Take a Look at what a wide range of stakeholders from youth organization to civil society leaders have prepared for you in the ACW Action Hub!!


Action Hub 01




Empowering women, improving livelihoods and increasing resilience to climate change

By ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization)
9 minutes

A small grant from ITTO in 2009 provided the stimulus for MALEBI, a women’s association in Côte d’Ivoire, to improve charcoal production using efficient, eco-friendly techniques, in the process increasing the standard of living in the local community and raising awareness of the importance of forest conservation.

At the end of Action Hub 01 a video contribution of the Momentum for Change Award is offered by UNFCCC: 
CAMFED: Young Women's Grassroots Climate Action in Africa | Sub-Saharan Africa


Action Hub 02




Nature-based Solutions: A a critical approach for climate resilient development

By ICLEI Africa
20 minutes 23 seconds

The Urban Natural Assets for Africa (UNA) Programme has had several impacts and achievements over the years that are as dynamic, far-reaching and layered as the programme itself. This video showcases just some of this, with a particular focus on the 8 programme cities, in 6 African countries. Watch the video to learn more about the power of Nature-based Solutions as a critical approach for climate resilient development.

At the end of Action Hub 02 a video contribution of the Momentum for Change Award is offered by UNFCCC: 
We Care Solar | Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya

Action Hub 03




Namibia's efforts towards achieving the Paris Agreement targets

By the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism
52 minutes 56 seconds

The Ministry will showcase various videos, that were created to raise awareness on Namibia's climate change interventions, showcase case studies on community led adaptation as well what the global warming projections imply for Namibia.



At the end of Action Hub 03 a video contribution of the Momentum for Change Award is offered by UNFCCC: 
Mapping for Rights | Congo Basin

Action Hub 04




Energy access through Rural Renewable Energy

4 minutes 10 seconds

To promote Sierra Leone's long-term inclusive growth, there is a need to tackle the net deficit of power production. With a rapidly increasing demand for electricity, the Government of Sierra Leone has embarked on an ambitious strategic investment plan geared towards establishing reliable and sustainable electric power generation points across the country in all districts. The Rural Renewable Energy Project (RREP) was developed to support the Government of Sierra Leone’s goals towards low emissions, climate resilience, gender sensitivity and sustainable growth trajectory. Supported by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), the RREP is implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) on behalf of the MoE. The RREP, which spans from October 2016 to May 2022, provides clean energy access which also sustainably grows the country’s energy capacity.


At the end of Action Hub 04 a video contribution of the Momentum for Change Award is offered by UNFCCC: 
Women-Led Fog Harvesting | Morocco

Action Hub 05




UNEP Programme: Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming Action Agenda for Nature and People Webinar

By Every Woman Hope Centre (EWHC)
1 hour and 33 minutes



There were five presentations during the Webinar from different Speakers, who contributed tremendously in advancing the EWHC Biosafety Commitment, for greater support for the Kunming Action Agenda. The sixth presentation came from the Nigeria’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) after the Webinar.

At the end of Action Hub 05 a video contribution of the Momentum for Change Award is offered by UNFCCC: 
Enabling Farmers to Adapt to Climate Change | Uganda

Action Hub 06




Institutional improved cook stoves for schools and institutions in Uganda

By Simoshi Limited
7 minutes 52 seconds

Simoshi’s energy efficient stand-alone project activity registered with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the Gold Standard (GS) is capable of bringing a cleaner, healthier and environmentally friendly technology to low-income individuals, especially women and children, by changing the traditional cooking practices used in schools in Uganda. Simoshi outsources institutional improved cook stoves (IICS) from the local manufacturer Ugastove and promotes and sells/distributes them to schools and institutions.

Action Hub 07




Adaptation Voices - African experts urge ‘accelerated action’ on adaptation in CDKN film series

By SouthSouthNorth
30 minutes



CDKN's 'Adaptation Voices' film series presents key insights from African experts on accelerating adaptation. Each video interview highlights specific entry points where governments, private businesses, civil society and development partners can accelerate effective, inclusive adaptation action.


