


26 July 1997



Sixth session

Bonn, 28 July - 5 August 1997

Item 8 of the provisional agenda


Contact and Activity Information

The secretariat updates information on activities implemented jointly (AIJ) on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) website under CC:INFO products. The continuously updated section "CC:INFO/AIJ" contains a short updated history of the negotiations, a list of relevant documents (hotlinked if available), an update on findings in methodological work and all the information elements reproduced in this document.


The direct address is http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/ccinfo/defaij.htm.


The following table contains projects which have been accepted, approved or endorsed by the designated national authorities for AIJ. Those activities which have been added to this table, initially published in document FCCC/SBSTA/1997/INF.1, are printed in italics.


List of activities implemented jointly

Type of project


Participating Parties


"CARFIX: Sustainable Forest Management"

Costa Rica, USA


"RUSAFOR: Saratov Afforestation Project"

Russian Federation, USA

Energy efficiency

"Aluksne district heating"

Latvia, Sweden

Energy efficiency

"Balvi district heating"

Latvia, Sweden

Energy efficiency

"Burkina Faso sustainable energy management"

Burkina Faso, Norway

Energy efficiency

"Emission reduction at power plants in Romania"

Netherlands, Romania

Energy efficiency

"Energy-efficiency improvement by Hungarian municipalitites and utilities"

Hungary, Netherlands

Energy efficiency

"High Efficiency Lighting"

Norway, Mexico

Energy efficiency

"Horticulture project in Tyumen"

Russian Federation, Netherlands

Energy efficiency

"Jelgava district heating"

Latvia, Sweden

Energy efficiency

"Jelgava energy efficiency"

Latvia, Sweden

Energy efficiency

"Saldus Energy efficiency"

Latvia, Sweden

Energy efficiency

"Saldus district heating"

Latvia, Sweden

Forest preservation

"ECOLAND: Esquinas National Park"

Costa Rica, USA

Forest preservation

"Reforestation and forest conservation"

Costa Rica, Norway

Forest preservation

"Reforestation of the Krknose mountains"

Czech Republic, Netherlands

Forest reforestation

"Klinki Forestry Project"

Costa Rica, USA

Forest reforestation

"Scolel Té: Carbon Sequestration and Sustainable Forest Management in Chiapas"

Mexico, USA

Forest restoration

"Biodiversifix: Forest Restoration"

Costa Rica, USA

Fuel switching

"Coal to Gas Conversion"

Poland, Norway

Fuel switching

"RABA/IKARUS compressed natural gas engine bus project"

Hungary, Netherlands

Fuel switching

"Viesite boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Fugitive gas capture

"RUSAGAS: Fugitive Gas Capture Project"

Russian Federation, USA

Fugitive gas capture

"Sanitary Landfilling of Energy Recovery in the Moscow Region"

Russian Federation, Netherlands

Renewable energy

"Aeroenergía SA Wind Facility"

Costa Rica, USA

Renewable energy

"Aluksne boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Balvi boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Brocenia boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Daugavgriva boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Doña Julia Hydroelectric Project"

Costa Rica, USA

Renewable energy

"Janmuiza boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Jekabplis boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Jurmala boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Planta Eólicas S.A. Wind Facility"

Costa Rica, USA

Renewable energy

"Rauna boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Slampe boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Tierras Morenas Windfarm Project"

Costa Rica, USA

Renewable energy

"Ugale boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Valka boiler conversion"

Latvia, Sweden

Renewable energy

"Wind power plant"

Germany, Latvia


This section contains information on opportunities for AIJ offered by Parties. As the uniform reporting format has been adopted, the secretariat will follow up on the request by Parties to integrate information on AIJ in the CC:INFO database and reporting system and to implement an information exchange on AIJ in the context of CC:INFO information exchange activities.


(contact: see section "National Contact Information")

1. KARENERGO Wind Facility Project

This project intends to build a 5 mgw electric plant using 500 kw power wind turbines. Total cost of this project is $US 4.8 million. Duration: 25 years. Benefits: Reduction of emission 46.5 million mt per year. Participants: Georgia - "KARENERGO" Scientific Research Institute; Institute of

Hydrometeorology; National Climate Research Center; "ENERGOKSELPROJECT" Institute; US - Vestas - Danish Wind Technology A/S; Bluefild International.

