


9 February 1996

Original: ENGLISH


Third session

Geneva, 5-8 March 1996

Item 2 (a) of the provisional agenda


Note by the Executive Secretary



1. Opening of the session

1. The third session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM) will be opened by the Chairman at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 5 March 1996 in conference room XIX.

2. Organizational matters

(a) Adoption of the agenda

2. The provisional agenda for the third session of the AGBM is presented for adoption (see FCCC/AGBM/1996/1).


(b) Organization of work of the session

(i) Documentation

3. A list of documents relating to the provisional agenda, as well as other documents available at the session, is contained in annex I.

(ii) Schedule

4. The scheduling of meetings for the session will be based on the availability of facilities during normal working hours, when services are available for one meeting with interpretation from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. There will also be some facilities for informal meetings without interpretation. Delegations are urged to use these facilities fully by starting all meetings promptly at the scheduled time. A suggested approach to the organization of work is contained in annex II.

5. The AGBM, at its second session, decided to convene informal workshops on policies and measures and quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives, in conjunction with the third session (see FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, paras. 29 and 38). The workshop on quantified objectives will take place from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, 28 February 1996 and the workshop on policies and measures from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, 4 March 1996. Interpretation will be available until 6 p.m. In both cases, should additional time be required to complete the presentations and discussions, it will be found within the sessional period. Convening the workshops prior to the AGBM session will allow the results to be available for the deliberations of the Group under the relevant agenda items. Some additional information regarding the workshops is contained in annex III.

(c) Organization of the work of future sessions

6. It may be useful to look ahead to the programme and structure of the work of future sessions of the AGBM in the light of the conclusions reached at the third session. An initial discussion of the modalities surrounding the report of the AGBM to the Conference of the Parties at its second session (COP 2) may also be appropriate (see FCCC/CP/1995/7/Add.1, decision 1/CP.1, para. 6). Parties may also wish to exchange views on their expectations as to how COP 2 may address the report from the AGBM, recalling that COP 2, as the AGBM agreed at its first session, "will be an opportunity to take stock of the overall process and to intensify the efforts to adopt a protocol or another legal instrument at COP 3" (FCCC/AGBM/1995/2, para. 19 (e)). With only four months between the third and fourth sessions, it will be important to make use of the time effectively.

7. The Chairman may also provide an oral report on any further decisions of the Bureau of the COP relating to the schedule of meetings under the Convention in 1996 and 1997. As at the second session, this item will also provide an opportunity to take stock of the magnitude of the overall package of requests to the secretariat and other bodies to confirm that it can be delivered in the time available between sessions.

3. Election of officers other than the Chairman

8. It will be necessary for the AGBM to elect its remaining officers. The COP, after designating the Chairman of the AGBM, authorized him to undertake consultations with the regional groups in respect of nominations for the Bureau of the AGBM (see FCCC/CP/1995/7, para. 18). Since it was not possible to conclude this item at the second session, the Chairman undertook to continue his consultations (FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, para. 16) and will report on the results.

4. Strengthening the commitments in Article 4.2(a) and (b)

(a) Inputs from subsidiary bodies

9. The AGBM, at its first session, referred to the need to obtain specialized inputs and its intention to obtain these through, inter alia, the subsidiary bodies (see (FCCC/AGBM/1995/2, para. 19 (f)). It also decided at that session that the third session would be the time to consider, at least initially:

(a) Those aspects of the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that are relevant to its work, along with any related conclusions or advice from the SBSTA (FCCC/AGBM/1995/2, para. 19 (j));

(b) Those aspects of the national communications of Annex I Parties and related in-depth review reports relevant to its work, along with any related conclusions or advice the SBSTA and the SBI may provide (FCCC/AGBM/1995/2, para. 19 (k)); and

(c) A report from the SBSTA on innovative, efficient and state-of-the-art technologies and know-how that could advance the implementation of the Berlin Mandate (FCCC/AGBM/1995/2, para. 19 (l)).

10. The Chairmen of the SBSTA and the SBI will report to the AGBM on the conclusions or advice of the subsidiary bodies on these items. The subsidiary bodies will have considered documents on each of the above issues (see annex I) and these will be available to the AGBM, although detailed discussion of the documents is not envisaged. It will be recalled that more detailed information on the national communications of Annex I Parties will be available in the compilation and synthesis being prepared for COP 2.

11. The AGBM may wish to take note of the inputs from the subsidiary bodies and use that information to help it reach conclusions on policies and measures and quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives (items 4 (b) and (c) of the provisional agenda). In addition, the inputs may assist the AGBM in reaching general conclusions, for example, with regard to the guidance to be taken from the Second Assessment Report relevant to strengthening the commitments in Article 4.2(a) and (b).

