



23 October 1995

Original: ENGLISH


Second session

Geneva, 30 October - 3 November 1995

Item 3 (a) of the provisional agenda



Synthesized list of policies and measures identified by

Annex I Parties in their national communications *

Note by the secretariat

1. At its first session, the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM) requested the secretariat to prepare for consideration at the second session "a synthesized listing of policies and measures, also by sector, identified in the national communications of Annex I Parties" (FCCC/AGBM/1995/2, para. 19 (h) (iv)). This synthesized list is found in the annex to this note.

2. The synthesized list has been prepared on the basis of an examination of 27 national communications submitted by Annex I Parties as at 2 October 1995 (see appendix for a list of these Parties). Well over 1,000 policies and measures are described in these national communications; in order to reduce repetition, where these vary only slightly, they have been included as a single measure. While this has reduced the amount of detail provided on these initiatives, the list nevertheless preserves a sense of the range of policies and measures reported by Annex I Parties.

* The term "national communications" includes communications from the regional economic integration organization included in Annex I to the Convention.


3. It should also be noted that the secretariat did not seek supplementary information from Parties on policies and measures reported, even though they are often described at very different levels of detail in the communications. As a result, some policies and measures may not have been placed in the correct categories of the synthesized list and some policies and measures for which little information was provided may not be included in the list. Information from the in-depth reviews has been included to the extent possible.

4. Finally, the list attempts to cover policies and measures which have either been implemented or for which implementation is planned. Policies and measures that are clearly only under study at this time have been excluded.

5. The synthesized list has been structured in a manner consistent with the earlier document "Compilation and synthesis of national communications from Annex I Parties" (A/AC.237/81). Accordingly, the list has been categorized under the following sector headings:

I. Energy and transformation industries

II. Industry

III. Residential, commercial and institutional

IV. Transportation

V. Industrial processes

VI. Agriculture

VII. Land use change and forestry

VIII. Waste management and sewage treatment

IX. Cross-sectoral economic instruments

6. Under each sector heading, a number of subheadings are provided that describe areas of opportunity or overall policy objectives for greenhouse gas emission reductions. Policies and measures that Annex I Parties have reported on with respect to the exploitation of these opportunities are listed under these subheadings and are further categorized by the policy instrument used:

regulations and guidelines

economic instruments and incentives

voluntary agreements and actions

information, education and training

research, development and demonstration

The secretariat believes that this approach has the merit of providing a greater breadth of description. At the same time, however, it leads to repetition of policies and measures under different categories and subheadings.

7. The synthesized list also attempts to provide an indication of the number of Annex I Parties that reported on a specific policy or measure in their national communication. The following annotation system has been used:

reported by 1-5 Annex I Parties;

reported by 6-10 Annex I Parties;

reported by 11-15 Annex I Parties;

reported by more than 15 Annex I Parties.

It must be stressed that references to the number of Annex I Parties that have reported on specific policies and measures is illustrative and a reflection of the data available. The annotation system does not attempt to demonstrate the relative importance of different policies and measures in terms of their greenhouse gas mitigation potential.

8. While it is not proposed that this document be considered in depth at the second session, delegations may wish to use it as a tool to facilitate the discussions under relevant items of the provisional agenda, and in particular, item 3 (a).






A. Restructuring energy markets

Regulations and guidelines

regulatory reform that increases competition by providing access to the grid for small and independent power producers (for example, through laws that break up producer monopolies, open up transmission and distribution networks, or provide an increased or guaranteed price for power from new producers)

regulatory reform that requires utilities to practice least-cost planning and/or integrated resource planning

regulatory reform that removes barriers to the transmission and distribution of natural gas

Information, education and training

providing information on the practice of integrated resource planning

Research, development and demonstration

research on the potential role of the international electricity trade in CO2 reductions

research into the development of tools to facilitate least-cost planning

B. Existing facilities: improving energy efficiency and reducing fugitive emissions

Regulations and guidelines

NOx and SOx emission control standards for power generation facilities

regulations requiring energy efficiency improvements in power generation facilities

Economic instruments and incentives

financial support and incentives for the installation of combined heat and power generation in existing facilities (for example, subsidies for feasibility studies and construction, lower tax rate on the fuels used in cogeneration)

financial support to make energy efficiency improvements in existing facilities or to convert them to more efficient technologies (for example, coal, nuclear, hydro)

