


19 February 1996




Second session

Geneva, 27 February - 4 March 1996

Item 5 (a) (ii) of the provisional agenda


Second session

Geneva, 27 February - 4 March 1996

Item 3 (a) (ii) of the provisional agenda








Part Two: Tables of inventories of anthrogenic emissions and removals in 1990

and projected anthropogenic emissions in 2000

Note by the secretariat




General notes 2

Explanatory notes 3

Tables A.1-A.8 Inventories of anthropogenic emissions and 4

removals in 1990

Tables B.1-B.5 Projected anthropogenic emissions in 2000 20



Tables A.1 - A.8


Tables B.1 - B.5

General notes to the tables

Data on inventories of emissions and removals as well as data on projections are included in the tables below. The purpose of these tables is to present in a consistent and comparable fashion inventory data from all the national communications received by the secretariat. However, it should be borne in mind that part of the information taken from national communications received since the first compilation and synthesis and presented in these tables is provisional and has not been subject to a technical analysis and review by experts. The data provided by the Parties will be further reviewed and analysed for incorporation in the second compilation and synthesis of national communications from

Annex I Parties to be prepared for the Conference of the Parties at its second session.

In some cases, the figures presented do not correspond to those in national communications as originally submitted. To the extent possible, such cases are explained in the notes to the tables, with the exception of differences resulting from rounding due to data input and processing. Differences have arisen from corrections of typographical and calculation errors or omissions, the incorporation of data communicated in the course of in-depth reviews and the presentation (for consistency and comparability) of subtotals and totals not provided in the communications.

Some of the differences are due to the fact that, in striving to ensure consistency and comparability of results, the secretariat has had to convert some of the estimates reported so that they concur with the guidelines for preparation of national communications. Such changes include subtraction of emissions from bunker fuels and "electricity import corrections".

The tables comprise estimates provided by 28 Parties included in Annex I to the Convention and Belgium that is to become a Party on 15 April 1996, plus estimates provided by Liechtenstein and Monaco.

Explanatory notes to the tables

Blanks in the tables signify either an absence of quantitative information or the fact that only qualitative information was provided. The secretariat has chosen to leave the spaces blank in order not to complicate the reading of the tables. The figure "zero" appears in the tables only when reported as such by the Parties.

Two dots (..) indicate that data were not estimated or reported in the national communication.

Two hyphens (--) indicate that the item is not applicable.

A minus sign (-) indicates a deficit or decrease, except as indicated.

A plus sign (+) indicates an increase.

A full stop (.) is used to indicate decimals.

(~) before data indicates an approximation.

(<) indicates that the actual data are equal to or less than the data provided.

(>) indicates that the actual data are equal to or greater than the data provided.

References to "guidelines" are to document A/AC.237/55, annex I, decision 9/2, annex to this decison entitled "Guidelines for the preparation of first communications by Annex I Parties". Text in italics under the tables indicates major source/sink categories from the IPCC Guidelines.

The following chemical symbols have been used:

CF4 Tetrafluoromethane

CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons


CH4 Methane

CO Carbon monoxide

CO2 Carbon dioxide

HCFCs Hydrochlorofluorocarbons

HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons

N2O Nitrous oxide

NOx Nitrogen oxides

NMVOCs Non-methane volatile organic compounds

PFCs Perfluorocarbons

SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride

VOCs Volatile organic compounds

The following weights have been used:

Gg Gigagrams (109 grams)

Table A.1 Anthropogenic CO2 emissions, excluding land use change and forestry, 1990 (Provisional)

(Gigagrams and percentage of total by Party)


Energy Industrial processes Waste Other** Total


Fuel combustion* Fugitive fuel emissions

(Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg)

Australia 277,987 96.2 4,086 1.4 6,892 2.4 288,965a)

Austria 57,100 96.5 2,100b) 3.5 59,200

Belgium 106,298 92.9 7,198 6.3 914 0.8 114,410

Canada 418,947 91.6 15,756 3.4 21,224 4.6 1,514 0.3 457,441

Czech Republicc) 157,364 94.9 0 0.0 8,428 5.1 165,792a)

Denmark 50,934 97.8 1,166 2.2 52,100

Estoniad) 37,170 98.0 627 1.7 150 0.4 37,947a)

Finland 52,600 97.6 100 0.2 1,200 2.2 53,900

France 349,660 95.4 181 0.0 16,695 4.6 e) f) 366,536a)

Germanyc) 987,000 97.2 0 0.0 28,000 2.8 1,015,000

Greece 76,210 92.8 5,890 7.2 g) 82,100

Hungary 68,105h) 95.0 3,568i) 5.0 71,673j)

Ireland 29,038 94.5 0 0.0 1,627 5.3 54 0.2 30,719

Italy 401,350 93.6 27,591 6.4 k) 0 0.0 428,941a)

Japan 1,075,360 91.6 53,000 4.5 45,000l) 3.8 1,173,360

Latvia 22,606 98.4 371 1.6 22,976

Liechtensteinm) 208

Monaco 71 100.0 71

Netherlands 164,800 98.3 1,900 1.1 900 0.5 167,600

New Zealand 22,769 89.2 271 1.1 2,490 9.8 25,530a)

Norway 26,967 75.9 1,694 4.8 6,494 18.3 81n) 0.2 297 0.8 35,533

Polando) p) q) r) s) 414,930

Portugal 38,686 91.8 3,462 8.2 42,148

Romaniam) 171,103t)

Russian Federationm) 2,327,939u) 97.5 18,330 0.8 40,326 1.7 2,386,595

Slovak Republic 55,033 94.4 2,775 4.8 470 0.8 58,278

Spainc) 209,012 84.3 413 0.2 17,696 7.1 2,159l) 0.9 18,725 7.6 248,005a)

Sweden 55,122 90.0 53 0.1 4,972 8.1 275n) 0.4 834v) 1.4 61,256a)

Switzerland 40,800 93.6 0 0.0 2,100 4.8 700 1.6 0 0.0 43,600a)

UKc) 563,401 97.6 5,677 1.0 7,421w) 1.3 512l) 0.1 577,012

USA 4,895,432 98.8 6,560 0.1 55,030x) 1.1 4,957,022a)


Totaly) 12,567,690 96.5 53,121 0.4 330,243 2.5 52,650 0.4 20,006 0.2 13,609,951

*See notes to Table A.2. **Includes source/sink categories solvent use and agriculture. In the light of the different ways of reporting used by Parties, emissions from land use change and forestry were excluded from the table for comparison and consistency purposes. Emission estimates were provided for the following source/sink categories for which no IPCC default methods exist: production of iron and steel, aluminium, other non-ferrous metals, ammonia, soda ash, lime, glass, fertilizer, other organic chemicals and CO2 manufacture, limestone use and flue gas desulphurization and solvent use.


a) These Parties originally included land use change and forestry in their

total CO2 estimates.

b) Emissions from iron and steel were included in energy under energy and transformation industries.

c) Revised/additional data were provided during the in-depth review.

d) Party provided estimates for an additional category, wetlands, which

was not included in this table.

e) Estimate of 8,038 Gg provided for emissions from waste but not

included in national total.

f) Estimate of 4 Gg provided for emissions from agricultural waste

burning but not included in national total.

g) Estimate of 2,700 Gg provided for emissions from agricultural waste

burning but not included in national total.

h) Emissions for base period (1986-1987): 80,089 Gg.

i) Emissions for base period (1986-1987): 3,587 Gg

j) Total emissions for base period (1986-1987): 83,676 Gg.

k) Estimate of 7,282 Gg provided for emissions from waste but not

included in national total.