(b) Policies and measures

12. The Chair of the informal workshop on policies and measures will make an oral report to the AGBM on the workshop.

13. The Chair of the Annex I Expert Group on the UNFCCC will make a progress report to the AGBM on the work of the Group. The Parties sponsoring the Climate Technology Initiative may wish to respond to the AGBM's invitation to make a progress report (FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, para. 27).

14. Comments received from Parties on the implementation of the Berlin Mandate and on policies and measures, including a submission from the Annex I Expert Group that lists policies and measures for its "common action study" along with initial scoping papers on work being undertaken on each measure in "tranche 1", will be available in document FCCC/AGBM/1996/MISC.1. A note by the secretariat on policies and measures, following up on document FCCC/AGBM/1995/6, as requested at the second session, will also be available as FCCC/AGBM/1996/2. A further edition of the annotated compilation of information relevant to the Berlin Mandate process (FCCC/AGBM/1996/3) will provide background information. Additional documents that may be relevant to the discussion are listed in annex I.

15. The AGBM will continue, in a more concerted fashion, its analysis and assessment of possible policies and measures to be elaborated in a protocol or another legal instrument, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Berlin Mandate. In this context, it will be recalled that the AGBM, at its second session, highlighted the responsibilities of individual Annex I Parties to undertake and/or report on technical and analytical work and confirmed the need for all Parties in the AGBM to assess analytical results (FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, para. 22).

16. If the AGBM process is to remain on track to COP 3, the narrowing down of the range of policies and measures under consideration will have to advance at the third session, without being closed off (see FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, para. 23). In this regard, the AGBM may wish to consider identifying a limited number of sectors that merit priority attention, for reasons of their relative contribution to the climate change problem, projected trends in sectoral emissions, and/or their relevance to Annex I Parties in general. Further, the AGBM could seek to agree on a provisional, balanced list of possible policies and measures meriting further, more detailed attention. The findings of the IPCC and the discussions at the informal workshop could be useful in this regard. Moreover, a number of Parties have proposed criteria or guidelines to assist in this narrowing-down exercise.

17. In addition, the AGBM may wish to explore proposals for the treatment of policies and measures in a protocol or another legal instrument (see, for example, the proposal of the European Community in FCCC/AGBM/1995/MISC.1/Add. 3, pp. 32-42). Additional proposals could also be considered. There would be a linkage between such a discussion and the deliberations under item 6 of the provisional agenda on possible features of a protocol or another legal instrument.

18. It would be appropriate for conclusions on this item to reflect progress in advancing the assessment of analytical information and in narrowing the range of policies and measures. This would set the stage for a productive fourth session leading into COP 2.

(c) Quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives within specified


19. The Chair of the informal workshop on quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives will make an oral report to the AGBM on the workshop.

20. Comments received from Parties on the implementation of the Berlin Mandate will be available in document FCCC/AGBM/1996/MISC.1. The annotated compilation of information relevant to the Berlin Mandate process (FCCC/AGBM/1996/3) will provide background information. Additional documents that may be relevant to the discussion are listed in annex I.

21. The AGBM may wish to assess the specific proposals for objectives and time-frames that have been made to date as well as alternative approaches and concepts (for example, cumulative, multi-Party, differentiated, or collective objectives), bearing in mind, inter alia, the findings of the IPCC and other information presented at the informal workshop (see FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, para. 33).

22. As agreed at the second session, the third session presents an initial opportunity to make progress on assessing relevant information and narrowing the range of options, taking into account, inter alia, the environmental and socio-economic costs and benefits for all Parties (FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, para. 34). In order to do this, and to begin to define and assess the main options, consideration could be given to issues such as:

- The nature of the eventual quantified objectives (for example, "hard" or "soft" targets, stabilization beyond 2000, levels of reductions), including the linkage to the elaboration of policies and measures

- The role of individual-Party and/or collective objectives (including equitable burden sharing)

- The concept of differentiation among Annex I Parties and mechanisms to implement it

- The most appropriate time-frame, or time-frames, including the role of emissions budgets and possible incentives for early action

23. A thorough discussion and initial conclusions on the above points would set the stage for advances at the fourth session and a report to COP 2 on appreciable progress.

5. Continuing to advance the implementation of Article 4.1

24. At its second session, the AGBM heard reports on steps being taken to implement Article 4.1 and considered, in particular, ways and means to advance the preparation of communications from non-Annex I Parties.