NOx or SOx emission charges

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to reduce flaring and venting in natural gas production

voluntary agreements to undertake energy efficiency improvements at energy supply and transformation facilities

voluntary agreement to promote and implement combined heat and power facilities

voluntary agreements to reduce NOx and SOx emissions

Information, education and training

providing information on combined heat and power opportunities

Research, development and demonstration

research into energy efficiency improvements in energy supply technologies (for example, clean coal, peat)

research on CO2 capture and injection

research to enhance the efficiency of natural gas production

research into combined heat and power production

research on NOx or SOx emissions control technology

C. Increasing the use of non-fossil fuel energy sources and low-carbon fossil fuels

Regulations and guidelines

requirements that utilities produce a certain percentage of power from renewable sources

obligations to close inefficient, high-polluting power generation facilities (for example, brown coal) and replace them with low carbon or no carbon energy sources

regulations requiring the production of energy from coalmine methane

relaxation of regulatory requirements for siting renewable energy facilities

requirements to use biomass fuels as a power source in agricultural facilities

regulatory reform that removes barriers to the construction of new nuclear power plants

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (for example, subsidies, tax relief, loans, removal of duties) to promote the development of new renewable energy production facilities, particularly biomass, solar and wind technologies

financial support for new nuclear power plant construction

financial support for new hydroelectric power plant construction

financial incentives to switch to natural gas as the energy source in existing facilities

financial support for the construction of new natural gas power generation facilities

financial support for the construction of pipelines to provide access to natural gas

financial support for the construction of new, more efficient coal-based power plants

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to use coal-bed methane as an energy source

voluntary agreements to use biomass as an energy source in the agriculture and forestry sectors

voluntary agreements to switch to natural gas as an energy source in existing power generation facilities

voluntary partnerships to develop and commercialize renewable energy technologies

Information, education and training

providing information on renewable energy supply technologies

Research, development and demonstration

research into renewable energy supply technologies, particularly biomass, solar and wind technologies

research into fuel cell technologies

research into nuclear energy technologies

research into converting coalmine methane into energy

D. Energy transmission and distribution

Regulations and guidelines

regulations promoting more effective monitoring, maintenance and repair of natural gas pipelines

regulated distribution transformer standards

regulations to optimize use of transmission lines

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (for example, subsidies) to promote the adoption of district heating within groups of existing buildings

financial support for upgrading transmission lines

financial support for repairing natural gas pipelines

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to reduce natural gas leakage from pipelines

voluntary agreements to implement more efficient distribution transformers

voluntary commitments to install more efficient new transmission lines

Information, education and training

providing information on district heating opportunities


Research, development and demonstration

district heating and cooling research

reducing fugitive natural gas emissions from pipelines

research to improve electricity distribution


Regulations and guidelines

regulated minimum energy efficiency standards for industrial equipment

regulated emission standards for equipment (for example, boilers), products (for example, storage of petroleum products) and processes (cleaning with solvents, waste incineration)

regulated standards for energy management firms

requirements to monitor and report on energy use by industry

regulated standards for energy management firms

regulated emission standards for waste incineration plants

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (subsidies, tax relief, low interest loans) for investments in energy-efficient or renewable energy technologies

financial assistance for industrial energy audits

taxes targeted specifically at industrial energy use or emissions

economic incentives (for example, "golden carrot" or subsidy programmes) for the development and commercialization of energy-efficient technologies

electricity pricing reform (for example, prices increase with the quantity used or the time of use) to promote energy efficiency

financial support for the purchase of emission control technologies

financial incentives (for example, subsidies, tax relief) to encourage fuel switching from coal, electricity or oil to natural gas

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary commitments by industry or voluntary agreements with industry to report on energy use and improve energy efficiency (for example, industry simply agrees to take action, industry agrees to meet a specific energy efficiency or emission reduction target, or industry agrees to implement all energy efficiency actions that have a specific payback period)

voluntary commitments by industry to improve the energy efficiency of their motors, lighting or other specific energy using equipment

voluntary commitments to switch from existing equipment to more energy-efficient natural gas equipment

Information, education and training

providing information on energy efficiency opportunities in industry

provision of audits of industrial management energy use and the training of industrial energy managers

industrial equipment energy efficiency labelling

promoting a switch to more energy-efficient natural gas equipment

promoting renewable energy technologies

promoting emission control technologies

promoting electric heating

Research, development and demonstration

research and demonstration projects on energy management, energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy technologies in the industrial sector