2. GEOTERMULI TBOMOMARAGEBA Geothermal Power Project Project will be located in town Zugdidi for heating the central part of the town and providing it with hot water using geothermical waters and double contour scheme. Total cost of this project is $US 3.5 million. Duration: 30 years.

Benefits: The project is expected to sequester 55,000 mt CO2 per year. Participants: Georgia - Zugdidi municipal department; National Climate Research Center.

3. STORI Hydroelectric Project

The project involves construction of a 6 megawatt hydroelectric plant. The plant will use the water of the river Stori. The plant will generate 40,000

megawatt electricity per year. Total cost of the project is $US 8.4 million. Duration: 40 years.

Benefits: This project will provide reduction of emission 33,000 mt CO2 per year. Participants: National Climate Research Center; "Hydroproject"

Institute; Georgian Greens.

4. EKOVELI Bio - Gen Biomass Power Generation Project

This project will develop 25 megawatt biomass waste-to-energy plants in Georgia. Project will be realized on the Kolkhida Lowland (East part of the Black Sea). Total cost is $US 15 million.

Duration: 15 years. Benefits: Suspected sequester of CO2 is 120,000 mt per year after realization. Participants: The Ministry of Agriculture and Food, National Climate Research Center, Agroecological Center.


Solar-based rural hot water supply.

The objective of this project is to supply rural region in Georgia with solar-thermal hot water. Total cost of this project is $US 2.4 million. Duration: 30 years. Benefits: 3,330 mt CO2 per year. Participants: Georgia - "SPETSHELIOTE-PLOMONTAZ" LTD., Firm "MZE", Green

Earth Foundation.


(contact: see section

"National Contact Information")

1. Carbon capture: Community Forestry in SIERRA NORTE DE OAXACA, MEXICO.

Programme in 4 communities of 45,158 ha total. Improvements in agricultural practices, protection of standing forests, reforestation efforts, and reduction of predicted deforestation will improve incomes while increasing CO2 sequestration capacity. Funding needed for technical assistance, forest protection greenhouses and financing of agricultural conversion to agroforestry systems. Total cost: $US 113,783.00 per year. Duration: 30 years. Benefits: Carbon offset of 3 million tons over the lifetime of the project. Participants: Ixeto and Uzachi communities, Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible, A. C.

2. International Model Forest Program - CHIHUAHUA.

A model forest is a working forest managed on sound environmental principles by a partnership which includes government, industry, NGOs, indigenous people and community groups. The forest is used for a variety of purposes including timber production, conservation, wildlife habitat and eco-tourism. The forest site provides examples of sustainable forest management in action by meeting economic, environmental and social goals. On potential economic resource from the model in its carbon sequestration ability. Participants: The government, industry, NGOs, indigenous people and community groups.

3. Afforestation and Community Improvement in the SIERRA GORDA QUERETARO.

This project involves a 25 year extension to a programme which was started by Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda, A. C. in 1987. The programme involves both plantation and natural afforestation, for commercial use, mature forest protection and community improvement in the Sierra Gorda, a semi-tropical area of east-central Mexico. For each of the seven years of the project, the Grupo will plant 1000 ha of land, which is currently used for grazing or marginal agricultural production. As well, a further 1000 ha will be naturally afforested. A total of 7,000 ha will be planted and an additional 7,000 ha will be protected in order for natural afforestation to occur. Finally, for each of the 10 first years of the project, 500 wood-burning cookstoves, 40% more efficient than existing wood-burning cookstoves, will be installed (this combustion efficiency is not included in the calculation of GHG emissions). Total cost: Investment: $US 4,542,000, first harvest revenues: $US 17,234,000, final harvest revenues $US 35,021,000; Net Value $US 47,713,000. NPV6.0: $US 12,981,000, Rate of Return: 12.0%. Duration: 25 years. Benefits: 2 million tonC over the lifetime of the project. Participants: Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda, A. C., Woodrising Consulting Inc.