25. At its third session, the AGBM may wish to consider how the Berlin Mandate process will continue to advance the implementation of Article 4.1 rather than repeat the discussion of current activities of Parties. Thus, the focus would be on what new actions, if any, are needed and what would be the modalities surrounding these.

26. The AGBM will receive an oral report on the results of the workshop/forum on communications from non-Annex I Parties, as well as a report on the conclusions of the SBSTA on this matter.

27. In addition, the AGBM may wish to consider other issues involved in continuing to advance the implementation of Article 4.1 by all Parties. For example, the conclusions of the second session reiterated the need for a discussion at the third session on innovative, efficient and state-of-the-art technologies and know-how. Documents FCCC/SBSTA/1996/4 on technology inventory and assessment, FCCC/SBI/1996/5 on transfer of technology and FCCC/AGBM/1996/3 on information relevant to the Berlin Mandate process may be relevant in this regard. Given the importance of technology in responding to the challenge of climate change, ways and means to promote the development and/or transfer of technologies needed by non-Annex I Parties could be considered.

28. The AGBM may also wish to adopt conclusions on how the issues under this item are to be reflected in the results of the Berlin Mandate process and any implications for the financial mechanism of the Convention.

6. Possible features of a protocol or another legal instrument


29. At its second session, the AGBM held preliminary discussions on this item. While more in-depth consideration may be anticipated at the fourth session, the AGBM may wish to take stock of any new proposals or new developments flowing from related items.

30. Submissions from Parties on this topic are contained in document FCCC/AGBM/1996/MISC./1. In addition, the document requested from the secretariat examining how institutions and processes established by the Convention could be linked to a future protocol or another legal instrument will be available (FCCC/AGBM/1996/4). The AGBM may wish to give guidance on the preparation of a more detailed document on the same subject requested for the fourth session (see FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, para. 52) and to reach initial conclusions on certain institutional principles (for example, its preference for either the establishment of new institutions or the use of Convention bodies).

7. Report on the session

31. The relatively short duration of the session, as well as the nature and timing of the discussion, may affect the extent to which a draft text of the report on the work of the session could be available at the end of the session. The AGBM may wish to adopt decisions or texts of substantive conclusions under the relevant items and sub-items of the agenda and, as at previous sessions, authorize the Rapporteur to complete the report after the session, under the guidance of the Chairman and with the assistance of the secretariat. While every effort will be made to have conclusions available in all languages, this can only be possible if sufficient time is available for translation.

Annex I



Documents prepared for the session

FCCC/AGBM/1996/1 Provisional agenda and annotations

FCCC/AGBM/1996/1/Add.1 Annotations to the provisional agenda

FCCC/AGBM/1996/2 Policies and measures

FCCC/AGBM/1996/3 Annotated compilation of information relevant to the Berlin Mandate process

FCCC/AGBM/1996/4 Institutional issues

FCCC/AGBM/1996/MISC.1 Implementation of the Berlin Mandate: comments from Parties

Documents related to inputs from the subsidiary bodies

FCCC/SBSTA/1996/4 Technology, inventory and assessment: initial report on an inventory and assessment of technologies to mitigate and adapt to climate change

FCCC/SBSTA/1996/4/Add.1 Technology, inventory and assessment: initial report on an inventory - technology inventory database

FCCC/SBSTA/1996/5 Transfer of technology

FCCC/SBSTA/1996/7 Scientific Assessments: consideration of the Second and Adds. 1, 2 and 3 Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

FCCC/SB/1996/1 Elements of the second compilation and synthesis of national communications from Annex I Parties

FCCC/SB/1996/2 Communications from Annex I Parties: progress report on in-depth reviews

Other documents for the session

FCCC/AGBM/1995/7 Report of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate on the work of its second session, held at Geneva from 30 October to 3 November 1995

FCCC/AGBM/1995/2 Report of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate on the work of its first session held at Geneva from 21 to 25 August 1995

FCCC/AGBM/1995/4 Lists of issues identified by Parties

FCCC/AGBM/1995/5 Annotated compilation of information relevant to the Berlin Mandate process

FCCC/AGBM/1995/6 Policies and measures identified in the national communications from Annex I Parties

FCCC/AGBM/1995/MISC.1 Implementation of the Berlin Mandate: comments

and Adds 1, 2, 3 and 4 from Parties

FCCC/SB/1996/3 National communications: communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention

FCCC/CP/1995/7 and Add.1 Report of the Conference of the Parties on its first

and Corr.1 (French only) session, held at Berlin from 28 March to 7 April 1995

and Corr.2 (Spanish only)