Action Hub 08




The 2017-2018 Cape Town Water Crisis : An Introduction

By The Resilience Shift
9 minutes



The Cape Town crisis was a pivotal event in the history of the city that not only changed how Capetonians think of water but also led to the development and implementation of a new water strategy by the local government. The short film below provides background information on the crisis, followed by an introduction to the lessons learned from it which are captured in the Cape Town Drought Response Learning Initiative.

Action Hub 09




Roadmaps for Sustainable Mobility in Africa: a replicable model boosting ambitious national mobility strategies

By Climate Chance Association
5 minutes 26 seconds



This African Sustainable Mobility Coalition can design specific national roadmaps for ambitious mobility policies and has concrete results in Morocco, Côte d’Ivoire and soon-to-be in Senegal.


Action Hub 10




Local Flood Early Warning

8 minutes 36 seconds

During the last 20 years, floods have become a major hazard in West Africa, particularly in the Sahelian belt, affecting livelihoods, infrastructure and production systems, and hence heavily impacting on sustainable development. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 recognized Climate Services (CS) as a powerful tool for more effective disaster preparedness. The European research and innovation Roadmap for CS expands their contribution, particularly “hydrometeorological services”, to the Sendai Framework. Our study aims to present the lessons learnt from the set-up of a Community and Impact Based Flood EWS on the Sirba River in Niger.


Action Hub 11




Show cases short films and case studies on agroecology and climate change

By Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa
3 minutes and 20 seconds

The event will showcase short films and case studies on Climate Change and Agroecology.The films are in form of animations and documentaries on agroecology and climate change


Action Hub 12




Launching the Solutions Movement

By Student Energy
3 minutes and 3 seconds

Introduction, Overview of the initiative, Unmet Demand, Inspiring stories from our African Youth Entreprenuers, The Work so far and Our Solutions Goals, Call to Action for Africa.


Action Hub 13




The Africa Integrated Assessment on Air Pollution and Climate Change

By Clean Air Coalition, UNEP, Africa union Commission and the Stockholm Environment
8 minutes and 11 seconds

Experts interview on the Africa integrated assessment on air pollution and climate, its implications for Africa and what is at stake


Action Hub 14




Green Up to Cool Down: United in Action (AFRICA)

By Global EverGreening Alliance
33 minutes and 6 seconds

The Global EverGreening Alliance’s global campaign, Green Up to Cool Down aims to capture 20 billion tons of carbon annually by the year 2050, and we’re making a start in Africa! With the help of dedicated individuals, communities and organisations we’re making a difference on the ground, together.


 Action Hub 15




Climate Action Academy

By 2811
5 minutes and 46 seconds

We want this video to showcase the Climate Action Academies held in other countries such as Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil or Portugal in order to motivate and inspire the public and also to invite experts, activists, entrepreneurs, scientists, teachers and organisations motivated to promote environmental education and climate action to join the adventure of creating the first Climate Action Academy in Africa.


  Action Hub 16




Climate Actions by the African Union Commission, Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment

By African Union
10 minutes and 57 seconds



As the African Union (AU) is advancing its reform agenda and the restructuring of the Commission, the 33rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government adopted the new departmental structure for the AU Commission to be instituted over a three-year period (Assembly/AU/Dec.750 (XXXIII). Among the portfolios created is the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (ARBE).


This new Department comprises of two complementing Directorates under one Commissioner; one for Agriculture and Rural Development, and the other for Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy.  The new Directorate of Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy was operationalized since February 2021, and has been working tireless, in collaboration with its partners to advance the Agenda 2063 through the development and implementation of various policies and programs aimed at facilitating the continental transition to an inclusive natural resource management, blue economy and increased resilience to the hazards posed by climate change.

The 2021 Africa Climate Week’s theme aims at accelerating collaboration and integrating climate action into global pandemic recovery. Building forward opens opportunities to address social inequalities and invest in economic development that is good and just for humanity and nature. Partnership and collaboration are keys to all stakeholders, including the marginalized communities such as indigenous people to speed up the implementation of the relevant decisions as well as other strategies of post COVID-19 recovery in Africa. Inclusive participation in combating climate change is urgently needed in Africa especially to address gender, women and youth imbalances in resources management.