4. Commercial Development of the Tropical Rainforest in CAMPECHE on a Sustainable Basis.

The project is located in the southern part of the State of Campeche, on the lands of the extension of Ejido Champotón. Local involvement in the project comes from major venture company formed with 50% participation from both the Ejidatarios and

Maderas Ese, S. S. de C. V., a forest products company. The joint venture corporation is named Silvicultura del Ejido de Champotón. The project is oriented towards developing sustainable year round commercial timber practices in the tropical rainforest area of the State. These activities would include the selective harvesting of specific timber, reforestation, the transformation of the woods and other forest products (honey, gums, resins, ornamental plants) into commercially viable, environmentally sound products. The project also seeks to create a permanent job base for the local inhabitants, thereby addressing their need to establish an economic alternative to slash and burn agriculture. Economic analysis of the potential of the forests for pharmaceutical bio-prospecting, carbon sequestration and ecoturism will also be performed.

Total cost: The project consists of three phases, each of which need funding: Preliminary studies to determine the scope, pre-feasibility and business plan of the project: $US 50,000. Feasibility, Integral Forest Management Programme and Business Plan: $US 600,000-750,000. Pilot commercial implementation in selected sections of the tropical rain forest of Integral Sustainable Forest Management Programmes, selected pilot commercial implementation in three to five areas of intensive tropical rain forest silviculture and selected pilot commercial implementation in three to five areas of commercial plantations:

$US 700,000-800,000.

Total financing needed approx. $US 1,600,000. Duration: Phase one: 3 months, Phase two: 10-12 months, Phase three: 36-48 months.

Benefits: Not available. Participants: Silvicultura del Ejido de Champotón, Business Council for Sustainable Development for the Gulf of Mexico,

University of Campeche.

5. Agroforestry and carbon storage in the MONARCH BUTTERFLY RESERVE

The project involves pre-feasibility and development work for a project designed to enhance the viability of the Monarch Butterfly Reserve in Michoacán State, principally through the generation of incomes for local communities from sustainable

agroforestry techniques.

6. CHIAPAS Cashew Nut Program

The project would involve the extension of an existing program to support the development of cashew nut plantations in the coastal zone of Chiapas (known as Soconusco). Since 1993, some 2500 ha of plantations have been established in the

Soconusco and the municipality of Cintalpa.

7. Carbon storage in CHIAPAS

The project would seek to arrest deforestation in lands managed by the Sociedad Campesino Magisterial (SOCAMA) in Chiapas, and to reforest degraded areas, in order to capture carbon. SOCAMA has developed a Forest Management Plan that establishes targets for the short, medium and long term that include establishment of forest plantations and development of agroforestry systems, as well as efforts to regenerate native forests. Funding for feasibility studies is sought to evaluate: local forest characteristics, carbon capture potential, monitoring and verification options, forest management plan, carbon credit quantification and valuation.


Listed below are the contact points for entities authorized to accept, approve or endorse activities implemented jointly and to report on them to the

Conference of the Parties (COP). National focal points(1) to the UNFCCC are marked by (NFP).

Albania (NFP):

Committee of Environmental Protection

Tirana, Albania

Tel.: (355-42)6-5229/30682

Fax: (355-42)2-7909

Algeria (NFP):

Ministry of State, Local Collectivities and Environment

Mr. Ramdane Sid Ali

Directeur de la Préservation de la Biodiversité et des Espèces Naturelles

Director of the Preservation of Biodiversity and Natural Species

Algiers, Algeria

Tel.: (213-2)65-2822

Fax: (213-2)65-3997

Antigua and Barbuda (NFP):

Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations, New York

610 Fifth Avenue, Suite 311

New York NY 10020, United States of America

Tel.: (1-212)541-4117

Fax: (1-212)757-1607


AIJ Australia Office

Department of Primary Industries and Energy

Edmond Barton Building

Barton, ACT 2600, Australia

Tel: (61-6) 272-4791 or (61-6) 272-4791

Fax: (61-6) 271-5699

E-mail: aij_australia@regate.dpie.gov.au

AIJ National Programme Web Site: Australian Initiative on Activities Implemented Jointly