l) Parties deviated from IPCC Guidelines by including CO2 emissions

from organic waste combustion, aerobic, organic carbon in landfills,

dumps, sludge or compost facilities in national total.

m) Party did not provide inventory data according to IPCC reporting


n) No details provided as to whether CO2 emissions from organic

waste combustion, aerobic, organic carbon in landfills, dumps, sludge

or compost facilities were included in national total.

o) The secretariat chose to report the emissions total only, as the Party used the CORINAIR reporting format in providing its 1990 inventory


p) Emissions for base year (1988): 483,700 Gg.

q) Emissions for base year (1988): 10,650 (10,450 - 10,850) Gg.

r) Emissions for base year (1988): 8,480 Gg.

s) Emissions for base year (1988): 1,750 (1,200 - 2,300) Gg.

t) The secretariat calculated estimates using per capita emission and

population figures provided by the Party, as well as emissions for base

year (1989): 198,247 Gg.

u) Party included bunker fuel emissions in its national total.

v) Party deviated from IPCC Guidelines by including biogenic emissions

from agriculture in national total.

w) Emissions from iron and steel were included in energy under industry

(fuel combustion).

x) Non-ferrous emissions included under non-fuel industrial uses in


y) The percentages of the total accounted for by each category have been

calculated on the basis of the overall total with the exclusion of

Liechtenstein, Poland and Romania (13,023,710 Gg) since data for the

individual categories for these Parties were not included in the table.


Table A.2 Anthropogenic CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, 1990 (Provisional)

(Gigagrams and percentage of total by Party)

Energy and Industry Residential, Transport Other Total

transformation commercial/institutional


(Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg)


Australia 160,053 57.6 32,568 11.7 8,351 3.0 68,358a) 24.6 8,657 3.1 277,987

Austria 13,700b) 24.0 12,300b) 21.5 12,100 21.2 16,200 28.4 2,800 4.9 57,100

Belgium 21,795 20.5 25,458 23.9 26,519 24.9 20,567 19.3 11,959 11.3 106,298

Canada 137,776 32.9 71,960 17.2 66,780 15.9 139,300 33.3 3,131 0.7 418,947

Czech Republice) 92,642 58.9 21,996 14.0 30,441 19.3 7,401 4.7 4,884 3.1 157,364

Denmark 26,435c) 51.9 5,964 11.7 6,487 12.7 11,241 22.1 807 1.6 50,934

Estonia 28,450 76.5 2,845 7.7 3,224 8.7 2,651 7.1 37,170

Finland 19,500d) 37.1 13,700 26.0 5,800 11.0 11,500 21.9 2,100 4.0 52,600

France 60,813 17.4 71,056 20.3 81,845 23.4 128,124 36.6 7,822 2.2 349,660

Germanye) 440,000f) 44.6 170,000 17.2 198,000 20.1 159,000 16.1 21,000 2.1 987,000

Greece 43,780 57.4 9,700 12.7 8,260g) 10.8 14,460 19.0 76,210

Hungary 29,746h) 43.7 7,893i) 11.6 18,415j) 27.0 8,208k) 12.1 2,462l) 3.6 68,105m)

Ireland 10,863 37.4 5,431 18.7 7,199 24.8 4,885 16.8 660 2.3 29,038

Italy 138,291 34.5 91,345 22.8 67,473 16.8 95,624 23.8 8,617 2.1 401,350

Japan 387,692o) 36.1 296,167 27.5 126,201 11.7 206,800 19.2 58,500n) 5.4 1,075,360

Latvia 8,309 36.8 2,680 11.9 3,140 13.9 5,661 25.0 2,815 12.5 22,606



Netherlands 51,400p) 31.2 33,400 20.3 28,700 17.4 26,900 16.3 24,400q) 14.8 164,800

New Zealand 6,832 30.0 4,334 19.0 1,699 7.5 8,731 38.3 1,173 5.2 22,769

Norway 7,481 27.7 3,023 11.2 2,357 8.7 13,249 49.1 857 3.2 26,967r)

Polands) t) u)

Portugal 19,386 50.1 6,079 15.7 1,936 5.0 9,947 25.7 1,338 3.5 38,686


Russian Federationv) 1,015,684 43.6 458,855 19.7 853,401w) 36.7 2,327,939

Slovak Republicx) 15,679 28.5 21,155 38.4 12,537 22.8 3,628 6.6 2,034 3.7 55,033

Spaine) 76,783 36.7 46,403 22.2 20,340 9.7 60,218 28.8 5,269 2.5 209,012

Sweden 7,041 12.8 13,446 24.4 11,543g) 20.9 23,092 41.9 55,122

Switzerlandf) 1,300 3.2 5,700 14.0 18,100g) 44.4 15,300y) 37.5 400 1.0 40,800

UKe) 231,277 41.1 96,673 17.2 109,149 19.4 119,247 21.2 7,056 1.3 563,401

USA 1,742,471 35.6 1,065,905 21.8 551,002 11.3 1,502,626 30.7 33,428z) 0.7 4,895,432

Total 4,795,179 38.2 2,596,036 20.7 1,427,598 11.4 3,536,319 28.1 212,169 1.7 12,567,690


a) Military transport is included under "other" energy (fuel combustion).

b) Includes waste incineration for the production of energy, without details as

to whether biogenic CO2 emissions were included.

c) The electricity import correction of 6253 Gg was subtracted by the

secretariat from the subtotal given in the communication.

d) Emissions equivalent to electricity imports of 11,000 Gg were also


e) Revised/additional data were provided during the in-depth review.

f) Includes waste incineration for the production of energy.

g) Includes emissions from agriculture and forestry category in energy.

h) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 36,928 Gg.

i) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 10,893 Gg.

j) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 20,042 Gg.

k) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 7,741 Gg.

l) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 4,485 Gg.

m) Total emissions from fuel combustion for base period (1985-1987):

80,089 Gg.

n) Estimates provided during the review include statistical difference

(9,000 Gg.)

o) Party deviated from IPCC Guidelines by including emissions from biomass

burned for energy in energy total because biomass material used is


p) Party also provided temperature adjusted total energy emissions of

171,200 Gg which are not included in this table.

q) Includes actual emissions from agriculture and forestry (8,600 Gg) as

well as feedstocks (14,800 Gg) and statistical difference (1,000 Gg).

r) Figure corrected during the in-depth review.

s) Party provided 1990 inventory data using the CORINAIR reporting


t) Emissions for base year (1988): 34,100 Gg.

u) Emissions for base year (1988): 462,820 Gg.

v) Party did not provide inventory data according to the IPCC reporting


w) Includes emissions from residential, commercial/institutional and other.

x) Emissions include oil and gas production and storage.

y) Emissions from bunker fuels (2,100 Gg) have been subtracted by the

secretariat from the subtotal given in the communication.

z) Emissions from agriculture and forestry category in energy were not

estimated; emissions from energy in the Party's territories are included.

