RCC Bangkok at the 6th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development, 27 - 29 March 2019 - Bangkok, Thailand
APFSD roundtable

The Sixth Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) engaged member States, United Nations bodies and private and civil society institutions, among others, in highlighting regional and subregional perspectives under the theme - “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”.  As part of the forum, RCC Bangkok together with UNISDR and UN ESCAP prepared a goal profile assessing the regional progress on SDG Goal 13: Climate Action and with additional partners hosted a roundtable at the event to discuss the outcomes of this profile. 

Related Documents

SDG 13 Goal profile

More information on the Forum>>

RCC Bangkok additionally set up a booth in the Pavilion of Partnerships during APFSD to build awareness among participants about their carbon footprint and opportunities to take climate action by compensating for their unavoidable emissions while supporting green projects through UN Climate Change's Voluntary Cancellation Platform (link: https://offset.climateneutralnow.org/)

Booth at APFSD

More pictures from the Forum