Austria (NFP):

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Youth and Family Affairs

Stubenbastei 5

A-1010 Wien, Austria

Tel.: (43-1)5-1522-1737

Fax: (43-1)5-1522-7810

Bahamas (NFP):

Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission

P.O. Box 10980

Nassau, Bahamas

Tel.: (1-242)327-4691/3

Fax: (1-242)327-4626


Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology and Transportation

Mr. Carlos Fuller

Chief Meteorologist

Power Lane

Belmopan, Belize

Tel.: (08) 22817 or 22435

Fax: (08) 23317 or 23677


Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente

Ministry of Sustainable Development and Environment

Ave. Arce No. 2147

Casilla No. 12814

La Paz, Bolivia

Tel: 372063 or 372378

Fax: 392892

Botswana (NFP):

Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications

Ms. Gladys Ramothwa

Director of the Department of Meteorological Services

P. O. Box 10100

Gaborone, Botswana

Tel.: (267)356-281

Fax: (267)356-282



Ministry of Environment

67, William Gladstone Str.

BUL-1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Tel.: (359-2)81-6151 (ext. 267 or 258)

Fax: (359-2)52-1634 or 341

Burkina Faso (NFP):

Ministry of Environment and Water

Mr. Mamadou Honadia

Coordinateur du dossier CCNUCC

Coordinator of UNFCCC program

03 B.P. 7044

Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso

Tel.: (226)31-2464

Fax: (226)31-6491



Canadian Joint Implementation Initiative(CJII)

Mrs. Anne Boucher

Natural Resources Canada

CJII office, 19th floor

580 Booth St.

Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E4 Canada

Tel: (613) 996-2921

Fax: (613) 947-6799

E-mail: CJII@es.nrcan.gc.ca

Central African Republic (NFP):

Ministry of Environment, Water, Forests, Hunting and Fishery

B.P. 830

Bangui , Central African Republic

Tel.: (236)61-4110/7921

Fax: (236)61-5711

Chile (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Catedral 1158

Santiago, Chile

Tel.: (56-2)698-0301

Fax: (56-2)699-4202

China (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

225, Chaonei Street

Beijing 100701, China

Tel.: (86-10)6525-5520

Fax: (86-10)6513-4505

Colombia (NFP):

Colombian Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Calle 10 No. 5-51

Office (105)

Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia

Tel.: (57-1)281-1303

Fax: (57-1)337-0578

Costa Rica:

Oficina Costarricense de Implementación Conjunta (OCIC)

Costa Rican Office for Joint Implementatión

Mr. Franz Tattenbach (National Coordinator)

Mr. Adalberto Gorbitz (General Manager)

CINDE Building

P.O. Box 7170-1000

La Uruca

San José, Costa Rica

Tel: (506) 220-0036

Fax: (506) 290-1238

E-mail: crocic@sol.racsa.co.cr

Cuba (NFP):

Meteorological Institute of Cuba

Apartado Postal 17032

C.P. 11700 Habana 17, Cuba

Tel.: (53-7)33-8010/ 621051

Fax: (53-7)33-8010 or 61-7168

E-Mail: meteoro@ceniai.cu

Czech Republic:

"Focal Point AIJ CR"

Ministry of the Environment

International Relations Department

Vrsovická 65

100 10 Prague 10, Czech Republic

Tel: (42-2) 67122361

Fax: (42 2) 739411

E-mail: alex@env.cz

Democratic Republic of the Congo (NFP):

Ministry of the Environnement

Mr. Maurice Matanda-Kafunda

Expert à la Direction des Establissements Humains et Protection de


Expert for the Direction of Human Settlements and Environmental Protection

15, Avenue des Cliniques

B.P. 12348

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of

the Congo

Tel.: (243-123-4769 or 3-3250/51

Fax: (243-12) 3-3451

Denmark (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Asiatisk Plads 2

DK-1448 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Tel.: (45)3392-0000

Fax: (45)3154-0533

Ecuador (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Avenida 10 de Agosto y Carrión

Quito, Ecuador

Tel.: (593-2)56-1215 or 56-1040

Fax: (593-2)50-7077 or 50-4933

E-Mail: suborint@mmrree.gov.ec

Egypt (NFP):

Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency

17 Teiba Street


Cairo, Egypt

Tel.: (20-2)360-1191/ 349-6458

Fax: (20-2)361-0764

Eritrea (NFP):

Eritrean Agency for the Environment

Naigzy Gebremedhin, Senior Advisor

P.O.Box 5713

Asmara, Eritrea

Tel.: (291-1)18-1324

Fax: (291-1)18-2418

Estonia (NFP):

Ministry of Environment

Toompuiestee 24

EE-0100 Tallinn, Estonia

Tel.: (37-2)6262-841

Fax: (37-2)6262-845


National Meteorological Services Agency

Tesfaye Haile, General Manager

P.O. Box 1090

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tel.: (251-1)51-2299 ext. 254

Fax: (251-1)51-7066


Caisse francaise de développement

Fond Francais pour l'Environnement Mondial

Secrétariat de mise en oeuvre conjointe

Jean Labrousse

35, rue Boissy d'Anglas

75379 PARIS CEDEX 08 France

Tel.: (33) 01 40 06 35 82

Fax: (33) 01 40 06 32 48

Gambia (NFP):

Department of Water Resources

7, Marina Parade

Banjul, Gambia

Tel.: (220)22-8216

Fax: (220)22-5009

Georgia (NFP):

Ministry of Natural Sources and Environmental Protection

Department of Hydrometeorology

Mr. Tengiz Gzirishvili

Deputy Chairman of the Department of Hydrometeorology

150 Agmashenebeli Ave.

Tibilisi, 380012, Georgia

Tel.: (995-32) 92-2140

Fax.: (995-32) 95-5006

E-mail: ggc@iberiapac.ge

Offers of AIJ activities by Georgia


The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Franzjosef Schafhausen

Head of Division

Joint Implementation Coordination Office

Bernkasteler Strasse 8

53175 Bonn, Germany

Tel.: (49-228) 305-2350

Fax.: (49-228) 305-3338

E-mail: g16-2004@wp-gate.bmu.de


Ministry for the Environment,

Physical Planning and Public Works

Department of International Relations and E. U. Affairs

17, Amaliados Street

115-23 Athens, Greece

Tel.: (30-1) 6411717 or (30-1) 6435740

Fax.: (30-1) 6434470


Guinea-Bissau (NFP):

National Meteorological Service

Manuel de Alvarenga

Directeur C.P. 75

1001 Codex Bissau, Guinea-Bissau

Tel.: (245)20-2059

Fax: (245)20-2059



Ministry for the Environment,

Secretaria de Estado en el Despacho del Ambiente (SEDA)

Apdo. 4710

Tegucigalpa, M.D. C., Honduras

Tel.: (504) 37-5664 or 37-5667 or 38-5308 or 38-4662 or 38-4685

Fax.: (504) 37-5726



Ministry for the Environment and Regional Policy

Department of Environmental Strategy

Fö utca 2250

H-1011 Budapest, Hungary

Tel.: (36-1)457-3300

Fax: (36-1)201-4133

Indonesia (NFP):

Ministry of State for Environment

Aca Sugandhy

Assistant Minister for Environment

J1 D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 24

Kebon Nanas, Jatinegara

Jakarta 13410, Indonesia

Tel.: (62-21)858-0111

Fax: (62-21)858-0111

E-mail: sjwadana@indo.net.id

Iran (Islamic Republic of) (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Tel.: (9821)321 2668

Fax: (9821)67 4176


Department of Environment,

Mr. Donal Enright

Custom House

Dublin 2, Ireland

Tel.: (35-31)6793377, ext. 2550

Fax.: (35-31)8742423

Italy (NFP):

Ministry of Environment

Via della Ferratella in Laterano 33

I-00184 Rome, Italy

Tel.: (39-6)702-9210/ 7725-7018

Fax: (39-6)7725-7016


Inter-Ministerial/Agency Coordination Committee for AIJ (IMACC)

