Call for expression of interest - KCI informal gender network of experts for response measures

Noting the importance of integrating gender considerations into its work, the KCI is opening a call for expression of interest for experts for response measures for its informal network of experts for response measures.  

The experts will contribute to the work of the KCI by providing specific input from the perspective of gender for all KCI’s workplan activities.  The expert will support the work of the KCI work, among others, by:

  • Making coordinated or spoken inputs.
  • Participating in KCI meetings.
  • Contributing to intersessional work of the KCI, such as the preparation of technical papers.

Any interested experts or organizations can submit their expression of interest by completing this form.

The name of the experts and organizations who are interested in becoming part of the network will be published on the KCI webpage.

For further information, please contact


Background information of the KCI

Impacts of implementation of response measures (“response measures”) is understood as the effects arising from the implementation of mitigation policies, programmes and actions, “in-jurisdiction” and “out-of-jurisdiction” or cross-border impacts, taken by Parties under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement to combat climate change.

To achieve the 2 °C goal of the Paris Agreement (and even more so the 1.5 °C) requires enhanced ambition and effective implementation of GHG mitigation abatement policies and actions. It is thus imperative that there is an urgent need to assess, analyze, address and report these cross-border environmental, social and economic impacts.

These impacts could be positive or negative, therefore the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement seek to minimize the negative and maximize the positive impacts of implementation of mitigation policies and actions.

The Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (KCI) was established as constituted body dealing with technical matters related to response measures. The areas of the work programme of the KCI include:

  1. Economic diversification and transformation;
  2. Just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs;
  3. Assessing and analysing the impacts of the implementation of response measures;
  4. Facilitating the development of tools and methodologies to assess the impacts of the implementation of response measures.

In implementing its workplan activities (hyperlinked to workplan), the KCI receives input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizations.  

As part of the continuation and enhancement of the Lima work programme on gender (LWPG) and its gender action plan (GAP), the Conference of the Parties requests all constituted bodies to continue to include in their regular reports information on progress towards integrating a gender perspective into their processes (decision 3/CP.25, para 12).

Addressing this mandate, the KCI adopted approaches to mainstream gender considerations into its work (document KCI/2021/5/8).