Global Climate Action at COP 26

At the United nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UK, Global Climate Action (GCA) hosted a set of dynamic events demonstrating how climate action is undertaken on the ground, through the fruitful collaboration of cities, regions, businesses, investors, civil society with governments, so as to implement the Paris Agreement and reach its goals. 

The events were held at the Scottish Event Campus, where the conference took place under the Presidency of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 

The events were clustered in several categories: 

Participants represented the spectrum of climate action and included the participation of CEOs, Mayors, indigenous people, Governors, investors, entrepreneurs, young people and many other figureheads from civil society at large. 

The full program proposed a wide range of formats, such as Davos-style events, roundtable discussions, TED-style talks, interviews, focus group-style events, demo events, and the yearly awaited Global Climate Action Awards Ceremony.

See the GCA programme below:

GCA Events COP26

Wednesday 3 November


Action Room 1

Responsible Business Conduct and Climate Action:

How global instruments on responsible business conduct can support implementation and accountability of business’ net-zero commitments

This joint OECD and UNFCCC session will explore how internationally agreed and recognised instruments on responsible business behaviour can help to ensure net-zero targets are implemented with integrity, accountability and responsibility – taking into account impacts on both people and the planet.

The event follows on from the joint UNFCCC-OECD event held at COP 25.


Action Room 1

Finance Action Event: 

Financing a Resilient Net Zero Future 

This event will highlight how leaders across the global financial system are taking bold action towards net zero by 2050 consistent with a 1.5C trajectory. 

The sessions will feature tangible, near-term actions from the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero in collaboration with the High-level Champions and Race to Zero.


Action Room 2

Leading by Example: Greening Governments, UN and other Public Organizations

This event will showcase initiatives related to greening national and international organisations, share experiences and results from different perspectives (United Nations, member States and Non-governmental organisations).


Action Room 1

UNFCCC Sports for Climate Action - on the Race to Net Zero

This event will unveil and launch the new targets under the UNFCCC Sports for Climate Action Framework, showcase action on the ground among the 280 signatories to the Sports Framework, and take stock on the way forward for how sports can encourage and support the fight against the climate crisis.



Action Room 1

Futures Lab: Transformational Economics meets Transformational Leadership This event will strengthen the case for new economic thinking and underline the urgent need for radical and transformational leadership. Transformation is feasible (and exciting!): in ninety minutes we will encourage participants to explore the pathways and solutions necessary to achieve an equitable future on a finite planet.

Thursday 4 November


Action Room 1

Launch of the Glasgow Declaration: A commitment to a decade of climate action in tourism

The Glasgow Declaration will be officially launched at this event, with the objective to raise the climate ambition of tourism stakeholders and secure strong actions to support the global commitment to reach Net Zero as soon as possible before 2050.

Policy makers and leading industry representatives will discuss strategic approaches and will commit to and sign the Glasgow Declaration.


Action Room 1

Energy Action Event

This event will showcase the Climate Action Pathway on Energy, highlight ambitious initiatives and innovations driving the energy transition, and explore policy and practical approaches for overcoming the barriers to deliver the 2030 milestones and ‘net-zero by 2050 or sooner’ vision.


Action Room 1

Futures Lab: Climate Smart Healthcare for a Healthier Planet

We envisage a future of universally accessible climate-smart healthcare, where we have lowered emissions from the healthcare sector and improved the quality and delivery of health. To build this future, we need multilateral sharing, learning and collaboration across the global north and south to further enhance the innovation and technology we are already seeing today. 
18.00-20.00 The Changing Face of Iceland The Youth Climate Report (YCR), a partner program of the UNFCCC since 2011, is proud to present The Changing Face of Iceland, a feature documentary film examining the impacts of climate change on the island nation of Iceland. The film was made by a group of graduate students from five universities around the world. Mark Terry, YCR Executive Director and Research Fellow at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research, will host the event.

Friday 5 November


Action Room 1

Unifying for Change: The global youth voice at COP26

YOUNGO, the Official Children’s and Youth constituency of the UNFCCC, will present the global youth statement from their Local, Virtual and Global Conferences of Youth. It will showcase the global youth position, their climate actions and their calls for action from global leaders at COP26.


Action Room 1

Water Action Event: 

Thirsty for Change: the goals of the Paris Agreement are within reach by tapping the potential of water

The event will highlight the demands of state and non-state actors for more ambitious water action and showcase how they are accelerating climate change mitigation and adaptation through concrete water action. 