Secretariat Mr. Yuichi Kitamura

2-2-1 Kasumigaseki


Tokyo 100 - Japan

Tel.: (81-3)3580-5012

Fax.: (81-3)3580-5011

E-Mail: yuichi.kitamura@mofa.go.jp

Kenya (NFP):

National Environment Secretariat

P.O. Box 67839

Nairobi, Kenya

Tel.: (254-2)218095/21-8079/22-9261

Fax: (254-2)21-6951/24-2887/21-4175

Kuwait (NFP):

Environment Protection Council

P.O. Box 24395

Safat 13104, Kuwait

Tel.: (965)215-6831

Fax: (965)242-1993


Latvia (NFP):

Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development

Mrs Ingrida Apene

Senior Desk Officer

25 Peldu Str.

Riga LV 1494, Latvia

Tel: (371 7) 026 508

Fax: (371 7) 820 442

E-Mail: erna@varam.gov.lv


Lesotho (NFP):

Meteorological Services

Bruno Sekoli

Principal Meteorologist

P.O. Box 772

Maseru 100, Lesotho

Tel.: (266)31-7250 or 32-5041

Fax: (266)35-0325 or 32-5057


Mauritius (NFP):

Ministry of the Environment and Quality of Life

Ken Lee Tower, 10th floor

Barracks & St. Georges Streets

Port Louis, Mauritius

Tel.: (230)212-7175

Fax: (230)212-9407


Meteorological Services

St. Paul Road

Government Quarter's No 18

Vacoas, Mauritius

Tel.: (230)696-5626

Fax: (230)686-1033

E-Mail: meteo@intnet.mu


Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE-SEDESOL)

National Institute of Ecology

Dr. Carlos Gay

Av. Revolucion 1425

Torre Ejecutiva nivel 31

Colonia Tlacopac San Angel

C.P 01040

Mexico, D.F.

Tel: (525) 624-35-42/43/45/46

Fax: (525) 624-35-93

E-Mail: cgay@chajul.ine.gob.mx

Moldova, Republic of (NFP):

National Hydrometeorological Service

Grenoblya str. 193

277043 Kichinev, Moldova, Republic of

Tel.: (3732)77-3611/ 3500

Fax: (3732)77-3611

E-Mail: mae3@cni.md

Monaco (NFP):

Directorate of External Relations

"Villa Girasole"

16, boulevard de Suisse

MC-98000 Monaco, Monaco

Tel.: (377-93)15-8333

Fax: (377-93)15-8554

Morocco (NFP):

Ministry of Environment

Bani Layachi

Directeur de l'Observation des Etudes et de la Coodination 75 rue de Sebou


Rabat, Morocco

Tel.: (212-7)68-0743/ 1500

Fax: (212-7)68-0746

E-Mail: sdnmar@onpt.net.ma


Myanmar (NFP):

National Commission for Environmental Affairs

37, Khantaman Road

Yangon, Myanmar

Tel.: (95-1)22-1689

Fax: (95-1)22-1546


The Netherlands Pilot Phase Programme on Joint Implementation

Mr. Wim Frederik Iestra

Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment

Directorate General for Environmental Protection

Directorate Air and Energy IPC/640

Climate Change Department

P.O. Box 30945

2500 GX The Hague, The Netherlands

Tel.: (31-70) 339-4440 or 339-4437

Fax: (31-70) 339-1310 or 339-1311

E-mail: iestra@DLE.DGM.minvrom.nl


New Zealand (NFP):

Ministry for the Environment

P.O. Box 10362

Wellington, New Zealand

Tel.: (64-4)498-7400

Fax: (64-4)471-0195 or 499-4549


Niger (NFP):

Ministry of Hydraulics and Environment

Sani Mahazou

Chef de service B.P. 578

Niamey, Niger

Tel.: (227)73-3329

Fax: (227)73-2784/73-5591


National Council on the Environment and Sustainable Development

B.P. 10193

Niamey, Niger

Tel.: (227)72-2559

Fax: (227)72-2581/73-5859

Nigeria (NFP):