Figure A.1. Distribution of CO2 emissions by sub-source category

Table A.3 Anthropogenic emissions and removals from land use change and forestry (Provisional)

and impact on total CO2 emissions, 1990 (Gigagrams)

Emissions Removals Land use change National CO2 emissions National CO2 emissions

and forestry without land use change with land use change

and forestry* and forestry

A B C = A + B D E = C + D

Australia 156,293a) -25,450b) 130,843 288,965 419,808

Austriac) 59,200 59,200d)

Belgium 114,410 114,410d)

Canada -282 457,441 457,159d)

Czech Republicz) -2,265 165,792 163,527

Denmark -2,600 52,100 49,500d)

Estonia 3,399 -11,347 -7,947 37,947 30,000

Finland 72,000e) -103,000 -31,000f) 53,900 22,900d)

France 13,974g) -44,675h) -32,168i) 366,536 334,368

Germanyz) -20,000 1,015,000 995,000d)

Greece 82,100 82,100d)

Hungary 7,543j) -12,010k) -4,467l) 71,673m) 67,206d)n)

Ireland 0 30,719 30,719d)

Italy 3,670 -40,400 -36,730 428,941 392,211

Japan -90,000o) 1,173,360 1,083,360d)

Latvia 6,280 -20,580 -14,300 22,976 8,676d)

Liechtenstein 208 208d)

Monaco 71 71d)

Netherlands -120 167,600 167,480d)

New Zealand 1,255a) -17,971 -16,716 25,530 8,814

Norwayp) 16,900 -27,100 -10,200 35,533 25,333d)

Polandq) r) s) t) 414,930u) 414,930d)v)

Portugal 42,148 42,148d)

Romania 171,103 171,103d)

Russian Federation -733,200 2,386,595 1,653,395d)

Slovak Republic 462 -4,913 -4,451 58,278 53,827d)

Spainz) -23,170 248,005 224,835

Sweden 75,434 -109,802 -34,368 61,256 26,888

Switzerland 5,317 -10,561w) -5,244 43,600 38,356

UKx)z) 2,567y) -8,704 -6,137 577,012 570,875d)

USA -436,000 4,957,022 4,521,022

Total 365,094 -436,513 -1,380,522 13,609,951 12,229,429

*See table A.1.

This table summarizes information on the land use change and forestry source/sink category. It aims to present the data provided in a consistent and coherent manner, taking into account the different ways in which Parties have reported information for this category. The presentation of this table should improve as the availability of related data increases. Emission estimates were provided for the following sub-source/sink categories not addressed by the IPCC Guidelines: peat extraction, drainage of wetlands and deep peats.


a) Emission from forest clearing and on-site burning.

b) Includes sequestration from grassland conversion (-17,450 Gg) and

managed forests (-8,000 Gg).

c) Category not estimated by Party but thought to be small.

d) These Parties originally excluded land use change and forestry from their

total CO2 estimates.

e) Emission estimates from cultivated peatlands (3,000-10,000 Gg) and non

-viable drainage areas (1,000-5,000 Gg) were also provided but not

included in this table.

f) Land use change and forestry estimate including cultivated peatlands and

non-viable drainage areas would amount to 16,000-27,000 Gg.

g) Includes emissions from forest clearing and on-site burning (4,374 Gg) and

grassland conversion (9,240 Gg).

h) Includes sequestration from abandonment of managed lands (-1,797 Gg)

and managed forests (-42,878 Gg).

i) Takes account of double-counting of 1,467 Gg between forest clearing and

grassland conversion.

j) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 8,868 Gg.

k) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): -11,965 Gg.

l) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): -3,097 Gg.

m) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 83,676 Gg.

n) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 80,579 Gg.

o) Includes sequestration in wood products (-10,000 Gg) which, as

recommended by the IPCC Guidelines, should not be reported as removals

unless a net increase in stocks of forest products can be documented.

p) Includes CO2 emissions from biomass.

q) Party did not provide land use change and forestry estimates for 1990.

r) Emissions for base year (1988): 14,920 Gg.

s) Removals for base year (1988): -33,200 Gg.

t) Land use change and forestry estimates for base year (1988): -18,280.

u) National CO2 emissions without land use change and forestry for base year

(1988): 483,700 Gg.

v) National CO2 emissions with land use change and forestry for base year

(1988): 465,420 Gg.

w) Includes sequestration in wood products (-550 Gg) which, as recommended

by the IPCC Guidelines, should not be reported as removals unless a net

increase in stocks of forest products can be documented.

x) An estimate of (0 to - 1,883 Gg) from conversion of grassland to

cultivated lands was also provided but not included in this table.

y) Emissions from peat extraction, drainage of wetlands and deep peat.

z) Revised/additional data were provided during the in-depth review.

Table A.4 Anthropogenic emissions of CH4, 1990 (Provisional)

(Gigagrams and percentage of total by Party)



Energy Agriculture Waste Other*** Total

_________________________ _________________________

Fuel Fugitive fuel Livestock* Other**

combustion emissions


(Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg)


Australia 28 0.4 1,026 16.4 3,005 48.1 396 6.3 1,391 22.3 397 6.4 6,243

Austria 24 4.0 92 15.2 259 42.9 228 37.9 603


Canadac) 29 0.9 1,247b) 40.4 979 31.7 0 0.0 796b) 25.8 39 1.3 3,089

Czech Republicc) 59 6.3 531 56.4 195 20.7 151 16.0 6 0.6 942

Denmark 11d) 2.8 11 2.8 262 64.5 122 29.9 406

Estonia 3 0.7 218 42.9 60 11.8 227 44.6 509

Finland 19 7.5 e) 94 37.3 139 55.2 252

France 184 6.4 311 10.7 1,612 55.7 37 1.3 749 25.9 3 0.1 2,896

Germanyc) 245 4.3 1,549 27.1 2,045 35.7 0 0.0 1,870 32.7 14 0.2 5,723

Greece 19 5.6 39 11.4 165 48.0 10 2.9 110 32.1 343

Hungary 6f) 1.0 366g) 67.2 170h) 31.2 3i) 0.6 j) 545k)

Ireland 5 0.7 10 1.3 603 75.8 41 5.1 136 17.1 0 0.0 796

Italy 66 1.7 348 8.9 1,541 39.5 319 8.2 1,611 41.3 16 0.4 3,901

Japan 25 1.8 100 7.3 520 37.8 267 19.4 465 33.8 1,377

Latvia 2 1.5 2 1.1 111 70.0 44 27.4 159

Liechtensteinl) 1


Netherlands 28 2.6 149 14.0 508 47.6 382 35.8 1,067

New Zealand 28 1.3 33 1.6 1,618n) 76.6 433o) 20.5 2,112

Norway 17 5.9 13 4.5 91 31.5 167 57.8 1 0.3 289p) Polandq) r) s) t) u) v) 6,100w)

Portugal 13 5.7 2 0.9 163 72.0 13 5.7 35 15.5 0 0.2 226

Romanial) 2,355x)

Russian Federationl) 19,600y) 72.6 4,900 18.1 100 0.4 2,400 8.9 27,000

Slovak Republic 21 6.1 96 27.7 171 49.3 1 0.3 53 15.3 5 1.4 347

Spainc) 112 5.1 695 31.7 772 35.3 115 5.3 491 22.5 2 0.1 2,188

Sweden 33 10.0 0 0.0 196 59.6 100 30.4 0 0.0 329

Switzerland 2z) 0.8 9 3.2 215 78.4 0 0.0 48z) 17.5 z) 274z)

UKc) 74 1.6 1,238 27.3 1,129 24.9 12 0.3 2,078 45.9 4,531

USA 613aa) 2.3 7,641 28.3 8,088 30.0 508 1.9 10,150 37.6 27,000


Totalab) 1,674 1.8 35,326 38.0 29,472 31.6 1,822 2.0 24,376 26.2 483 0.5 101,603

*Includes enteric fermentation and animal wastes. **Includes rice cultivation, agricultural waste burning and savannah burning. ***Includes solvent use, industrial processes and land use change and forestry. Emission estimates were provided for the following source/sink categories not addressed by the IPCC Guidelines: industrial processes, including iron and steel manufacturing, carbon black production and industrial incineration, inorganic chemical (carbide) manufacture, as well as compost, food processing, and sewage sludge from landfills.


a) Belgium did not report anthropogenic emissions of CH4.

b) Figure corrected during the in-depth review.