The event will further demonstrate how climate pledges in the water sector translate into concrete steps by the private sector, civil society, youth, indigenous peoples and local communities, contributing to Race to Zero, Race to Resilience and country-led action under the Paris Agreement.


Action Room 2

Intergenerational Inquiry: Youth Stepping up Climate Action 

Led by YOUNGO, this session will facilitate a dialogue between youth leaders and high-profile experts sharing experiences and stories of change. It will bring generations together to learn from each other and amplify the scale of climate action.


Action Room 1

Oceans and Coastal Zones Action Event: 

Ocean solutions for a resilient, net-zero future 

By convening key representatives across relevant stakeholders (governments, finance, ocean-based industries, local communities, scientists, IGOs and NGOs), the session aims to highlight the potential of ocean-based climate solutions, based on lessons learned on the ground and the latest science, to contribute to a net-zero and nature-positive future, while enhancing adaptation and resilience-building of ecosystems and coastal communities.


Action Room 2

Youth4Climate at COP26

The Italian Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, and COP26 President Designate, Alok Sharma, will facilitate a discussion on the outcomes of the “Youth4Climate: Driving ambition” Summit held in Milan this September. The event will bring together youth representatives and other Parties’ Ministers to champion the concrete proposals of youth at COP26.

Saturday 6 November


Action Room 1

Futures Lab: Just climate Action - ‘The Great Recovery’

Through a Talanoa dialogue, this event envisions a future that crosses traditional boundaries to bring about global climate justice. We will encourage rare and challenging discussions between generations and genders, between employees and CEOs, and across regions to imagine and plan for a just, resilient and climate neutral future.


Action Room 1

Land Use Action Event:

Transforming the land use system with nature and health at the centre of the climate crisis and global recovery 

The event will provide an inspiring vision of the land use sector that enhances resilience, strengthens adaptation, halves emissions and reverses biodiversity loss by 2030.

The event will present concrete actions and pledges by national governments, cities, subnational regions, businesses, investors, civil society, youth and indigenous peoples contributing to Race to Zero, Race to Resilience and implementation of the Paris Agreement.


Action Room 2

Camda event:

Tracking Credible Climate Action

This event will showcase the progress tracking of voluntary climate actions through the Global Climate Action portal and provide an opportunity to highlight how this work can be developed and expanded, including through innovative approaches to climate action data collection and reporting.


Action Room 1

The Paris Agreement: The Insider Story

What were the driving forces behind the adoption of the Paris Agreement, and what can be learnt from this in terms of facilitating more effective negotiations in future? Key insiders share the “behind closed doors” story of the Paris negotiations and discuss the future of climate diplomacy and multilateral negotiations.

Monday 8 November 

Part 1

10.00 – 11.30

Action Room 1

Part 2

13.00 – 14.15

Action Room 1

Resilience Action Event: 

What does climate resilience mean in practice? Showcasing risk management actions across and within sectors 

This event brings together the Marrakech Partnership and Race to Resilience partners to show what adaptation and resilience means in practice for different sectors and how – by working together – we can achieve the Race to Resilience Goal of making 4 billion people resilient to climate shocks and stresses by 2030.


Action Room 1

Futures Lab:  Governance - Choose your own Adventure From the boardroom to the council chamber, and beyond, governance shapes the decisions that affect us all. This session explores the way in which decisions need to be made in the future, and the consequences for people and planet.


Action Room 2

UNFCCC – Nordrhein-Westfalen:

Launching the ACE Hub

This event will officially launch the ACE HUB: this project in collaboration with the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia aims to fulfil some of the mandates given to the UNFCCC secretariat under the Katowice package to strengthen the skills and capacity of the ACE national focal points and to empower youth to support and lead climate action.


Fashion Industry on the Race to Zero

The Fashion Industry will present its new solutions and initiatives to achieve its net-zero goal.

The UN Climate Change secretariat will provide an overview of the Race to Zero campaign and the important role the fashion industry plays.


Tuesday 9 November


Action Room 1

Industry Action Event: 

Driving Industry Action to Deliver Net-Zero by 2050 and Build Climate Resilience

The event will reinforce the strong momentum shown by industry players towards greater ambition to deliver net-zero by 2050 and to build industry resilience to the impacts of climate change.

The session will showcase proven collaborations and commitments to drive systems transformation, amplify the major campaigns to drive industry commitment and action, and highlight the regulatory and policy frameworks required to deliver a safe operating world. 


