1 August 1997



Ad Hoc Group on Article 13

Fifth session

Bonn, 28-30 July 1997

Item 3 of the provisional agenda



Submissions from Parties


Note by the secretariat

1. At its fourth session, the Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 (AG13) invited Parties to submit by 1 June 1997 any proposals they might have on the compilation text contained in annex II of the Report on the session (FCCC/AG13/1997/2 para. 13 (c)). Two such submissions were received in June 1997 and have been published (FCCC/AG13/1997/MISC.2). One additional submission(1)* has been received.

2. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, this submission is attached and is reproduced in the language in which it was received and without formal editing.


GE.97- 70241


Paper No. Page

1. Netherlands 3

(on behalf of European Community and its member States)

(Submission dated 29 July 1997)





(on behalf of European Community and its member States)






1. In conformity with Article 13 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, hereinafter referred to as "the Convention", a multilateral consul tative process, hereinafter referred to as "the process", is hereby established by the Conference of the Parties.


2. The objective of the process is to provide Parties to the Convention on their request with advice on questions regarding the implementation of the Convention, with a view to:

(a) facilitating implementation of the Convention by individual Parties;

(b) promoting understanding of the Convention;

(c) preventing disputes from arising;

(d) find solutions for difficulties encountered by Parties in the implementation of the Convention.

[Nature and scope]

3. The process shall be conducted in a facilitative, cooperative, non-confrontational, transparent, timely manner, and be non-judicial. Parties concerned will be entitled to participate fully in the process.

4. The process will be separate from, and without prejudice to, the provisions of

Article 14.


5. To further the objective of the process, a Multilateral Consultative Committee, hereinafter referred to as "the Committee", is hereby established.


6. The Committee shall consider:

(a) in consultation with the Party or Parties concerned, submissions made by a Party or Parties, and all other relevant information, which is to be made available to it by other Convention bodies;

(b) providing assistance to Parties in relation to difficulties they encounter in the course of implementation, including:

(i) clarification of questions; and

(ii) advice and recommendations on technical and financial aspects related to the solution of these difficulties; and

(c) any tasks entrusted to it by the COP.

7. The Committee will not in any way duplicate activities performed by other Convention bodies.


8. The Committee will consist of 10 members.


9. The members will be persons, nominated by governments, acting in their individual capacity, who are experts with relevant knowledge in the field of the Convention. The Committee may draw upon such outside expertise as it deems necessary.


10. The members will be elected by the CoP for a term which coincides withe the period between two meetings of the CoP, based on equitable geographical distribution and the principal of rotation. They may be reelected for one additional term only. The chairmen of the other subsidiary bodies of the CoP may be invited by the Committee to participate as observers in the meetings of the Committee.


11. The Committee will meet at least once a year, and in the interim as and when necessary. Meetings of the Committee will, whenever practicable, take place in conjunction with sessions of the CoP or its subsidiary bodies.

[How issues would be taken up]

12. The Committee will receive, consider and report on any submission made by one or more Parties and references made to it by the CoP. Such submissions or references shall be supported by specific corroborating information.


13. The conclusions and recommendations of the Committee will be sent to the Party or Parties concerned, for its or their consideration. The opinion of the Party or Parties concerned, insofar as it differs from these conclusions and recommendations, will be fully reflected in the report on the matter.


14. The Committee will report to the CoP on all aspects of its work, in due time before its sessions, with a view to the CoP taking whatever decisions it considers necessary. Its conclusions and recommendations will also be made available to the SBI.


15. The functions and mandate of the Committee may be further elaborated by the CoP to take account of changing circumstances or experience gained with the working of the process.

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1. *** In order to make this submission available on electronic systems, including the World Wide Web, this contribution has been electronically scanned and/or retyped. The secretariat has made every effort to ensure the correct reproduction of the text as submitted.