A. Improving the energy efficiency of new buildings

Regulations and guidelines

strengthening the energy efficiency and renewable energy content provisions of building codes for the construction of new buildings

requiring metering of water and space heating on an individual unit basis

obligations to plant trees around new buildings


Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives to design and construct more energy-efficient buildings

financial incentives to purchase more energy-efficient buildings through the provision of "energy-efficient" mortgages and loans

Information, education and training

energy efficiency rating systems for new buildings or methodologies to make the calculation

education and training to increase the incorporation of energy efficiency considerations and renewable energy sources in building design


Research, development and demonstration

research into technologies that will improve the energy efficiency of buildings

demonstration projects for energy-efficient buildings and buildings that use renewable energy technologies

B. Improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings

Regulations and guidelines

commitments by Governments to undertake energy efficiency retrofits of government buildings

requiring metering of water and space heating on an individual unit basis

regulated energy efficiency standards for building retrofits

changing to daylight saving time to minimize heating and cooling needs

ban on conversion to electric heating when alternatives are available

requirement to monitor and report on energy use in large buildings

requirement to produce energy efficiency plans in order to receive a permit for a building retrofit

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (for example, subsidies/loans/tax relief) for energy efficiency retrofits in existing buildings

tax increases specifically targeted at energy use by households

financial incentives for fuel switching from coal to gas, oil or district heating

financial support for home energy audits

financial support for energy efficiency improvements in social housing

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to seek out energy efficiency opportunities and implement energy efficiency retrofits in existing buildings

voluntary planting of trees around existing buildings

Information, education and training

public education on energy efficiency opportunities in existing buildings

networks of energy efficiency consulting and information centres

provision of energy audits for existing buildings

promotion of electric heating

C. Improving the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment

Regulations and guidelines

minimum energy efficiency standards for appliances and equipment

Economic instruments and incentives

subsidies and other financial incentives (lowering the tax rate) for the purchase and installation of energy-efficient and/or renewable energy equipment and appliances (in some cases, subsidies for the removal of inefficient appliances and equipment are also provided )

financial incentives to develop more energy-efficient equipment and appliances (for example, "golden carrot" programmes) or financial support for the commercialization of energy saving technologies

tax increases specifically targeted at energy use by households

financial incentives (for example, subsidies, tax relief) to encourage the replacement of existing equipment and appliances with natural gas products

electricity pricing reform (for example, price variability depending on the quantity used and the time of use) to promote energy efficiency

Voluntary agreements and actions

procurement policies that focus on energy-efficient equipment and appliances and voluntary agreements that create a market for these technologies

voluntary commitments to replace existing equipment and appliances with natural gas products

Information, education and training

energy efficiency labelling for appliances and equipment

promoting the replacement of existing equipment and appliances with natural gas products

promoting renewable energy technologies

promoting electrical heating



A. Improving automobile fuel efficiency

Regulations and guidelines

reducing speed limits or strengthening their enforcement

regulated fuel efficiency standards for new automobiles

compulsory fuel efficiency standards for corporate and institutional automobile fleets

compulsory installation of speed limitation devices for trucks and buses

Economic instruments and incentives

increased taxation of gasoline and/or diesel fuels

financial incentives to purchase less powerful, fuel-efficient vehicles that are applied at registration, purchase or when obtaining insurance for an automobile

financial incentives to help commercialize technologies that will reduce fuel consumption in automobiles

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements on fuel efficiency standards for new automobiles

voluntary agreements to use fuel-efficient vehicles in corporate automobile fleets

Information, education and training

providing information to consumers on fuel-efficient automobiles and fuel-efficient driving practices

vehicle fuel efficiency labelling programmes

tyre fuel efficiency labelling programme

fuel efficiency indicators in automobiles

Research, development and demonstration

research to improve automobile fuel efficiency

B. Increasing the use of alternative transportation fuels

Regulations and guidelines

regulations requiring the use of alternative fuels in specific applications/geographic areas

Economic instruments and incentives

increased taxation of gasoline and/or diesel fuels

financial incentives to purchase alterative fuels (for example, lower taxation than on conventional fuels)

financial support for the purchase of alternative fuel vehicles (for example, electric, natural gas)

financial support to produce alternative fuels

financial support to develop an infrastructure for alternative fuel vehicles

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements with companies to use alternative fuel vehicles in automobile fleets

