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Discover our 2024 events

2024 is a landmark year for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), with the due submissions of Parties' First Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR). In partnership with a broad variety of Party and non-Party stakeholders, the “Together4Transparency” collaborative initiative will continue to host several transparency events and activities across the year.


Transparency engaging Parties and non-Party stakeholders

Launched in 2022 at COP27 by the UNFCCC secretariat, the #Together4Transparency (T4T) collaborative initiative unites several groups of stakeholders committed to joining forces in preparation for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), recognizing that all actors can play a role in ensuring the success of the Paris Agreement. 

Over the course of 2023, dozens of events were organized during regional gatherings (e.g. Regional Climate Weeks) and official sessional periods. At COP28, the UNFCCC secretariat hosted more than 50 events covering a range of transparency issues, showcasing achievements, successes and best practices from the past 30 years, with over 160 speakers and 2,500 attendees.

In 2024, as the ETF becomes fully operational with the submissions of Parties' First Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR), due latest by 31 December 2024, the initiative will continue to bring together high-level events, roundtables, official side events, mandated events, capacity-building sessions and hands-on training opportunities, involving Party and non-Party stakeholders under a single cohesive approach.

This is how each group connects with transparency's work:

T4T - Parties

Transparency is about helping countries understand the domestic potential for ambitious mitigation and adaptation action while identifying and responding to their needs. It establishes necessary institutional arrangements to ensure that adequate financial flows, technology transfer, capacity-building and development support can be directed and delivered in ways that best meet their needs. Transparency also provided a platform where countries share and learn from each other, create opportunities and forge new partnerships.

T4T - NGOs

For NGOs, transparency is about access to better and more consistent data to inform conversations on individual Party and collective progress on mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation and support. Strengthening the participation of non-state actors in the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) offers new opportunities for cooperation and engagement, and thus contributes to building trust around the process.

T4T - Media

Climate communication plays a key role in raising public awareness, explaining the complexity of climate change, shining light on climate action by governments, combating the spread of misinformation and ultimately, addressing the climate crisis. Transparency processes are key to generating, sharing and analysing reliable data which can increase accountability of all countries in meeting their commitments under the Convention and the Paris Agreement.

T4T - Experts
Technical experts play a key role in supporting transparency through reporting and review of national reports of Parties. In reporting, experts develop detailed reports including accurate data and information on GHG emissions, progress toward targets and levels of support. During technical reviews, they contribute to ensuring the transparency, completeness and consistency of reported information.
T4T - Youth
Young people want certainty about their future and the future of the planet. Transparency offers them the opportunity to improve their understanding of climate change, advocate for intergenerational equity and influence decision-makers for greater ambition. Transparency also seeks spaces where young people can explore, engage and collaborate.
T4T - IGOs
Intergovernmental organisations, UN agencies and other multilateral institutions contribute to greater transparency of international climate actions by working in collaboration with Parties. By assisting with developing and strengthening of  institutional, system and national capacities to generate and analyse robust climate data, particularly in developing countries,  IGOs play a key role in enhancing transparency.
T4T - Businesses
Greater transparency of climate action and support helps businesses that are contributing to efforts to decarbonise the economy. By providing relevant data and information on their processes and impacts, transparency can help the private sector make sound investment choices, improve efficiency, reduce GHG emissions, identify and address risks and align financial flows with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. As more and more businesses adopt net zero pledges and targets, transparency also helps track their progress toward achieving these goals.


2024 Digital Campaign

Building on two years of successful #Together4Transparency events at UNFCCC sessions and regional gatherings, a new, dedicated digital campaign in support of the initiative has been launched at the June UN Climate Meetings
