


29 May 1998



Eighth session

Bonn, 2-12 June 1998

Item 7 (b) of the provisional agenda



Options for technology information centres and networks


Note by the secretariat



Paragraph Page


A. Mandate 1 - 3 3

B. Scope of the note 4 - 6 3

C. Possible action by the SBSTA 7 4




A. Consultations with the Global Environment Facility 10 - 15 5

B. Consultations with other international organizations 14 - 16 6


Paragraph Page


A. Options for (an) international technology information

centre(s) 21 - 41 8

B. Needs and possible means for enhancing capacity

of national information centres in non-Annex I Parties 42 - 45 12



I. Response of the Global Environment Facility 13

II. Summaries of responses from other international 15




A. Mandate

B. Scope of the note

C. Possible action by the SBSTA


(a) Consider the need to establish a dedicated information system, comprising (an) international technology information centre(s) as well as enhanced national and regional centres, for the dissemination of information on environmentally sound technologies and know-how in support of the Convention;

(b) Consider the functions, types of services and sectors to be covered by (an) international technology information centre(s) and provide guidance for consideration by the SBI on the financial and institutional arrangements for such (a) centre(s) and networks;

(c) Provide guidance on needs and possible means of enhancing the capacity of national and regional information centres in non-Annex I Parties; and

(d) Consider ways and means to operationalize an international technology information centre or centres as well as enhanced national and regional centres.



A. Consultations with the Global Environment Facility

(a) Relate to Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention;

(b) Are country driven and in conformity with, and supportive of, national development priorities;

(c) Are consistent with and supportive of internationally agreed programmes of action for sustainable development;

(d) Transfer technology that is environmentally sound and adapted to local conditions;

(e) Are sustainable and lead to wider application;

(f) Are cost-effective;

(g) Strive to leverage other funds.

B. Consultations with other international organizations

International organizations: sectoral coverage and collaboration


Proposed 'in-house'

sectoral coverage

Proposed specific collaboration partnerships


ð Agricultural focal point


Industry and Environment

ð Environmentally sustainable technologies for industry products and processes with particular focus on mitigation technologies

ð Waste management

ð IETC (Japan) focusing on environmentally sound technologies for urban and freshwater management

ð RISØ-UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment (according to expertise)

ð TERI (according to expertise)


ð Focal point for industry-related activities directed at reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions

ð UNEP (Cleaner Production Centres programme)


ð Health focal point

ð Inter-Agency Network on Climate and Human Health (INCH) comprising the WMO, UNEP and FAO (tentatively)


ð Hydrological and agricultural focal points (others could be considered)

ð FAO, UNEP, UNESCO and International Agricultural Research Centres under the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research system


(a) (An) international technology information centre or centres; and

(b) Needs and possible means for enhancing capacity of national information centres in non-Annex I Parties.

A. Options for (an) international technology information centre(s)

(i) A plan for information dissemination;

(ii) The types of information services provided;

(iii) Sectoral coverage;

(iv) Organizational structures and lead institution(s); and

(v) Levels and sources of funding.

(i) A plan for information dissemination

(a) Assigning priority to the delivery of on-line information services;

(b) Providing targeted 'off-line' coverage (for example, diskettes, CD-ROMs, hard copy newsletters) to countries and regions with poor access to on-line services;

(c) Providing a supplementary hard copy newsletter describing developments in the international information system/network, and the national and regional centres and networks; and

(d) Developing a strategy to provide guidance for the endorsement of existing focal point technology newsletters (existing forums which specialize, for example, in solar photovoltaic or advanced coal combustion technologies).

(ii) Information services

(a) Establishing a home Web site to serve as the main gateway to the enhanced environmentally sound technology information network in support of the Convention;

(b) Deciding on the breadth and depth of desired outreach: the scope of sectoral coverage and the level of expertise supported in each focal area;

(c) Determining the extent to which delivery of certain information services (e.g. databases of vendors/suppliers of technology) may be achieved through alliances between the coordinating centre and existing suppliers of technology information (for example, a formal alliance with a geographically expanded IEA/OECD GREENTIE initiative);

(d) Supporting a query or 'clearinghouse' service where users can obtain answers to specific questions; and

(e) Defining an overall mission that, inter alia, could consider the extent to which information services in the form of training and analysis would be provided.