Information, education and training

providing information on alternative transportation fuels

Research, development and demonstration

research into alternative transportation fuels

C. Strengthening vehicle emission controls

Regulations and guidelines

regulated vehicle emission standards and requirements for the use of catalytic converters

compulsory vehicle inspection and maintenance programmes for some categories of vehicle or for all vehicles

Economic instruments and incentives

subsidies to scrap old vehicles

financial incentives (for example, subsidies, tax relief) to purchase less polluting vehicles

financial incentives (for example, subsidies, tax relief) to purchase pollution control equipment

financial support for the electrification of rail traffic


Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to use low emission vehicles in corporate automobile fleets

Research, development and demonstration

research to improve emission control technologies

research to reduce pollution from air transport

D. Increasing the use of alternative modes of transportation

Regulations and guidelines


privatization of the railway network

Economic instruments and incentives

increased taxation of gasoline and/or diesel fuels

financial support for upgrading/expanding public transport both within and between cities (particularly rail networks)

financial incentives to use public transport or the removal of financial incentives promoting the use of the automobile (for example, ensuring tax policy favours public transport over private automobiles)

financial support (for example, subsidies, removal of taxes on fuels) for demonstration projects in public transport

financial incentives (for example, tax treatment) to invest in public transportation

financial support for pedestrian and cycle paths

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements by institutions to implement telecommuting

Information, education and training

public education on the environmental impacts of the car and the promotion of alternative modes of transportation

Research, development and demonstration

research into alternative transportation technologies

E. Increasing the efficiency of freight transportation

Regulations and guidelines

restrictions on road freight transportation or regulations that increase access to or require the use of other modes of freight transportation (intermodal transport)

regulated fuel efficiency standards for ships

Economic instruments and incentives

increased taxation of gasoline and/or diesel fuels

financial incentives to improve freight transport efficiency by encouraging a move from road to rail transport or the use of intermodal transport (for example, changing the relative taxation of road and rail transport, financial support for the purchase of intermodal equipment)

financial support for the construction of intermodal freight transportation hubs and/or distribution centres

increased taxation of aviation fuels

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements by companies to improve freight transportation efficiency

Information, education and training

promotion of alternatives to freight transport by road

training on fuel-efficient driving practices for truckers

Research, development and demonstration

research on energy efficiency improvements in freight transportation and intermodal transport

F. Improving transportation and urban land use planning

Regulations and guidelines

regulations to improve transportation efficiency and traffic flow at the local level (for example, implementing bus only lanes, more efficient traffic signals, requirements to design more compact urban communities)

regulations restricting automobile use (for example, car-free zones, limiting parking spaces and stricter enforcement of measures to control illegal parking)

Economic instruments and incentives

financial support to improve road infrastructure

road pricing

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to control international road traffic

Information, education and training

providing information to local authorities on transportation planning

providing drivers with information on traffic congestion

Research, development and demonstration

traffic management technologies and practices


Regulations and guidelines

regulations to reduce emissions from HCFC manufacture

regulations restricting the production of high GWP HFCs

regulations restricting N2O emissions from adipic acid and nitric acid production

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to control HFC emissions in HCFC production

voluntary agreements to control PFC emissions from aluminium smelters

voluntary agreements to reduce CO2 emissions from cement manufacturing processes

voluntary agreement to reduce N2O emissions from adipic acid production

Research, development and demonstration

research on the reduction of PFC emissions from aluminium production practices

research on methods to reduce N2O emissions from industrial processes

research on methods to recycle CO emissions within the production process



A. Reducing emissions from enteric fermentation in animals

Regulations and guidelines

regulations to reduce and/or limit livestock numbers

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (for example, subsidies or subsidy removal) to reduce and/or limit livestock numbers

Information, education and training

education to improve the efficiency of animal product production

education on improved animal feeding practices

Research, development and demonstration

research into animal digestive processes and improved animal feeding practices

B. Reducing emissions from animal wastes in agriculture

Regulations and guidelines

regulations to reduce and/or limit livestock numbers

regulations requiring the use of animal waste as a fuel

regulations on the management of animal wastes that minimize methane emissions

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives to reduce and/or limit animal production or livestock numbers (for example, subsidies or subsidy removal)

financial incentives to reduce emissions from animal manure

financial incentives to use animal waste as a fuel

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to improve animal waste management practices