c) Revised/additional data were provided during the in-depth review.

d) The electricity import correction of 0.1 Gg was subtracted by the

secretariat from the subtotal given in the communication.

e) Methane emissions from refineries were included in NMVOC emissions


f) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 8 Gg.

g) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 448 Gg.

h) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 205 Gg.

i) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 4 Gg.

j) No activity/production data available.

k) Total emissions for base period (1985-1987): 665 Gg.

l) Parties did not provide inventory data according to the IPCC reporting


m) Party did not provide estimates but indicated that emissions were


n) Includes 118 Gg from animal waste. The estimate presented in the

communication was <118 Gg.

o) Includes 296 Gg from "other" (primary production processing). The

estimate presented in the communication was <296 Gg.

p) Estimate corrected during the review.

q) The secretariat chose to report the emissions total only, as the Party used

the CORINAIR reporting format in providing its 1990 inventory data.

r) Emissions for base year (1988): 9 Gg.

s) Emissions for base year (1988): 3,870 (3,800-3,940) Gg.

t) Emissions for base year (1988): 1,450 Gg.

u) Emissions for base year (1988): 90 (40-130) Gg.

v) Emissions for base year (1988): 640 (436-835) Gg.

w) Emissions for base year (1988): 6,060 Gg.

x) Estimate calculated by the secretariat using the per capita emission and

population figures provided by the Party, as well as emissions for base

year (1989): 2,354 Gg.

y) Includes emissions from consumption (fuel combustion).

z) Energy and transformation industries, industry, commercial/institutional,

residential, agriculture and forestry, biomass burned for energy, industrial

processes, waste incineration for the production of energy were included

in VOC emissions estimates.

aa) Includes emissions from Party's territories.

ab) The percentage of the total accounted for by each category is calculated

on the basis of the overall total with the exclusion of Liechtenstein, Poland and Romania (93,201 Gg) since data for the individual categories

for these Parties are not included in this table.

Figure A.2

Distribution of CH4 emissions by source category

Table A.5 Anthropogenic emissions of N2O, 1990 (Provisional)

(Gigagrams and percentage of total by Party)


Energy Industrial processes Agriculture Waste Other* Total


Transport Other


(Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg) % (Gg)


Australia 2.3 3.8 1.3 2.1 0.8 1.3 52.4 87.1 3.4 5.7 60.1

Austria 0.5 13.0 0.9 22.0 0.6 15 2.0 49.0 4.1


Canada 35.5 38.9 12.1 13.3 31.3 34.3 10.7 11.7 0.0 0.0 1.6b) 1.8 91.2

Czech Republicc) 1.0 4.2 18.0 75.0 3.0 12.5 2.0 8.3 24.0

Denmark 0.4 3.9 1.3d) 12.7 8.5 83.3 10.2

Estonia 5.2e) 84.6 1.0 15.4 6.2

Finland 5.0 22.7 2.0 9.1 3.0 13.6 12.0 54.5 22.0

France 4.1 2.3 7.5 4.2 102.5 58.0 61.3 34.7 1.2 0.7 0.1 0.1 176.7

Germanyc) 8.0 3.9 25.0 12.3 83.0 40.7 81.0 39.7 0.0 0.0 6.0 2.9 204.0

Greece 1.2 8.8 2.5 18.4 2.4 17.6 7.5 55.1 13.7

Hungary 7.3f) 63.9 4.1g) 36.1 11.4h)

Ireland 0.2 0.0 2.6 6.1 0.0 0.0 39.5 93.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.3

Italy 3.5 2.9 38.2 31.8 14.8 12.3 58.7 48.8 0.1 0.1 5.0 4.2 120.3

Japan 13.0 27.5 8.6 18.2 15.0 31.7 4.7 9.9 6.0 12.7 47.3

Latvia 0.1 4.6 0.9 38.7 1.4 56.7 2.4

Liechtensteini) 0.1


Netherlands 5.4 9.1 0.7 1.2 16.3 27.4 22.1 37.1 4.1 6.9 10.9k) 18.3 59.5

New Zealand 5.2 62.7 2.5 30.1 l) 0.6 7.2 8.3

Norway 1.0 6.4 1.5 96.0 6.7 42.9 6.4 41.0 0.0 0.0 15.6

Polandm) n) o) p) 156.0q)

Portugal 0.4 3.8 4.6 43.8 1.9 18.1 3.6 34.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.5

Romania 106.8r)

Russian Federation 820.0

Slovak Republics) 0.2 1.4 3.6 24.5 2.1 14.3 8.8 59.9 14.7

Spainc) 2.1 2.2 18.6 19.7 10.4 11.0 63.4 67.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 94.6

Sweden 0.4 2.6 4.2 27.7 2.7 17.7 7.9 51.9 15.2

Switzerland 0.8 5.3 0.7 4.6 0.4 2.6 13.3 87.5 0.0 0.0 15.2

UKc) 1.8 1.7 3.0 2.7 93.0 85.9 10.5 9.7 108.3

USA 92.3 22.4 35.1t) 8.5 96.1 23.4 187.9 45.7 411.4


Totalu) 184.4 11.6 207.9 13.1 486.0 30.6 670.7 42.2 12.1 0.8 27.0 1.7 2,672.1

*Includes solvent use and land use change and forestry. Emissions estimates were provided for the following source/sink categories not addressed by the IPCC Guidelines: solvent use, non-fertilizer induced emissions from agricultural soils, polluted inland and coastal waters, wastewater treatment, caprolactam production and animal wastes.


a) Party did not report anthropogenic emissions of N2O.

b) Figure confirmed during the in-depth review.

c) Revised/additional data were provided during the in-depth review.

d) The electricity import correction of 0.2 Gg was subtracted by the

secretariat from the subtotal given in the communication.

e) Includes emissions from industry, energy and transport.

f) Emissions from base period (1985-1987): 8.4 Gg. Includes transport.

g) Emissions from base period (1985-1987): 4.6 Gg.

h) Total emissions for base period (1985-1987): 13.0 Gg.

i) Parties did not provide inventory data according to the IPCC reporting


j) Party did not provide estimates but indicated that emissions were


k) Emissions from polluted inland and coastal water were reported as an

additional source/sink category.

l) A range of 1 to 37 Gg was provided, but not included in the total reported

in the current table.

m) The secretariat chose to report the emissions total only, as the Party used

the CORINAIR reporting format in providing its 1990 inventory data.

n) Emissions for base year (1988): >0.3 Gg.

o) Emissions for base year (1988): >0.3 Gg.

p) Emissions for base year (1988): 73 (1-145) Gg.

q) Emissions for base year (1988): 73 Gg.

r) Estimate calculated by the secretariat using per capita emission and

population figures by the Party, as well as emissions for base year (1989):

122.7 Gg.

s) Party provided estimates for an additional category, water surfaces (1.3

Gg), which is not included in this table.

t) Emissions from the Party's territories were not estimated.

u) The percentages of the total accounted for by each category are

calculated on the basis of the overall total with the exclusion of

Liechtenstein, Poland, Romania and the Russian Federation (1,590.2 Gg)

since data for the individual categories for these Parties are not included in

the table.

Figure A.3.