Two important components of a 'user-tailored' information services strategy are:

(a) User identification and feedback mechanisms; and

(b) An emphasis on "transactional" communication enabling users to communicate between themselves regarding their technology needs and experiences.

(iii) Sectoral coverage

(iv) Organizational structures and lead institution(s)

(v) Levels and sources of funding

B. Needs and possible means for enhancing capacity of national and regional information centres in non-Annex I Parties

(a) Approaches to technology information needs within guidelines for national communications by non-Annex I Parties; and

(b) The merits of developing, in collaboration with the GEF, specific eligibility criteria for funding related to technology information dissemination under enabling activities or other capacity-building activities. Such criteria could encourage greater compatibility between (i) new or enhanced national and regional centres and networks and any new coordinating network at the international level; and (ii) the information services supplied and those demanded.

Annex I


"GEF already provides support to national institutions for disseminating information about climate friendly technologies in a number of ways. First, the GEF support assists in providing information in those projects where the lack of information prevents the widespread dissemination of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies. Second, support has been provided to such institutions for establishment of appropriate national standards, economic and financial analysis, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, demonstration, and training for these technologies. Sometimes such national centres are established with GEF support, for instance to help in development of standards and certification. Third, using project development resources, GEF has supported existing national centres to assess technologies that could be the target of future GEF projects, as in the case of solar towers. And fourth, through enabling activity projects, GEF has also provided modest support for public awareness and network connectivity to international sources of climate related information.

Achieving the long-term goals of the Convention and the programmatic objectives of GEF's Operational Strategy will require widespread replication of successful projects for the abatement of greenhouse gases. We in the GEF realize that dissemination of information about successful energy efficiency and renewable energy projects will be more cost-effective than mere replication. We therefore intend to support national centres in countries where projects have been successful in sustaining global benefits, to become centres of excellence that will be repositories of information about technology, servicing other areas within the country as well as countries in the region and beyond.

Our understanding of the Convention is that resources made available through the financial mechanism are to be used by developing country parties to implement measures covered by Articles 4.1 and 12. This emphasis is reinforced by the GEF's Instrument, its Operational Strategy and the comparative advantage of its Implementing Agencies. Given the mandate to support in-country activities, GEF does not provide budgetary financing for the staff or activities of international organizations or other international bodies to fulfill their own mandates, even those concerned with the global environment. Such support, we feel should come from other relevant international organizations. However, the GEF would be able to provide support to developing countries to facilitate national access to the information provided by international centres, and to strengthen national capacity to work with these centres."

Examples of GEF projects that include support for the

dissemination of information on technologies

Goal of information dissemination

Examples of projects

1. To provide information which facilitates dissemination of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies

Provision of information for win-win projects:

Brazil: Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Project. Barrier removal through information dissemination and technical advisory services.

China: Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy -- support provided to the Centre for Renewable Energy Development to strengthen Information Management and Documentation capabilities.

2. To establish appropriate national standards

China: CFC-free Energy Efficient Refrigerators -- provides support for the development of efficiency standards and labelling program, and consumer awareness.

3. For pre-feasibility and feasibility studies

Vietnam: (PDF-B) Geothermal Project -- evaluation of temperature profiles of wells.

4. To strengthen capabilities to undertake economic and financial analysis

Bolivia: Renewable Energy-based Rural Electrification - strengthening of analytic capability in financial institutions interested in becoming involved in rural electrification.

5. To disseminate the results of demonstration projects

Malaysia: Industrial Energy Efficiency Project -- includes a component for the documentation and dissemination of the results of demonstration projects.

6. To provide training

Sri Lanka: Energy Services Delivery Project -- the capacity building component provides training and technical support for renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives by both the public and private sectors.