Federal Environmental Protection Agency

Environment House, Independence Way South

P.M. Bag 265, Garki

Abuja, Nigeria

Tel.: (234-9)523-3368

Fax: (234-9)523-3373


National Pilot Phase Programme

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs

Mr. Jostein Leiro, Head of Division

P.O. Box 8114

7 Juni-Plassen

N-0032 Oslo Dep, Norway

Tel.: (47-2234) 3608

Fax.: (47-2234) 2782

Oman (NFP):

Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment

P.O. Box 323

Muscat 113, Oman

Tel.: (968)60-2271

Fax: (968)69-2549

Panama (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Edgar Spence Herrera

Director General de Organismos y Conferencias Internacionales

Zona 4

4 Panama, Panama

Tel.: (507)28-5434

Fax: (507)28-7002 or 27-4725

Peru (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Lampa 535

Lima, Peru

Tel.: (51-14)28-5751

Fax: (51-14)28-5751


National Council of Environment

Av. San Borja Norte 226

San Borja

Lima, Peru

Tel.: (51-1)441-7333

Fax: (51-1)441-7334

Philippines (NFP):

Department of Foreign Affairs

Bernarditas De Castro Muller


ADB Building

2330 Roxas Boulevard

Pasay City, Philippines

Tel.: (632)834-4000

Fax: (632)761-3014



National Found for Environmental Protection and Water Management, JI-Secretariat

Mrs. Galon-Kozakiewicz, Ph.D

Head of JI-Secretariat

Konstruktorska 3A

02-673 Warsaw, Poland

Tel.: (4822) 49 22 80; 49 00 80 ext. 504

Fax: (4822) 49 20 98

E-Mail: jolantak@nfosigw.gov.pl



Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection

Division for Strategies & Regulations for Environment Protection

Blvd. Libertatii 12,

70005 Bucharest Sector 5, Romania

Tel.: (40-1) 410-0248

Fax: (40-1) 410-0217 or (40-1) 410-021


Russian Federation (NFP):

Interagency Commision of Russian Federation on Climate Change Problems

Mr. Alexander I. Bedritzky

Chairman of the Commission

Head of the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

Novovagankovsky street 12

Moscow 123242, Russian Federation

Tel.: (7-095)252-3873/ 255-2104

Fax: (7-095)253-9484

Telex: 411117 RUMS RU

E-mail: avdushin@hymet.msk.ru

Samoa (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

P.O. Box L. 1861

Apia, Samoa

Tel.: (685)2-5313

Fax: (685)2-1504

E-Mail: mission.of.samoa@together.org

Senegal (NFP):

Ministry of Environment and Protection of Nature

Bakary Kante

Directeur de l'environnement

23, Rue Calmette

B.P. 6557

Dakar, Senegal

Tel.: (22-1)22-4011 or 21-1240

Fax: (22-1)22-2180

E-Mail: direnvir@enda.sn

Seychelles (NFP):

Meteorological Services

Luc Chang-Ko


P.O. Box 181

Mahe, Seychelles

Tel.: (248)37-3001

Fax: (248)37-3222

E-Mail: lchangko@seychelles.net

Slovakia (NFP):

Ministry of the Environment

Nmestie Ludovta Stura 1

SL-812 35 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Tel.: (42-7)516-2314

Fax: (42-7)516-2367

E-Mail: xooomoj@savba.savba.sk

Slovenia (NFP):

Hydrometeorological Institute

Vojkova 1b

SL-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tel.: (386-61)32-7461

Fax: (386-61)33-1396

E-Mail: andrej.kranjc@rzs-hm.si

Solomon Islands (NFP):

Meteorological Service

P.O. Box 21

Honiara, Solomon Islands

Tel.: (677)2-1640

Fax: (677)2-1689


Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Aviation

P.O. Box 21

Honiara, Solomon Islands

Tel.: (677)2-1757

Fax: (677)2-0046

South Africa (NFP):

Environmental Affairs and Tourism

Michael Laing, Director: Climate

P/Bag X 097

Pretoria, South Africa

Tel.: (27-12)309-3074/309-3026

Fax: (27-12)309-3979

E-Mail: fcccsec@cirrus.sawb.gov.za


Meteorological Service, Ministry of Public Works

Magnesiumstraat 41

Paramaribo, Suriname

Tel.: (597)49-1143

Fax: (597)49-0627

Swaziland (NFP):