Distribution of N2O emissions by source category


Table A.6 Anthropogenic emissions from international bunkers, 1990a) (Provisional)



Australia 6,281 0.13 0.19 6.80 70.81 2.28



Canada 5,632 0.29 0.60 37.80 17.70 10.70

Czech Republic

Denmark 4,974 0.10 0.10 17.30 71.20 2.70


Finland 2,800 1.00 1.00 22.00

France 8,586 0.10 0.20 20.80 110.50 5.30

Germanyb) 19,000 0.00 96.00 206.00 23.00

Greece 11,730


Ireland 1,172 0.10 0.16 2.19 5.35 0.36

Italy 12,451 0.70 2.44 23.22 250.02 1.22

Japan 31,000




Netherlands 40,400

New Zealand 2,398 1.10 2.20 44.10

Norway 1,800 0.40 0.10 2.90 32.80 1.20

Polandc) d) e) f) g) h) i)

Portugal 3,938 0.60 0.20 243.20 43.00 32.20


Russian Federation

Slovak Republic

Spainb) 18,024 2.03 0.30 17.01 271.87 11.43

Sweden 4,190 1.30 0.04 44.00 60.00 15.00

Switzerland 2,100

UKb) 20,729 0.44 0.18 26.90 249.51 3.40

USA 82,866

Total 280,071 8.29 7.71 538.12 1,454.86 108.79


a) Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,

Liechtenstein, Monaco, Romania, the Russian Federation and

the Slovak Republic did not report emissions from bunker fuels.

b) Revised/additional data were provided during the in-depth review.

c) Party did not provide 1990 emission estimates from bunker fuels.

d) Emissions for base year (1988): 530 Gg.

e) Emissions for base year (1988): 0.1 Gg.

f) Emissions for base year (1988): 0.001 Gg.

g) Emissions for base year (1988): 25 Gg.

h) Emissions for base year (1988): 10 Gg.

i) Emissions for base year (1988): 0.6 Gg.

Table A.7 Anthropogenic emissions of precursor gases, 1990a) (Provisional)



Australia 26,074 1,874 2,236

Austria 1,683 225 415


Canada 10,225b) 2,090b) 2,104a)

Czech Republicc) 685 877 313

Denmark 770d) 269e) 165f)

Estonia 294 153

Finland 487 295g) 219

France 10,952 1,722 2,424

Germanyc) 10,455 3,008g) 3,005

Greece 1,480 338 236

Hungary 734h) 200i) 143j)

Ireland 429 115 197

Italy 9,333 2,128 2,401

Japan 2,809 1,898 2,060

Latvia 363 90 63

Liechtensteink) 2 1 2l)


Netherlands 1,030 575 459

New Zealand 0 145 0

Norway 940 231 251

Poland 7,400m) 1,450n) 13,367o)

Portugal 1,083 214 206

Romaniak) 3,179p) 520q) 1,084r)

Russian Federation 8,100 3,000g) 4,100

Slovak Republic 489 227 147

Spainc) 5,573 1,201 1,080

Sweden 1,612 374 539

Switzerland 430 184s) 297

UKc) 6,682 2,740 2,540

USA 82,674 21,362t) 19,123

Total 195,967 47,506 59,176


a) Belgium and Monaco did not report emissions of precursor gases.

b) Estimates corrected during the in-depth review.

c) Revised/additional data were provided during the in-depth review.

d) The electricity import correction of 0.7 Gg was subtracted by the

secretariat from the subtotal given in the communication.

e) The electricity import correction of 24 Gg was subtracted by the

secretariat from the subtotal given in the communication.

f) The electricity import correction of 0.1 Gg was subtracted by the

secretariat from the subtotal given in the communication.

g) Estimates from the Party expressed as NO2.

h) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 743 Gg.

i) Emissions for base period (1985-1987): 231 Gg.

j) Includes methane VOCs. Figures given for 1991. Emissions for base

period (which in this case is 1988): 205 Gg.

k) Parties did not provide inventory data according to the IPCC reporting


l) Corresponds to VOC emissions.

m) Emissions for base year (1988): 2,730 Gg.

n) Emissions for base year (1988): 600 Gg.

o) Emissions for base year (1988): >352 Gg.

p) Estimate calculated by the secretariat using the per capita emission and

population figures provided by the Party, as well as emissions for base

year (1989): 3,311 Gg.

q) Estimate calculated by the secretariat using the per capita emission and

population figures provided by the Party, as well as emissions for base

year (1989): 544 Gg.

r) Estimate calculated by the secretariat using the per capita emission and

population figures provided by the Party, as well as emissions for base

year (1989): 1,121 Gg.

s) Non-ferrous emissions reported as being <0.1 have not been included in

this table.

t) Emissions from the Party's territories were not estimated.

Table A.8 Anthropogenic emissions of other greenhouse gases, 1990a) (Provisional)



_________________________________________ ___________________________

HFC 134a HFC 23a HFC 152a CF4 C2F6

Australia 0.580 0.0400



Canada 1.400 0.1440 0.120b)

Czech Republic





Germany 1.000 0.1500 0.500




Italy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.014 0.0014





Netherlands 0.00 0.516 0.0516

New Zealand 0.100

Norway 0.003 0.369 0.0160 0.092




Russian Federation

Slovak Republic


Sweden 0.00 0.060 0.040


UK 0.274 0.0280

USA 0.5 5.52 0.300 2.700b)



a) Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Slovak Republic, Spain and Switzerland did not report emissions for these gases.

b) Estimates provided during the in-depth review.

Figure A.4

Relative contribution of different greenhouse gases by Party*

*Excludes land use change and forestry. "Other" includes PFCs, HFCs and SF6. IPCC-1994 GWP values with a time-horizon of 100 years were used by the secretariat for comparative purposes. Only 10 Parties reported emissions for other greenhouse gases (see table A.8). New Zealand reported emissions for PFCs of 0.1 Gg. The secretariat has assumed that approximately 5 per cent of these emissions are from C2F6 and the remaining 95 per cent from CF4. Belgium only reported CO2 emissions. Monaco reported CH4 and N2O emissions as negligible.


Table B.1. Projected anthropogenic emissions of CO2, excluding land use change and forestry (Gigagrams)

Data from inventory Data from projection Variations Updated variations

________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ from projection

1990 levela) 1990 levelb) 2000 levelc) from inventory from projection based on

in-depth reviewsf)

(Gg) (Gg) (Gg) (Percentage) (Percentage)

Australia 288 965 288 965 332 799 15.1 15.1

Austria 59 200 59 900 65 800 11.1 9.8

Belgium 114 410 106 300 104 900 - 109 360 -- (-1.3) - (2.9)

Canada 457 441 461 200 510 000 11.5 10.6 12.5

Czech Republic 165 792 163 584 135 536 -18.2 -17.2 -17.0

Denmark 52 100 58 353 53 753 3.2 -7.9

Estonia 37 947 .. .. -- --

Finland 53 900 54 200 70 200 30.5 29.5

France 366 536 367 000 399 000 8.8 8.7

Germany 1 015 000 1 032 000 .. -- -- (-15) - (-13)

Greece 82 100 82 100 94 500 15.1 15.1

Hungary 71 673 69 116 68 741 -4.1 - 0.6

Hungary 81 534d) 81 534d) 68 741 -15.7 -15.7

Ireland 30 719 30 719 36 988 20.4 20.4

Italy 428 941 423 776 482 440 12.5 13.8

Japan 1 173 360 1 173 000 1 200 000 2.3 2.3

Latvia 22 976 22 976 16 956 -26.2 -26.2

Liechtenstein 208 208 245 18.1 18.1

Monaco 71 .. .. -- --

Netherlands 167 600 174 000 167 600 0.0 -3.7 +

New Zealand 25 530 25 530 29 550 15.7 15.7 -

Norway 35 533 35 400 39 500 11.2 11.6 16.0

Poland 414 930 - 338 000 - 455 000 (-18.5) - ( 9.7) --

Poland 483 700e) 458 000e) 338 000 - 455 000 -- (-26.2) - (-0.7)

