
The document which follows consists of the final authentic text of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The Kyoto Protocol has now been issued as part of the COP 3 report, document FCCC/CP/1997/7/Add.1. It should be read together with decisions 1/CP.3, 2/CP.3 and 3/CP.3 which are also contained in that report.

A list of the minor editorial and technical changes introduced to the Kyoto Protocol as adopted by COP 3 following a technical review of the text may be obtained from the secretariat.

The Kyoto Protocol is available on this web site (in PDF format only)  in English, French, Russian and Spanish.
The text in the other official UN languages will be made available (also in PDF format) as soon as possible.
( Arabic and Chinese versions can be obtained from the secretariat in hard copy. )

To be able to view the document you need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. It is available free of charge at Adobe's Web site. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, please follow this link to download


Follow this link to view the Kyoto Protocol in English.

Follow this link to view the Kyoto Protocol in French.

Follow this link to view the Kyoto Protocol in Russian.

Follow this link to view the Kyoto Protocol in Spanish.