Information, education and training

education to improve the efficiency of animal product production

education on alternative and/or improved animal waste processing systems

education on the use of animal waste as a fuel

Research, development and demonstration

research into improved animal waste management processes

C. Reducing emissions from the use of nitrogen fertilizers

Regulations and guidelines

regulations that restrict fertilizer use by setting limits on the nitrate levels in water or the amount of fertilizer that can be used per hectare

regulations requiring the setting aside of agricultural land

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (for example, subsidies and subsidy removal) to set aside agricultural land or to practice less intensive agriculture

financial incentives to use organic farming practices

removal of subsidies for fertilizer use

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to improve the efficiency of fertilizer use

Information, education and training

education on efficient management of fertilizer use

Research, development and demonstration

research on how to use fertilizers more efficiently

research on how to enhance nitrogen uptake by plants

research on alternatives to nitrogen-based fertilizers

D. Enhancing carbon dioxide sequestration and retention in agricultural soils

Regulations and guidelines

regulations that require improved tillage practices and soil management

regulations requiring reduced fallow frequency


Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (for example, subsidies and subsidy removal) to practice less intensive agriculture

financial support for soil management initiatives

financial incentives to reduce fallow frequency

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to improve soil management

Information, education and training

education on improved soil management practices

Research, development and demonstration

research on improved soil management practices and the link between soils and greenhouse gas emissions

E. Reducing methane emissions from rice production

Research and development

research into farming practices that would reduce methane emissions



A. Preserving biomass

Regulations and guidelines

regulations on proper forest management practices or regulations that require the approval of forest management plans

regulations establishing protected areas

regulations that limit the clearing of forested land

regulations that require the restoration of wetlands

Economic instruments and incentives

financial support to develop forest management plans and financial incentives for improved forest management

financial incentives (for example, fees for the removal of trees) to preserve forests on private land

financial support for fighting forest fires

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to improve forest management practices

Information, education and training

education and/or training on improved forest management

promoting carbon sequestration through a greater use of wood products

Research, development and demonstration

research on improving forest management practices

research on studying the effect of pollution on forests

research on carbon storage in wood products

B. Afforestation and reforestation

Regulations and guidelines

regulations that require afforestation of unused or abandoned agricultural land

regulations that require reforestation

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (subsidies, tax incentives) for afforestation on agricultural lands, waste lands or abandoned lands and tree planting in urban areas

financial incentives for reforestation

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to rehabilitate native vegetation

voluntary tree planting partnerships and programmes

Information, education and training

education to promote afforestation

Research, development and demonstration

research on methods to maximize carbon sequestration through afforestation



A. Promoting recycling and minimizing waste

Regulations and guidelines

regulations requiring waste minimization in the commercial and industrial sectors

regulations requiring recycling of waste in the commercial and industrial sectors

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives to reduce waste (fees on waste disposal, deposit schemes)

financial support for recycling programmes

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements with industry to collect and recycle their products and/or packaging (for example, automobiles)

voluntary household and/or business recycling programmes

Information, education and training

education on waste reduction opportunities in residential, commercial and industrial facilities

promotion of recycling

information on wastes that can be recycled and used for energy production in industry

Research, development and demonstration

research into public attitudes towards recycling

research on improved waste management methods

B. Reducing emissions from sewage treatment

Regulations and guidelines

regulations on the production of energy from sewage wastes

regulations on treatment of sewage waste that will help minimize methane emissions

Economic instruments and incentives

financial support for the construction of more efficient sewage treatment facilities

Research, development and demonstration

research and demonstration projects on the production of energy from sewage wastes

C. Reducing methane emissions from landfills

Regulations and guidelines

regulations and guidelines that require the capture of methane from landfills for incineration or energy production

technical standards on the design and operation of landfills that will help reduce methane emissions

regulations and guidelines limiting the use of landfills as a waste disposal option

Economic instruments and incentives

financial incentives (for example, subsidies) to capture methane in landfills and produce energy

landfill waste disposal fees

financial support for composting projects

Voluntary agreements and actions

voluntary agreements to produce energy from methane in landfills

Information, education and training

promotion of composting

providing information on energy production from landfills

Research, development and demonstration

research to improve the efficiency of obtaining energy from methane in landfills

pilot projects to produce energy from methane in landfills or compost


Economic instruments and incentives

broad-based taxes (carbon taxes, energy/CO2 taxes, energy taxes, sales taxes with special rates for energy) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

removal of subsidies for consumers and producers of fossil fuels and subsidies for producers (allowing prices to be determined by the market)

Research, development and demonstration

research on carbon taxes








Czech Republic













New Zealand








United Kingdom

United States