Portugal 42 148 38 689 54 274 28.8 40.3

Romania 171 103 .. .. -- --

Russian Federation 2 386 595 2 330 000 1 930 000 - 2 026 000 (-19.1) - (-15.1) (-17.2) - (-13.0)

Slovak Republic 58 278 57 808 48 639 -16.5 -15.9

Spain 248 005 222 908 276 523 -- 24.1 15.8

Sweden 61 256 61 300 63 800 4.2 4.1

Switzerland 43 600 45 400 43 800 0.5 -3.5

UK 577 012 586 720 586 720 1.7 0 (-8) - (-4)

USA 4 957 022 5 012 789 5 163 136 4.2 3.0 +



a) Data from inventory table A.1.

b) Minor differences in 1990 levels between inventories and projections are, for example, due to late revisions of inventories, rounding, calibration of models, or the projection of only a subset of the sources. For some countries differences are also due to statistical adjustments.

c) "With measures" levels for 2000.

d) Average of emissions in 1985-1987.

e) Base year 1988.

f) Additional and/or revised information for projections was often provided in the course of in-depth reviews. Where possible, this

information is reflected here in the form of preliminary revised estimates. Further additions to the preliminary revisions presented

here are envisaged in the second compilation and synthesis of national communications from Annex I Parties. A plus or minus

symbol indicates an increase or decrease to the variations from projection column and that an exact numerical figure is not

currently available. Additional details on revisions for each country can be found in the individual in-depth review reports.



Australia: The effect of measures in 2000 (table 6.2, p.74) was subtracted from the reference scenario (table 6.1, p.72) reflecting "delayed or partial implementation, and/or other conditions which reduce the probability of effectiveness. This scenario can be taken to be close to the current rate of implementation" (p.74). In general, Australia assumes that existing measures will continue at the current rate of implementation (p.80). Fiscal years are used.

Austria: The 2000 figures are from the Institute of Economic Research (IER) reference scenario. Process emissions are assumed to be stable (footnote, p.2) and added to pyrogenic emissions. The communication states that the scenario does not represent all policies and measures implemented or committed to; these are not fully quantified and may permit Austria to "stabilize its CO2 emissions by the time period around 2000 to 2005" (p.4). The scenario includes structural shifts in industry away from energy intensive primary industries, sustained efforts to improve energy utilization (generating 1.5 per cent energy efficiency improvement per annum) and preferential treatment of less environmentally damaging and renewable resources as opposed to fossil fuels (p.82).

Belgium: Two different projection approaches resulted in -1.3 per cent and 2.9 per cent growth, respectively. The projection figures only reflect energy-related emissions and do not include the impact of the European energy/ CO2 tax under consideration. Comparison between inventories and projection figures are non-applicable because the statistical base for the projection models is significantly different from the inventory data.

Canada: Projections (table 13.11, p.128) incorporate "the effects of a number of federal and provincial policies, programs and measures currently in place or in the process of implementation" (p.128). The figure in the "updated variations" column refers to revised projections as reflected in Canada's National Action Program on Climate Change from 1995.

Czech Republic: The figures for 2000 were calculated from percentage decreases projected (12.3 per cent) and additional information (p.14). The estimate of effects of policies and measures implemented (p.27) was subtracted from a scenario described as assuming "slow implementation of measures, or not at all" (p.13).

Denmark: Figures were taken from table 3.2, p.41, of the communication, noting that slightly revised figures were given on p.75. Projections assume energy measures (Energy 2000 Follow Up = 1993) yet to be implemented, and current policies in other sectors. The projection figure used for 1990 is adjusted for electricity imports.

Estonia: No projections were provided.

Finland: The projection allows for the construction of Finnish electricity production capacity to replace current imports (p.19), which in 1990 were equivalent to 11 Mt CO2. The projection figure is considered the most likely option and takes into account energy cuts brought about by taxation, energy conservation, more use of bioenergy and the adoption of new technology.

France: The projection figures are taken from the summary of the national communication, included in the report "France and the Greenhouse Effect" (p. 27). The scenario includes measures such as a CO2 tax equivalent to 70 ECU per tonne of carbon.

Germany: For 2005 the level was projected to be 980,000 Gg (table 6.15, p.144). (The communication does not specify which measures are included in the projection for 2005.) During the in-depth review an estimate of CO2 emissions for 2000 of -15 to -13 per cent less than in 1990 was provided.

Hungary: Hungary has asked for special consideration under Article 4.6 to use 1985-1987 as the base period. The average emissions comparable with the projections figures in these years were 81,534 Gg. The projections only include fuel-related emissions. The figures assume implementation of the National Energy Efficiency and Energy Improvement Programme (2000 S scenario, table 6.6, p.78). Figures based on other methodologies for emission calculations are also given (pp.73-74).

Ireland: A continuation of existing policies would indicate a greater increase ("20 per cent, or an increase of 11 per cent if account is taken of increased carbon capacity" (p.2)).

Italy: A business-as-usual scenario was chosen (tables 4.4 and 4.5), noting that scenarios for net emissions were given "with measures" (in table 4.8), resulting in lower estimates for 2000. If the projection for land use change and forestry is used to adjust the figures in table 4.8, the "2000 projection" figures would be 438,440 - 459,440 Gg, and the "variations from projection", 3.5 - 8.4 per cent.

Japan: The projection is based on the Long-term Energy Supply and Demand Outlook. The projection assumes that "all energy conservation measures incorporated in the Outlook are fully implemented" (p.140) and control measures in industrial processes and measures to reduce CO2 emissions from municipal waste are fully implemented (e.g., waste projection is "based on the assumption that serious efforts will be made to thoroughly recycle paper waste" (p.141)). Fiscal years are used.

Monaco: Reported that CO2 emissions are unlikely to increase by the year 2000.

Netherlands: The projection takes into account the effects of policies and measures decided prior to the submission of the communication (Energy Policy Scenario, p.59). The 1990 projection figure includes a temperature adjustment. During the in-depth review, information was given that showed a higher growth in emissions than was reflected in the projections.

New Zealand: The figures for 2000 were given as an interval (29,160 - 29,940 Gg. table 7.1, p.46). The measures included in the projection are not specified. During the in-depth review, information was given that showed a higher actual growth in the 1990s than was reflected in the projections.

Norway: The projection reflects "current policies" (p.36) , including carbon taxes that were implemented in 1991. A revision was made during the in-depth review to account for higher growth than expected, especially in the off-shore petroleum sector.

Poland: Poland has asked for special consideration under Article 4.6 to use 1988 as the base year. Poland presented a set of different projections for 2000 based on two approaches. "The presented assessments of future greenhouse gas emissions do not take into account the currently undertaken actions, ... which lead to the further emission reductions" (p.44). These projections are for the energy sector only. The 1988 inventory figure corresponding to the energy section projections would be 462,820 Gg.

Portugal: Projections are for emissions from fuel combustion only.

Romania: No projections were provided.

Russian Federation: The projection figures for 2000 were given as a range of CO2 emissions for probable and optimistic scenarios based on possible versions of fuel and energy complex development and with consideration for consumption of primary energy and its transformation products in all sectors of the national economy (pp. 50-51). Projections are for emissions from fuel combustion only.

Spain: The projection takes into account only energy-related CO2. It is based on the reference scenario from the Plan Energético Nacional 91 (PEN 91), and when the effects of measures contained in the Plan de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética (PAEE) (described in the communication), were taken into account, the projected increase of emissions of CO2 was reduced from 45 per cent to 24 per cent in 2000 from the 1990 level (p.91). Actual development has not been in line with the assumptions from PEN 91; GDP growth especially has been lower. A revision is therefore envisaged. A revision of the estimates for GDP growth from 1995 to 2000 (3%/year) and of the evaluation of measures in the energy sector leads to a smaller increase in CO2 emissions from 1990 to 2000 (from 218,000 to 252,502, as revised during the in-depth review).