7. To support existing national centres to undertake technology assessment

Brazil, (PDF-B): Reducing the long-term costs of solar thermal power generation technologies -- evaluation of all promising solar thermal technology choices.

8. To provide support for public awareness and network connectivity to international sources of climate-related information

Uzbekistan: Enabling Activity Project -- activity 2 provides US$54,000 to identify and create links to international sources of information and gain information on issues and options related to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. There are many similar examples in this category.

Annex II



1. Food and Agriculture Organization

The activities of FAO include 'no regrets' approaches to addressing agriculture-related vulnerabilities to both climate variability and climate change. In this capacity, FAO assembles and maintains a number of databases relevant to mitigation of agriculture-based greenhouse gases and agricultural adaptation.

2. United Nations Environment Programme - Industry and Environment (UNEP - IE)

UNEP- IE has experience and capability related to information systems to support the transfer of environmentally sound technologies through its work with the OzonAction programme in support of the Montreal Protocol and with the cleaner production technologies in support of the Basel Convention. In addition, UNEP-IE has undertaken a number of climate technology-related activities under its work programme as an implementing agency of the GEF. UNEP has asked to be considered as the focal point for an international technology information centre in collaboration with a core group of "centres of excellence", according to each organization's area of expertise, including the RISØ-UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment.

3. United Nations Industrial Development Organization

UNIDO has experience in setting up and providing support for national and regional information systems and networks. It has several programmes in different areas including clean production, energy and environment, science and high technology, renewable energies, and technology transfer. UNIDO is an existing focal point for industry-related activities, with in-house expertise in various industrial sub-sectors. UNIDO has indicated that it could act as a focal point, including serving as an operational hub, to support the work of an international technology information centre in collaboration with other relevant specialized agencies.

4. World Health Organization

WHO with its network of regional offices, country offices and collaborating centres, represents a significant part of the existing international institutional capacity to deliver health-related climate-relevant technology information services.

WHO has expressed interest in supporting an international climate technology information centre. It has indicated that any contribution it makes to support the work of (an) international technology information centre(s) and enhanced national and regional centres would be in the context of the plans for the proposed Inter-Agency (UN) Network on Climate and Human Health (INCH) and any possible future follow-up on activities. The plan to establish INCH includes WMO and UNEP collaboration.

5. World Meteorological Organization

WMO is supplying information relevant to technology transfer through its network of members nationally and regionally. The WMO has indicated that it could serve as an 'international sub-centre' in specific areas (e.g. hydrology and agriculture) at moderate additional cost.

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1. For the full texts of decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its third session, see document FCCC/CP/1997/7/Add.1.

2. For the full texts of decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its second session, see document FCCC/CP/1996/15/Add.1.

3. UNEP Survey of Information Systems Related to Environmentally Sound Technologies, UNEP, April 1997.

4. The secretariat participated in the third Energy and Environment Technology Information Centre executive committee meeting held in Finland on 25 and 26 February 1998. The secretariat requested GREENTIE to consider approaches to widening the scope of its product/vendor database to include vendors from developing countries. As at 1 May 1998, the secretariat had not received a formal response.

5. The G7 environment and natural resources management project includes the GELOS system - an electronic library of environmental information.

6. APEC has established an Industrial Science and Technology Working Group which considers, among other things, environmental technologies.

7. Two main sources are (a) 'The transfer of ESTs: the role of information systems', UNEP-IE, Commission on Sustainable Development, sixth session, 20 April-1 May 1998, background paper No. 20, and (b) the UNEP Survey of Information Systems Related to Environmentally Sound Technologies, UNEP, April 1997.

8. 'Transfer of ESTs: the role of 'Information Systems', UNEP-IE, Commission on Sustainable Development, sixth session, 20 April-1 May 1998, background paper No. 20.

9. This annex contains the view of the GEF as expressed in its letter responding to the request from the secretariat for information. Also appended is additional information (see table), provided by the GEF, showing examples of GEF projects that include support for the dissemination of information on technologies.