30 October 1997




Eighth session

Bonn, 20 - 31 October 1997



Additional proposals from Parties


Note by the secretariat

1. In addition to the proposals already received (see FCCC/AGBM/1997/MISC.1 and Add. 1-8), a further proposal has been received from the United Republic of Tanzania (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China).

2. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, this proposal is attached and is reproduced in the language in which it was received and without formal editing.





Paper No. Page

United Republic of Tanzania 3

(On behalf of the Group of 77 and China)

(Submission dated 30 October 1997)


(On behalf of the Group of 77 and China)



-PART 1-



The Parties to this Protocol

Being Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change hereinafter referred to as the "Convention",

In pursuit of the ultimate objective of the Convention as stated in its Article 2,

Recalling the provisions of the Convention and being guided by its Article 3 and Article 4.2(d),

In pursuant to the Berlin Mandate adopted by decision 1/CP.1 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention at its first session,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1


Same as the non-group Chairman's text of 28 October 1997 (5:30)

Article 14

1. The Conference of the Parties, as the supreme body of the Convention, shall serve as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol.

2. Parties to the Convention that are not Parties to the Protocol may participate as observers in the proceedings of any sessions of the meeting of the Parties. When the Conference of the Parties exercises its functions as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, decisions under the Protocol shall be taken only by those of its members that are, at that time, Parties of this Protocol.

3. When the Conference of the Parties exercises its functions as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, any member of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties representing a Party to the Convention but, at that time, not a Party to this Protocol, shall be substituted by an additional member to be elected by and from amongst the Parties to this Protocol.

4. When the Conference of the Parties exercises its functions as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, in light of the review under Article 4.2(d) and 7.2 of the Convention, it shall keep under regular review the implementation of this Protocol and the adequacy of the commitment therein. It shall make, within its mandate, the decisions under the Protocol necessary to promote its effective implementation. To this end, it shall perform the following functions:

(a) Promote and facilitate the exchange of information on measures adopted by the Parties to address climate change and its effects, taking into account the differing circumstances, responsibilities and capabilities of the Parties and their respective commitments under the Protocol;

(b) Facilitate, at the request of two or more Parties, the co-ordination of measures adopted by them to address climate change and its effects, taking into account the differing circumstances, responsibilities and capabilities of the Parties and their respective commitments under the Protocol;

(c) Promote and guide, in accordance with the objective of the Convention, related decisions of the Conference of the Parties, and the provisions of the Protocol, the development and periodic refinement of comparable methodologies, to be agreed on by the meeting of the Parties, inter alia, for preparing inventories of greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks, and for evaluating the effectiveness of measures to limit the emissions and enhance the removals of these gases;

(d) Consider and adopt regular reports on the implementation of the Protocol including the adequacy of commitments and ensure their publication;

(e) Make recommendations on any matters necessary for the implementation of the Protocol;

(f) Seek and mobilize additional funding for the implementation of the Protocol,

(g) Seek and utilize, where appropriate, the services and co-operation of, and information provided by, competent international organisations and intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies; and

(h) Exercise any other such functions as may be required for the implementation of this Protocol, and shall consider any assignment resulting from a decision of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.

5. The first session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol shall be convened after the date of entry into force of this Protocol in conjunction with the ordinary session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention. Subsequent ordinary sessions shall be held every year and in conjunction with ordinary sessions of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties.


6. Extraordinary sessions shall be held at such times as may be deemed necessary by the Conference of the Parties serving as meeting of the Parties, or at the written request of any Party, provided that, within six months of such a request being communicated to the Parties by the secretariat, it is supported by at least one third of the Parties.

7 The United Nations, its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any state member thereof, or observers thereto not Party to the Convention may be represented at sessions of the meeting of the Parties as observers. Any body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, which is qualified in matters covered by this Protocol and which has informed the secretariat of its wish to be represented at a session of the meeting of the Parties as an observer, may be so admitted unless at least one third of the Parties present object. The admission and participation of observers shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties.

8 Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 to 7 above, the Parties to this Protocol may also meet at any such times as may be deemed necessary by the Parties to this Protocol.


Article 16

Replace the second sentence of Article 16.1 with the following:

"Their functioning with respect to the Convention shall apply except for Article 10.2 (a) of the Convention, mutatis mutandis to this Protocol."

Article 17 (bis)

Add the following paragraph:

There shall be a periodic evaluation, for the period 2001-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2015, and 2016-2020, of the compliance to each Annex I Party with its QELROS.

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