Sweden: The projection is based on political decisions made to date (p.63), except for the changes in energy taxes as from 1 July 1994; the forecasts were made before that date. Sweden notes that if temperature adjustments of 3 MtCO2 in the figures for 1990 had been made, projected emissions would have been stable (p.68).

Switzerland: Bunker fuels (2.1 MtCO2 in 1990 and 2.5 MtCO2 in 2000) are subtracted from the aggregate figures given in the report. The projection includes only measures already implemented or decided as of 1994 (pp.18-20, 74, 152). The inventory figure for 1990 was not adjusted for temperature (p.38), but the projection is based on a temperature-adjusted 1990 level of emissions (p.79).

UK: The "central growth/low fuel price" scenario (among several) is presented as the reference scenario for emissions. This includes an agreement with electric utilities on fuel choice and use of CHP after 1990 (p.17). In this projection emissions increased 10 MtC. The measures in place are estimated to reduce emissions in 2000 by 10MtC, which is subtracted from the projected 2000 level (p.16) and used for the table. A revision was provided during the in-depth review to account for new energy projections indicating CO2 emissions of 4-8 per cent below 1990 levels by the year 2000.

USA: The projection includes policies and measures proposed by the Administration in the Climate Change Action Plan (technical supplement to the communication, pp.33-60), assuming "that the funding required will be committed" (technical supplement, p.55). The communication notes that some actions which "may yield significant reductions" are not included (p. 187), while economic growth has been more robust and oil prices lower than assumed. During the in-depth review stronger underlying growth in emissions was reported owing to more robust growth in the economy and reduced implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan.

*All references in parentheses are to the national communications.


Table B.2. Projections for other greenhouse gasesa)

(CO2 equivalent in Gigagrams, using 1994 GWPs, time-horizon = 100 years)b)

1990 level 2000 level Variations

_______________________ _______________________ _____________________


(CO2 equivalent in Gg) (CO2 equivalent in Gg) (Percentage)

Australia .. 4 100 .. .. 1 700 .. -- -59 --

Canada .. 10 600 2 990 .. 14 100 .. -- 33 --

Italy 0 106 .. 2 500 63 .. 0 -41 --

New Zealand .. 700 .. .. 700 .. -- 0 --

Norway 0.4 2 500 2 300 600 1 700 800 0 -32 -65

Sweden 0 400 1 000 2 600 400 1 000 0 0 0

UK .. 2 100 .. .. 100 .. -- -95 --

USA 67 500 17 000 .. 120 300 9 700 .. 78 -43 --

a) The figures are rounded.

b) Figures provided on a weight basis have been converted.


Australia: Estimates of effects of measures were subtracted from the baseline scenario (table 6.5, p.79). The same split between CF4 and C2F6 was assumed in 2000 as in 1990 (table 6.1, p.72), making it possible to recalculate from other GWPs.

Canada: Estimates provided during the in-depth review.

New Zealand: Emissions of PFCs of 0.1 Gg were reported, largely from aluminium smelting. The secretariat has assumed that approximately 95 per cent was CF4 and 5 per cent C2F6.

Norway: The same split between CF4 and C2F6 was assumed in 2000 as in 1990, making it possible to recalculate from other GWPs.

UK: The lowest scenario (reported as most likely) has been chosen.


Table B.3. Projected anthropogenic emissions of CH4


Data from inventory Data from projection Variations

from projection

_________________ ____________________________ _______________

1990 levelb) 1990 levelc) 2000 leveld)

(Gg) (Gg) (Gg) (Percentage)

Australia 6 243 6 244 6 480 3.8

Austria 603 600 600 0.0

Belgium .. .. .. --

Canada 3 089 1 136 1 291 --

Czech Republic 942 623 511 -18.0

Denmark 406 406 354 -12.8

Estonia 509 .. .. --

Finland 252 252 204 -19.0

France 2 896 2 900 2 900 0.0

Germany 5 723 6 200 .. --

Greece 343 343.0 <343.0 <0.0

Hungary 545 492.0 278 - 43.5

Ireland 796 796 799 0.4

Italy 3 901 3 900 2 965 -24.0

Japan 1 377 1 380 1 150 -16.7

Latvia 159 159 114 -28.2

Liechtenstein 1 .. .. --

Monaco .. .. .. --

Netherlands 1 067 1 067 786 -26.3

New Zealand 2 112 2 051 1 931 -5.9

Norway 289 291 278 -4.5

Poland 6 100 6 107 1 780 -70.9

Poland 6 060e) 6 060e) 1 780 -70.6

Portugal 226 .. .. --

Romania 2 355 .. .. --

Russian Federation 27 000 .. .. --

Slovak Republic 347 342 293 -14.3

Spain 2 188 .. .. --

Sweden 329 329 300 -8.8

Switzerland 274 274 256 -6.6

UK 4 531 5 000 4 400 -10.0

USA 27 000 27 669 22 335 -19.3

a) Figures provided in CO2 equivalent and in MtC have been converted.

b) Data from inventory table A.4.

c) Differences in 1990 levels between inventories and projections are, for example, due to late revisions of inventories, rounding, calibration of models, or the projection of only a subset of the sources.

d) "With measures" levels for 2000.

e) Base year 1988.


Australia: The effects of measures are subtracted (table 6.3, p.76) from the reference "without measures" scenario (table 6.1, p.72) to obtain a "with measures" projection.

Austria: This is a "without measures" projection (p.88).

Canada: The 1990 projection figure only refers to energy-related emissions. In the 1990 inventory these were 1,085 Gg (table 13.11, p.128).

Czech Republic: Three major sources were projected covering 71 per cent of the inventory figure for 1990 under the assumption that measures will be implemented slowly or not at all (p.14).

France: The projection figures are taken from the summary of the national communication included in the report "France and the Greenhouse Effect" (p. 27).

Germany: For 2005 the figure was 3,250 Gg (table 6.11, p.142).

Greece: Overall emissions in 2000 are expected to be below the 1990 level, but no specific projection was provided.

Hungary: The corresponding 1985-1987 figure was 604.9 Gg. The figure does not include emissions from waste (fig. 6.6, p. 78). The decline reflects "the collapse of domestic coal mining and ... the significant changes in animal livestock" (p.78). The 2000 S scenario is used.

Italy: Slightly higher projections were given in table 4.8.

Japan: The projection takes into account only the effects of energy conservation and waste reduction measures (table 4-4-1, p.143).

Monaco: Emissions expected to be negligible in 2000 as in 1990.

Netherlands: The projection takes into account only the effects of policies initiated under the Second National Environmental Policy Plan (NEPP2) and the Second Memorandum on Energy Conservation (p.164).

New Zealand: The 1990 projection figure does not include energy-related emissions or emissions from land use change and forestry. In the 1990 inventory, all other emissions amounted to 2,051 Gg.

Poland: The 1990 figure is calculated by a different methodology from that used for the 1988 figure.

*All references in parentheses are to the national communications.