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Emmanuel Dlamini


P.O. Box 58

Mbabane, Swaziland

Tel.: (268)4-8859/4-6274

Fax: (268)4-1530/4-2364


Sweden (NFP):

Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development-NUTEK

Sune Westermark

Liljeholmsvägen 32

S-117 86 Stockholm, Sweden

Tel.: (46-8)681 95 39

Fax: (46-8)681 96 67

E-mail: sune.westermark@nutek.se


Swiss AIJ Pilot Program Secretariat

Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs

Anne M. Arquit Niederberger

Programme Manager

Effingerstrasse 1

CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland

Tel.: (41-31)323 08 85

Fax: (41-31)324 09 58

E-Mail: anne.arquit-niederberger@bawi.admin.ch

Syrian Arab Republic (NFP):

Ministry of Environment

P.O. Box 3773

Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic

Tel.: (96-311)331-0381/333-0510/ 221-5426

Fax: (96-311)333-5645

Thailand (NFP):

Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment

60/1 Soi Phibun Wattana Rama VI Rd.,


Bangkok 10400, Thailand

Tel.: (66-2)279-0130

Fax: (66-2)270-1661

Togo (NFP):

Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Elevage et de la Pèche

B.P. 385

Lomé, Togo

Tel.: (228)21-0305/21-0482

Fax: (228)21-8792

Tonga (NFP):

Ministry of Civil Aviation and Meteorological Service

Saufatu Sopoanga

P.O. Box 845

Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Tel.: (676)2-4144

Fax: (676)2-4145

Turkey (NFP):

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Disisleri Bakanligi 06520


Ankara, Turkey

Tel.: (90-312)286-6126/285-4615

Fax: (90-312)287-1648

E-Mail: webmaster@mfa.gou.tr

Turkmenistan (NFP):

Ministry for Natural Resource Use and Environment Protection

ul. Kemine 102

744000 Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan

Tel.: (993-12)25-4317 or 29-6004

Fax: (993-12)51-1613

Tuvalu (NFP):

Ministry of Civil Aviation, Tourism, Telecommunications, Meteorology and Postal Services

Private Mail Bag 054

Port Vila, Tuvalu

Tel.: (678)2-5059

Fax: (678)2-5628


Department of Meteorology

Crested Towers, P.O. Box 7025

Kampala, Uganda

Tel.: (256-41)25-8574 or 23-3559

Fax: (256-41)25-1797/6166

E-Mail: met@mukla.gn.apc.org


Ministry of Natural Resources

Amber House, P.O. Box 7270

Kampala, Uganda

Tel.: (256-41)23-4733/23-3331

Fax: (256-41)23-0220

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (NFP):

Department of the Environment

Room B254

43 Marsham Street

London SW1P 3 P4,

United Kingdom of Great Britain

Tel.: (44-171)276-3000

Fax: (44-171)276-8355

United States of America:

United States Initiative on Joint Implementation (USIJI)

Dr. Robert K. Dixon



1000 Independence Avenue SW

Washington, DC 20585, USA

Tel: (1-202) 586-3003

Fax: (1-202) 586-3485 or 86

E-Mail: rdixon@igc.apc.org

WWW: http://www.ji.org

Uzbekistan (NFP):

Main Administration of Hydrometeorology

Victor Chub, Minister, Chief of Glavgidromet

72, Observatorskaya str.

700052 Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Tel.: (7-3712)33-6180 or 32-0758

Fax: (7-3712)33-2025

E-Mail: uzhymet@hmc.tashkent.su

Vanuatu (NFP):

Meteorological Services

Private Mail Bag 054

Port Vila, Vanuatu

Tel.: (678)2-2331

Fax: (678)2-3142

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1. According to the message from the Executive Secretary on arrangements for communication and liaison with Parties to the Convention dated 8 May 1996, the national focal point should be able to accept, approve or endorse activities implemented jointly and report on them to the COP through the secretariat. Parties are encouraged to identify their national focal points and inform the secretariat accordingly. Additional information on national focal points may be obtained from the CC:INFO booth or by contacting Mr. Horacio Peluffo, External Relations Officer.