Transport - Climate Action Pathway


​It’s 2050. By 2050. Polluting modes of transport are now a thing of the past, thanks first to the adoption of low-emission options and more latterly by 100% carbon-free alternatives. Transport is decarbonised by shifting to a more sustainable and diverse range of modes and vehicle technologies. The clean electrification of all light-duty vehicles and trains marked a real breakthrough, as did the development of zero-emission liquid fuels for planes, vessels and other long-distance transport.

Global society experiences higher levels of wellbeing and equality. The physical benefits of an uptake in walking, cycling and other forms of active mobility are very noticeable. So are the positive effects of having cleaner air, less noise and safer roads. The social gains from upgrades to transport infrastructure have begun to filter through strongly. Everyone says that traveling from “A” to “B” is considerably more efficient, reliable and affordable than before, which provides equal access to opportunities. Women report feeling safer when travelling on public transport thanks to new security measures.

One of the biggest changes is the seamless connectivity between different parts of the transport system. This makes switching between different transport modes infinitely easier. The assistive hand of digital technologies and advanced data management systems is particularly apparent here. These same tools have also radically increased the resilience of today’s transport systems, making them better prepared for extreme weather and other shock events.

None of this would have been possible without updating institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks so that policymakers can give maximum priority to sustainability issues. Likewise, reforms to out-dated financing and funding structures have caused capital investment in zero-carbon solutions to skyrocket.


The High-Level Champions sincerely thank the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and other partners for their messages of support to the Climate Action Pathways. Together with their leadership and contributions, this support adds considerably to the authority of the Pathways.

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Through the road transport initiatives EV100, the ZEV Pledge for public fleets and ZEV Community, alongside the RouteZero COP26 ambition platform, Climate Group works with leaders from businesses and governments to accelerate the speed and scale of the shift to zero emission vehicles. We fully support the transport roadmap laid out in the Climate Action Pathway, which outlines the steps needed for a wholescale system transition, and we’ll continue to work to ensure that electromobility plays its crucial role within this. 

We are Count Us In - citizens everywhere - from corporate leaders to workers, voters, drivers, sportspeople, medical professionals to parents and youth from around the world. Together, we are taking steps to protect what we love from climate change, and we are united and committed to cleaning up the air we breathe. The transportation revolution is at a tipping point. Market forces are already moving toward zero emissions vehicles. We need to see a suite of policy measures in cities and countries around the world to make it happen faster. The Transport Pathway shows us how we can all be successful in building a resilient, zero-carbon world by 2040 and ensure that our communities have all they need to benefit from shifting road transportation to zero emissions. 



ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability encourages all actors within the transport and mobility ecosystem to play their part in accelerating global efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.
The Transport Pathway captures the best thinking of how we will achieve critical Breakthroughs in the Race to Zero and build a resilient, zero-carbon world in the 2040s.
Through the EcoMobility and EcoLogistics initiatives, ICLEI will work with cities, regions, and their partners to achieve zero-emission, equitable, and resilient mobility systems for people and goods.

National Cheng Kung University as a contributor to this Pathway for Transport encourages every actor within the transport and mobility ecosystem to play their part in accelerating our global efforts to reach net zero emissions for a sustainable future. This Pathway captures the best thinking on how we will achieve critical breakthroughs in the Race to Zero in the next ten years and build a resilient, zero carbon world in the 2040s. 

As MPGCA co-focal point for transport, we, the SLOCAT Partnership, encourage every actor in the ecosystem to raise ambition and scale solutions towards sustainable, low carbon transport paradigms that reduce climate impacts, improve air quality and benefit public health, while increasing access to low carbon mobility and powering a just transition to green jobs in a circular economy. This Pathway captures critical actions for every actor to play their part.