Table B.4. Projected anthropogenic emissions of N2O


Data from inventory Data from projection Variations

from projection

_________________ __________________________ _____________

1990 levelb) 1990 levelc) 2000 leveld)

(Gg) (Gg) (Gg) (Percentage)

Australia 60.1 60.1 61.1 1.5

Austria 4.1 4.2 4.2 0.0

Belgium .. .. .. --

Canada 91.2 47.0 51.9 --

Czech Republic 24.0 .. .. --

Denmark 10.2 10.5 11.5 9.5

Estonia 6.2 .. .. --

Finland 22.0 23.0 28.0 21.8

France 176.7 177.0 93.0 - 47.0

Germany 204.0 220.0 .. --

Greece 13.7 13.7 >13.7 >0.0

Hungary 11.4 7.3 6.2 -14.3

Ireland 42.3 42.3 43.7 3.3

Italy 120.2 119.4 123.6 3.5

Japan 47.3 47.0 52.0 8.3

Latvia 2.4 2.4 1.4 -41.6

Liechtenstein 0.1 .. .. --

Monaco .. .. .. --

Netherlands 59.5 59.6 62.2 4.4

New Zealand 8.3 .. .. 0.0

Norway 15.6 15.6 16.3 4.5

Poland 156.0 .. .. --

Poland 73.0e) 73.0e) 61.8 -15.3

Portugal 10.5 .. .. --

Romania 106.8 .. .. --

Russian Federation 820.0 .. .. --

Slovak Republic 14.7 14.7 14.1 -4.1

Spain 94.6 .. .. --

Sweden 15.2 15.2 13.0 -14.6

Switzerland 28.6 0.9 1.5 --

UK 108.3 110.0 30.0 -72.7

USA 411.4 529.7 421.0 -20.5

a) Figures provided in MtC equivalents have been converted.

b) Data from inventory table A.5.

c) Differences in 1990 levels between inventories and projections are, for example, due to late revisions of inventories,

rounding,calibration of models, or the projection of only a subset of the sources.

d) "With measures" levels for 2000.

e) Base year 1988.


Australia: The effects of measures are subtracted (p. 76) from the "without measures" scenario (p.72) to obtain a "with measures" figure.

Austria: This is a "without measures" projection (p.88).

Canada: The 1990 projection figure refers only to energy-related emissions. In the inventory for 1990 these were 47.6 Gg (p.128).

Germany: The figure for 2005 was 170 Gg (table 6.11, p.142).

Greece: An increase in emissions is expected for the year 2000, but no specific projection was provided.

Japan: The projection figure for 2000 refers only to the effects of energy conservation and waste reduction measures (p.144).

Monaco: Emissions expected to be negligible in 2000 as in 1990.

Netherlands: The projection figure for 2000 incorporates the effects of policies and measures initiated under NEPP2. However, a number of policies implemented to reduce N2O emissions associated with fertilizer application and animal manure have not been incorporated because of a lack of knowledge about their effects (p.65).

Switzerland: The projection figure covers only a minor part of the sources (from transportation) and does not allow for calculation of trends (p.80).

Hungary: The corresponding 1985-1987 inventory figure was 8.36 Gg. The projection figures include fuel-related emissions only. The 2000 S scenario is used (table 6.2b, p.74).

France: The projection figures are taken from the summary of the national communication included in the report "France and the Greenhouse Effect" (p. 27).


Poland: Different methods were used for calculating 1988 and 1990 figures. The communication states that the methodology used for 1990 overestimates the emissions and this, rather than real increase, explains the difference. Therefore a comparison with the 1990 figures appears to be non-applicable.

Romania: No projections were provided.

*All references in parentheses are to the national communications.


Table B.5. Projected anthropogenic emissions of all greenhouse gases, excluding land

use change and forestrya)

(CO2 equivalent in Gigagrams, using 1994 GWPs, time-horizon = 100 years)b)

Data from inventory Data from projection Variations

from projection

________________ _______________________________ _____________


1990 level 1990 levelc) 2000 level

(CO2 equivalent in Gg) (CO2 equivalent in Gg) (Percentage)

Australia 465 885 465 909 516 822 10.9

Austria 75 567 74 600 81 886 9.7

Belgium 114 410 106 300 104 900 - 109 360 (-1.3) - (2.9)

Canada 564 805 504 542 558 757 10.7

Czech Republic 196 551 178 848 148 056 -17.2

Denmark 65 413 71 765 66 221 -7.7

Estonia 52 401 .. .. --

Finland 67 114 67 734 84 158 24.2

France 493 852 495 000 500 000 1.0

Germany 1 220 493 1 256 500 .. --

Greece 94 887 82 100 94 500 15.1

Hungary 88 764 83 629 77 601 -7.2

Ireland 64 169 64 169 70 968 10.6

Italy 563 943 557 643 597 200 7.1

Japan 1 222 607 1 222 650 1 245 336 1.8

Latvia 27 639 27 639 20 199 -26.9

Liechtenstein 264 208 245 18.1

Monaco 71 .. .. --

Netherlands 213 377 219 810 207 383 -5.7

New Zealand 80 713 76 480 77 560 1.4

Norway 52 595 52 478 54 790 4.4

Polandd) 655 530d) 629 830d) 401 386 - 518 386 (-36.3) - (-17.7)

Portugal 51 062 38 689 54 274 40.3

Romania 262 977 .. .. --

Russian Federation 3 310 495 2 330 000 1 930 000 - 2 026 000 (-17.2) - (-13.0)

Slovak Republic 71 483 70 891 60 329 -14.9

Spain 331 883 222 908 276 523 24.1

Sweden 75 739 74 383 75 440 1.4

Switzerland 59 883 52 394 50 567 -3.5

UK 724 754 747 620 704 520 -4.2

USA 5 838 784 5 949 981 5 979 274 0.5

a) Figures from tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been used as the starting point for these projections. Only gases and sources that were projected are included.

b) Figures differ from those in the communications where countries did not use IPCC 1994 GWPs (time-horizon 100 years).

c) Major differences between inventory figures and projection figures for 1990 indicate that projections were not given for all gases reported in the inventories or for all sectors, or that temperature or electricity imports adjustments had been taken into account.

d) 1988 is used as the base year in both inventories and projections.


Belgium: Only CO2 emissions (excluding the land use change and forestry sector) were projected.

Canada: During the in-depth review a revision to the projected emissions was provided which indicated a variation of 13 per cent from projection rather than 10.7 per cent.

Estonia: No projections were provided.

France: The projection figures are taken from the summary of the national communication included in the report"France and the Greenhouse Effect"

Germany: As indicated in table B.1, revisions were provided during the in-depth review for CO2 emissions. In the absence of projection information on other gases, these would make the percentage variation from projection in table B.5 negative.

Greece: Only CO2 emissions (excluding the land use change and forestry sector) were projected.

Italy: The "business-as-usual" scenario was used, noting that seemingly lower figures for the year 2000 were given in table 4.8 (see note to table 1). The figures include HFCs and PFCs.

Liechtenstein: Only CO2 emissions (excluding the land use change and forestry sector) were projected.

Monaco: Emissions are unlikely to increase by the year 2000.

New Zealand: During the in-depth review a revision to the projected emissions was provided which showed a smaller percentage variation than previously indicated and given in table B.5.

Norway: As indicated in table B.1, revisions provided during the in-depth review would make the percentage variation from projection larger than previously indicated and given in table B.5.

Portugal: Only CO2 emissions (excluding the land use change and forestry sector) were projected.

Romania: No projections were provided.

Russian Federation: Only CO2 emissions (excluding the land use change and forestry sector) were projected.

Spain: Only CO2 emissions were projected. As indicated in table B.1, revisions provided during the in-depth review would change the percentage variation from projection in table B.5 from 24.1 to 15.8.

Sweden: During the in-depth review a revision provided to the projected emissions showed a smaller percentage variation than previously indicated and given in table B.5.

UK: As indicated in table B.1, revisions were provided during the in-depth review that would make the percentage variation from projection smaller than previously indicated and given in table B.5.

USA: During the in-depth review a revision to the projected emissions was provided which showed a larger percentage variation than previously indicated and given in table B.5.

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