12 November 1997





Eighth session, second part

Kyoto, 30 November 1997

Item 3 of the provisional agenda


Proposals from Parties

Note by the secretariat

  1. In addition to the proposals already received (see FCCC/AGBM/1997/MISC.1 and Add. 1-9), a further proposal has been received from Japan.

  2. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, this proposal is attached and is reproduced in the language in which it was received and without formal editing.




Submission No. Page

Japan 3

(Submission dated 31 October 1997)


Article X


1. Each country included in the Annex I to the Convention shall reduce its average annual anthropogenic emission of its carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases listed in Annex G over a period from 2008 to 2012 by 5% from its 1990 level.


2. In lieu of paragraph 1 above, each country included in the Annex I to the Convention which meets the following conditions may apply any one of the following alternative reduction rates for its reduction of its average annual anthropogenic emission of its carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases listed in Annex G over a period from 2008 to 2012 from its 1990 level.


(a) For a country of which emission per GDP in 1990 is less than the emission per GDP of all countries included in Annex I to the Convention in 1990, its alternative reduction rate is calculated by:

(i) dividing its emission per GDP in 1990 by the emission per GDP of all Annex I countries in 1990; and

(ii) multiplying the above resulting figure by 5.


(b) For a country of which emission per capita in 1990 is less than the emission per capita of all countries included in Annex I to the Convention in 1990, its alternative reduction rate is calculated by:

(i) dividing its emission per capita in 1990 by the emission per capita of all Annex I countries in 1990; and

(ii) multiplying the above resulting figure by 5.


(c) For a country of which population growth from 1990 to 1995 exceeds the population growth of all countries included in Annex I to the Convention for the same period, its population growth for the same period should be considered in deciding the QELROs of the country. Concrete formulation of alternative reduction rates is to be developed.


3. As the reduction rate for each country applied in accordance with paragraph 1 and 2 above could include a portion expected from future technological development and changes of energy situation and industrial structure, etc. which are uncertain factors not foreseen at present, compliance clauses in regard to the portion above shall have certain flexibility. Accordingly, for example, it is considered that countries which come short of their targets due to the portion shall not be considered as being in a state of non-compliance. Formulation of this flexibility has to be developed in this legal instrument.


4. For each country, its targeted emission based on paragraphs 1 and 2 deducted by the portion described in paragraph 3 shall not exceed its emission in 1990.


5. Banking, borrowing, emissions trading and joint implementation should be introduced under certain conditions.


6. Emissions for the second budget period shall not exceed those for the first budget period from 2008 to 2012. More sophisticated method of differentiation should be applied for the second budget period.


* Paragraph 2.(c), 3., 5., 6., above show basic ideas, and concrete provisions for them should be developed in due course.

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