Action Room 2

Supporting actors for credible non-Party stakeholder voluntary action: A close look into the Role of International Standards and their use within the real economy to support and drive climate transitions

There is a need to demystify the landscape of guidelines and standards and yet to enhance coherence: this session aims to help develop the conversation about leading institutions developing and using standards and to inform stakeholders about relevant guidelines and standards that support credible action on climate.


Action Room 1

Global Climate Action Awards:

Special Event for 2020 Winning Activities

This event is an opportunity for the 2020 winners of the UN Global Climate Action Award to present their innovative climate solutions to the world.


Action Room 2

Dialogue on Gender, Science, Innovation, and Technology 

The Technology Executive Committee, Climate Technology Centre & Network, and Facilitative Working Group are hosting a technical expert dialogue to discuss the status of women’s participation in climate technology development and innovation processes and reflect on ways to ensure gender-responsiveness of adaptation and mitigation technologies.


Action Room 1

Futures Lab: Reimagining Carbon Removals

In this session we envision a future where, in parallel with rapid reductions, we are taking CO2 out of the air at the scale needed to achieve net zero in an effective, affordable and equitable way and start reversing climate change. We then work back from the future to identify the grand challenges we must tackle now to get there.


Action Room 1

Futures Lab: Looking at the Law - Window of Opportunity

A deep dive into how we might harness the power of the law to bring about a more regenerative, just world. We’ll explore the future potential of judicial decision-making, community-led litigation, and negotiation and developments in business and human rights. 

Wednesday 10 November


Action Room 1

Dialogue of National GHG Management Programs for Climate Action

Multiple national governments will present how they encourage climate action by the private sector in their jurisdictions, recognize achievements, share experiences, and foster cross-pollination to enhance their initiatives. 

This event will also see the launch of a formal collaboration between governments in Latin America and the Caribbean, and will include Germany, Italy and South Korea.


Action Room 1

Transport Action Event: 

Zero Carbon Transitions: Ambitions and Actions in the Transport Sector 

This event will review ambitions and corresponding climate actions in the transport sector capable of delivering a rapid transition to zero carbon that is sustainable, resilient, healthy and inclusive.

It will address priority actions in three main areas: 1) accelerating the electrification transition, 2) identifying the most effective policies and tools to increase transport and supply chain resilience and support COVID-19 recovery and 3) delivering a just and equitable transition as the transport sector moves toward a zero-carbon future.

This event will also highlight successful examples where ambitious transport and climate targets have been met.


Action Room 2

Launch of the Event Industry’s “Net Zero Carbon Events” Pledge

In the biggest collaboration ever assembled around sustainability in the events industry, stakeholders of the global events industry with the support of the UNFCCC secretariat have developed a pledge.

This session will introduce the unique role the events sector has as both the provider of meeting places and marketplaces for every community around the world, and how it intends to make its contribution aligned with climate action.

Stakeholders will present the pledge and their motivation behind it. 


Global Climate Action Awards Ceremony

This marquee event is a moment of celebration at COP 26 to recognize the 11 winners of the 2021 UN Global Climate Action Awards.

This event is expected to be one of the most dynamic and exciting events at COP 26, with inspiring speakers, videos, photography, and a musical performance.

Thursday 11 November


Action Room 1

Cities, Regions & Built Environment Day Action Event:

Decarbonizing and Adapting our Built Environment and Cities

This event will explore how human settlements can inspire radical behavioural and consumption changes for people to lead lives compatible with a 1.5oC lifestyle, especially looking through the lenses of the key pillars of the Human Settlements pathway: the built environment and waste and consumption.


Action Room 2

Launch of the Green Events Tool – an online platform for the assessment and certification of sustainability and carbon neutrality of events

The purpose of the Green Events Tool is to provide a user-friendly web-based platform to help plan more sustainable events, assess their sustainability and carbon footprint, provide good practices for climate mitigation and sustainability enhancement of events, and processes for the optional registration, certification and labelling of such events for their sustainability performance.

This event will demonstrate the tool and call for interested organizations to test and use the platform.


Plenary Cairn Gorm

High Level Event on Global Climate Action

The event will aim to strengthen high-level engagement in the implementation of policy options and climate action; provide an opportunity for announcing progress made in relation to an improved Marrakech Partnership as mandated by Parties, sectoral breakthroughs derived from the Climate Action Pathways and progress of the Race to Zero and Race to Resilience campaigns; taking stock to related progress and provide a meaningful opportunity for the effective high-level engagement of dignitaries of Parties, international organizations and non-Party stakeholders. The high-level champions will report on their activities in 2020 and 2021.
