Use of Agro-Weather Tool for Enhancing Early Warning and Adaptation for Farmers - Kenya

This activity disseminates information and data regarding weather and subsequent agricultural practices and preparation to small-scale farmers in Kenya via mobile phones, computer and radio. This information allows farmers to optimize their crop production and reduce vulnerability.

Fast facts:

  • This activity has empowered up to 5,000 farming households to use the agro-weather tool and adapt to variable and extreme weather;

  • About 80% of farming households practice mitigation efforts that use existing woodlots on farms as carbon sinks, rather than the cutting trees down.

The problem

Crop production in Kenya is threatened by uncertain rainfall patterns due to climate variability, which may account for losses of up to 80%. In the arid and semi-arid areas, farmers experience crop failures more frequently due to prolonged drought. Intense rainfall can occur at any time, and farmers are often not prepared.

The solution

Using SMS text messaging, farmers can receive daily and seasonal real time alerts on impending weather events that could have possible negative impacts on their crops. This information empowers farmers with the knowledge to prepare their land for the impacts. Alerts are formulated based on long-term climate data related to agronomic, cropping systems and practices. If farmers take appropriate actions, they can enhance their water use efficiency and minimize their losses in agricultural production. For farmers without mobile phones, information is also disseminated via computers and radio stations in central areas.

Helping the planet

This activity has helped reduce the negative impacts of rainfall variability and climate change. By increasing vegetation through improved crop production, this activity enhances carbon sequestration.

Helping people

Household income has increased due to this activity, through the sale of surplus crops production due to the proper use of the agro-forestry tool. By utilizing agronomic and meteorological information, farmers no longer are engaging in unproductive cropping activities caused by elongated drought or sudden rainfall. This activity also improves the communities' nutrition and health due to increased healthy crop production.

Scaling Up

This activity plans to involve more communities from various agro-ecological zones in the future. This activity also will conduct workshops in communities based on their agro-weather tool.


Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.
