Social media

Along with live webcast, social media community tools such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr enable virtual participation in the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (COP23). See the full list of our social media accounts below, and those of the Fijian COP23 Presidency.

Information on which sessions will be webcast live each day will be made available in the daily programme, and on the main meetings page and also on the webcast interface that will be made available closer to the conference.

The main Twitter hashtag for the event is #COP23.

Apps, Platforms and Accounts

A UNFCCC Negotiator app collects all the information in one place, including social media and webcast.

App for Iphone/Ipad

App for Android 

The platform UN Climate Talks Live displays real-time data on the global Twitter conversation about #COP23. It gathers and visualises worldwide tweets, showing visitors the top Tweeters, key trends in the conversation as they happen and insightful analytics.

Full list of our social media accounts


Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa

UNFCCC in English

UNFCCC in French

UNFCCC in Spanish

UNFCCC in German

Momentum for Change

UN Carbon Mechanisms

UNFCCC In-session documents



Momentum for Change

Adaptation Exchange

UN Carbon Mechanisms

Other Channels

UNFCCC on Instagram

UNFCCC on LinkedIn

UNFCCC on Flickr

UNFCCC on YouTube

YouTube Climate Change Studio Channel

Momentum for Change on Vimeo

Momentum for Change on SoundCloud

Fijian Presidency Websites and Social Media Channels


COP23 on Twitter

COP23 on Facebook

COP23 on YouTube

Climate Champions

Inia Seruiratu, Fiji Climate Champion for COP23 on Twitter

Hakima El Haité, Kingdom of Morocco Climate Champion for COP22 on Twitter 

Bonn and German Government Websites and Social Media Channels

BMUB Website (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit)

BMZ Website (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)

BMUB on Twitter (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit)

BMZ on Twitter (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)

GIZ on Twitter (German Association for International Cooperation)

Bonn Global on Twitter

More UN channels

Global Goals for Sustainable Development on Twitter

United Nations on Twitter

UN Bonn on Twitter

UN Bonn on Facebook
