conference will be invited to take note of the document when it becomes available.

Item 3 (b). Development and transfer of technologies

22. The issues relating to this item of the provisional agenda were addressed by the SBSTA and the SBI at their recent sessions, resulting in a joint recommendation for a draft decision by the COP on this matter (see item 2 (a) in annex II below). Further discussion of this draft decision should not be necessary as it is foreseen that it will be adopted under item 3 (a) of the provisional agenda.

23. The secretariat, upon the request of the COP (decision 7/CP.2, para. 2 (e)), will organize a round table on transfer of technologies and know-how, to be held on the morning of 9 December 1997. A short report on the round table will be made available as a conference room paper.

Item 3 (c). Financial mechanism: report of the Global Environment Facility

to the Conference

24. A representative of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) will introduce the report of the GEF to the COP.

Item 6. High-level segment attended by ministers and other heads of delegation

25. As indicated in the annotations on this item contained in document FCCC/CP/1997/1, paragraphs 71 to 76, ministers and other heads of delegation of Parties, and representatives of observer States and organizations, will have the opportunity to make statements at the plenary meetings to be held on the morning, afternoon and evening of Monday, 8 December, and Tuesday, 9 December. Intensive informal consultations are expected to be held in parallel with the plenary debate leading to the conclusion of a protocol or another legal instrument, and its adoption on 10 December.

26. Parties may wish to note that the Group of 77 and China have submitted a proposal relating to the focus of this item of the provisional agenda (see document FCCC/CP/1997/L.1).

27. Arrangements for the opening ceremony for the high-level segment will be communicated in due course.

28. The list of speakers for this item of the provisional agenda was opened by the secretariat on 28 October 1997 in Bonn. Those Parties still wishing to be added to the list are urged to contact Ms. June Budhooram of the secretariat as soon as possible. From 26 November Ms. Budhooram may be contacted at the Kyoto International Conference Hall by telephone +81.75.705.2701; fax +81.75.705.2702; email: jbudhooram@unfccc.de.

29. In view of the number of Parties and the time available for statements by them during the high-level segment, it will be necessary to limit the duration of each statement to some five minutes. The COP should set the time-limit for statements during the high-level segment at the start of the session, on the basis of the number of speakers inscribed on the list held by the secretariat. Statements by observers should conform to a somewhat shorter time limit. Delegations that wish to submit written statements are kindly requested to provide a sufficient number of copies to the conference officer for distribution. A minimum of 250 copies should be provided to ensure at least one copy per delegation, as well as copies for observer states. Additional copies would be required for a broader distribution. The secretariat is not able to reproduce such statements.

30. Arrangements for statements by non-governmental organizations will be considered by the Bureau of the COP early in the session.

31. With reference to paragraphs 42 and 76 of the annotations to the provisional agenda, document FCCC/CP/1997/1, please note that no provision is being made for an initialling of the text of a protocol or another legal instrument or signature of a final act.

Annex I







Monday, 1 December

10 a.m - 11 a.m.

Item 1






Opening of the session

Statement by the President of COP 2

Election of the President of COP 3

Statement by the President

Addresses of welcome

Statement by the Executive Secretary

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Item 2






Item 3


Item 2 (f)

Organizational matters

Status of ratification of the Convention

Adoption of the rules of procedure

Adoption of the agenda

Election of officers other than the President

Admission of organizations as observers

Review of the implementation of the Convention

Reports of the subsidiary bodies and matters arising therefrom:

  • Statements by the Chairmen
  • Adoption of draft decisions
  • Identification of outstanding issues

Organization of work

  • Establishment of a sessional Committee of the Whole
  • Allocation of tasks
  • Schedule of meetings

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Item 2 (f) Item 3




Review of the implementation of the Convention

Financial mechanism: report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference

Development and transfer of technologies

Item 5

Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate (Committee of the Whole will convene immediately after the completion of item 2(f) in plenary) (possible extension to 8 p.m.)

* Subject to decisions on allocation of items to the Committee of the Whole.




Tuesday, 2 December

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Informal consultations

Item 5

Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Informal consultations

Item 5

Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate

Wednesday, 3 December

10 am. - 1 p.m.

Item 2 (g)


Item 3 (d)



Item 4

Calendar of meetings of Convention bodies, 1998-1999

Date and venue of the fourth session of the Conference of

the Parties

Second review of the adequacy of Article 4.2 (a) and (b)

Review of information and possible decisions under

Article 4.2(f)

Other matters relating to implementation

Amendments to the Convention and its Annexes

Item 5

Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Informal consultations

Item 5

Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate

Thursday, 4 December

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Informal consultations

Item 5

Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Informal consultations

Item 5

Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate

Friday, 5 December

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Informal consultations

Item 5


Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Item 2 (f)

Item 3 (a)

Item 7

Stock-taking and decisions on further organization of

work, including setting time limits on the work of the

Committee of the Whole and any consultations.

Status reports by the Chairman of the Committee of the

Whole and by officers entrusted with informal consultations.

Reports of the subsidiary bodies and matters arising therefrom

Other matters

Item 5

Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument: fulfilment of the Berlin Mandate

(after plenary)




Saturday, 6 December

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Informal consultations

To be decided

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Informal consultations

To be decided

Monday, 8 December

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Item 6

High-level segment attended by ministers and other heads of delegation

Statements at the opening of the high-level segment

Statements by ministers and other heads of delegation

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Statements (continued)

To be decided

7 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Statements (continued)

To be decided

Tuesday, 9 December

10. a.m. - 1 p.m.

Item 6

Statements (continued)

To be decided

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Item 6

Statements (continued)

To be decided

7 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Item 6

Statements (concluded)

To be decided

Wednesday, 10 December

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Item 2 (i)

Items 2,

3 and 4

Adoption of the report on credentials

Adoption of outstanding decisions

3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Item 5

Item 8



Adoption of a protocol or another legal instrument

Conclusion of the session

Adoption of the report of the Conference of the Parties

on its third session

Closure of the session


Annex II



1. Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA):

(a) Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (see document FCCC/SBSTA/1997/14, annex I, 1);

(b) Development of observational networks of the climate system (see document FCCC/SBSTA/1997/14, annex I, 2).

2. Jointly recommended by the SBSTA and SBI:

(a) Development and transfer of technologies (see document FCCC/SBSTA/1997/14, annex I, 3);

(b) Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase (see document FCCC/SBSTA/1997/14, annex I, 4);

(c) Division of labour between the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 1);

(d) Communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 4).

3. Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI):

(a) Programme budget for the biennium 1998-1999 (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 2);

(b) Volume of documentation (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 3);

(c) Review of the financial mechanism (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 5);

(d) Annex to the Memorandum of Understanding on the determination of funding necessary and available for the implementation of the Convention (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 6);

(e) Fourth session of the Conference of the Parties (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 7);

(f) Financial performance of the Convention in the biennium 1996-1997 (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 8);

(g) Arrangements for administrative support to the Convention secretariat (see document FCCC/SBI/1997/21, annex I, 9).

4. Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 (AG13):

Future work of the Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 (see document FCCC/AG13/1997/4, annex III).

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