Closing statements - Climate Dialogues 2020

The objective of the Climate Dialogues was to provide a platform for Parties and other stakeholders to showcase progress made in 2020 and exchange views and ideas across the subsidiary bodies and COP agendas mandated for 2020. As guided by the Bureau at its meeting on 25 August, The Climate Dialogues also provided a platform for advancing implementation of activities mandated for 2020, to the extent possible and, where necessary, identifying any potential further action that the SB Chairs could undertake to help Parties to prepare for effectively engaging in the work of the subsidiary bodies at the sessions to take place in 2021. Overall, the Climate Dialogues should help to advance work under the subsidiary bodies and the COP in a virtual setting, thereby paving the way for a successful COP 26.

Format of the Climate Dialogues

The format of events ranged from mandated events for 2020, to meetings of and/or events by the constituted bodies, informal consultations by the Presiding Officers with Parties, and a series of technical workshops and/or information events on matters related to the work of the governing and subsidiary bodies.

Closing Ceremony

Individual closing statements

Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Chair of the G77 and China

Janine Felson, Chair of AOSIS

Samia Shell on behalf of the YOUNGO constituency

Ruel Yamuna, Chair of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations

Kavita Naidu on behalf of the women and gender constituency

Sonam Phuntsho Wangdi, Chair of the LDC Group

Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen on behalf of the RINGO constituency

Nicole Wilke on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Susan Aitken on behalf of local governments and municipal authorities

Franz Perrez, Chair of the Environmental Integrity Group

IPO - World Indigenous Peoples Day compilation

Walter Schuldt, Ecuador, on behalf of the LMDC Group

Sun Zhen, China, on behalf of BASIC countries

Majda Dabaghi on behalf of BINGO constituency

Juan Monterrey, Chair of the AILAC Group

Isabel Di Carlo on behalf of ALBA Group

Nisreen Elsaim on behalf of ENGO – CAN constituency