A/AC.237/L.23 Matters relating to commitments: review of the adequacy of commitments in Article 4, paragraph 2 (a) and (b): letter dated 20 September 1994 from the Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations in New York to the Executive Secretary of the interim secretariat, transmitting a draft protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on greenhouse gas emissions reduction

A/AC.237/L.23/Add.1(1) Matters relating to commitments: review of the adequacy of commitments in Article 4, paragraph 2 (a) and (b): letter dated 22 September 1994 from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany to the Executive Secretary of the interim secretariat, transmitting proposals for further elements of a protocol to the Convention

A/AC.237/83 Matters relating to commitments: review of the adequacy of commitments in Article 4,

paragraph 2 (a) and (b): annotated compilation of international, peer-reviewed literature

Other documents available at the session for reference purposes

FCCC/CP/1995/MISC.1 Matters relating to commitments: review of the

and Add.1 adequacy of Article 4, paragraph 2 (a) and (b): comments from Parties and other member States

A/AC.237/MISC.43 Matters relating to commitments: review of the

and Add.1 adequacy of Article 4, paragraph 2 (a) and (b): comments from Parties or other member States

A/AC.237/65 Matters relating to commitments: review of the adequacy of commitments in Article 4, paragraph 2 (a) and (b)

Annex II





5 March


6 March


7 March


8 March

10 a.m.


1 p.m.

Items 1



4 (a)

Item 4 (c)

4 (b)

Item 5

Item 2 (c)



3 p.m.


6 p.m.

Items 4 (a)

4 (c)

Item 4 (b)

Item 6





Item 7

Items from the provisional agenda:

1. Opening of the session.

2. Organizational matters:

(a) Adoption of the agenda;

(b) Organization of work of the session;

(c) Organization of the work of future sessions.

3. Election of officers other than the Chairman.

4. Strengthening the commitments in Article 4.2(a) and (b):

(a) Inputs from subsidiary bodies;

(b) Policies and measures;

(c) Quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives within specified time-frames.

5. Continuing to advance the implementation of Article 4.1.

6. Possible features of a protocol or another legal instrument.

7. Report on the session.

Informal workshops preceding the AGBM

See annex III

Annex III


The AGBM at its second session requested the secretariat to organize two informal workshops in conjunction with the third session (FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, paras. 29 and 38), one on policies and measures and another on quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives. The workshops will involve technical presentations that should constitute an important contribution to the analysis and assessment. Several Parties offered to make presentations at the workshops. Further, the secretariat approached a number of intergovernmental organizations with particular expertise to address a number of issues raised in the submissions from Parties. Finally, a limited number of non-governmental experts who had been proposed by Parties were invited to make presentations.

As at 7 February 1996, the programmes for the workshops, developed on the basis of submissions from Parties, were still being finalized. Nevertheless, the summaries below may assist Parties in preparing for the workshops. Presentations will be followed by time for discussion. Should additional time be required for the workshops, it will be found within the sessional period.

The workshops will be held in one of the small conference rooms in the Palais des Nations. They will be informal, with no country name-plates. The workshops are open to all Parties and accredited observers.

There will be no written conclusions from the workshops. However, the Chairs will provide oral reports on the workshops to the AGBM under the respective agenda items.

Informal workshop on quantified emission

limitation and reduction objectives


Wednesday, 28 February 1996

3 p.m. - 8 p.m.


Chair: Ms Pascale Morand Francis (Switzerland)

The workshop is expected to have the following components:

- A presentation on the relevant findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

- A presentation to provide the context for a discussion of models and model results

- A series of presentations on the lessons to be learned from different models relevant to the analysis and assessment of quantified objectives and time-frames

- A series of presentations on issues related to the setting of quantified objectives including differentiation among Annex I Parties, indicators and emissions budgets

Informal workshop on policies and measures


Monday, 4 March 1996

3 p.m. - 8 p.m.


Chair: Mr. Chow Kok Kee (Malaysia)

The workshop is expected to have the following components:

- A presentation on the relevant findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

- A series of presentations on possible policies and measures in particular sectors

- A series of presentations on a number of cross-sectoral issues including taxes and subsidies, technology approaches and economies in transition

- A number of presentations on the lessons from national experiences relevant to the elaboration of policies and measures



1. This document should be considered in the light of the statement by Germany (see FCCC/AGBM/1995/MISC.1/Add.1, p. 30) on consistency with decision 1/CP.1 (the Berlin Mandate).