RCC Caribbean
RCC Caribbean
    Unlocking sustainable future in SIDS, co-organized by RCC Caribbean
    Unlocking sustainable future in SIDS

    On 30 May from 10:00 to 11:30 local time, RCC Caribbean will host the side event ‘Unlocking sustainable future in SIDS: national climate policies and actions on clean energy and climate finance’, together with our partners and co-organizers lsland Innovation and GIZ.   The side event will discuss linkages between national policies, transparency reporting and finance mechanisms through the lens of energy transition in SIDS as an opportunity to advance climate action in small islands. The event will feature key experts and government representatives who are invited to share their national experiences. Register your interest to join the side event here.   Background The event 'Unlocking sustainable future in SIDS: national climate policies and actions on clean energy and climate finance' will take place as a side event of SIDS4. It offers an opportunity to focus on practical and impactful solutions and to forge new partnerships and cooperation at all levels. The event will also highlight the advantages of clean energy investments to national planning.  The Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) will be held under the overarching theme of “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity". The Conference will aim to assess the ability of SIDS to achieve sustainable development, including the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.   Objectives Discuss challenges and opportunities in the clean energy transition in SIDS including assessing the perspectives for an interconnected energy market Facilitate SIDS debate on the importance of clean energy national policies, long-term development strategies and sustainable development efforts Share experiences on sustainable energy initiatives, models of energy transition and on mobilizing climate finance for national climate action Discuss the biennial transparency reporting for NDC tracking (critical role of BTRs) Discuss the role of carbon markets in NDCs and how they can drive implementation and transformative change in SIDS   Target Audience Government officials from SIDS (Caribbean, Asia Pacific, Africa); Non-Party stakeholders including Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), regional organizations and private sector with interest in clean energy development   Participation To inform your participation, please visit the SIDS4 Conference page or explore the SIDS4 Side Event Concept Note. Register your interest to join the side event here.  

    RCC Caribbean Cuba Article 6 Workshop
    Building effective implementation capacity while Introducing a cooperative approach for Article 6 

    RCC Caribbean and RCC Latin America build capacity for effective implementation in Cuba with Article 6 workshop    From 14 to 17 May, RCC Caribbean teamed up with RCC Latin America to deliver a three-day workshop that connected seven Cuban officials with Article 6 practitioners from the governments of Panamá and the Dominican Republic. The workshop raised awareness about Article 6 and its different mechanisms among relevant Cuban ministries and facilitated knowledge exchange and stronger collaboration between Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Panamá.    Background  Article 6 of the Paris Agreement provides a framework for international cooperation to enhance ambition and action on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Article 6 encourages greater private sector involvement and investment in low-carbon projects, helping to scale up climate finance and accelerate the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.  Capacity-building support and regional collaboration enable all governments to participate in Article 6 activities.     Objectives  This Article 6 workshop seeks to increase understanding and enable collaboration, specifically it aims to:  Introduce Article 6 instruments to governmental ministries in Cuba outside the environmental sectors  Deepen understanding of Article 6 mechanisms, with focus on potential uses in national and regional contexts  Equip participants with knowledge to develop an implementation plan for Cuba to engage with Article 6 mechanisms  Develop the necessary skills and knowledge to train other officials in Cuba and amplify impact  Facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing of experiences among Cuba, Panama, and the Dominican Republic 

    RCC Caribbean: NDCs Webinar for Caribbean region
    2025 NDCs: Caribbean Partners Stocktaking Meeting

    RCC Caribbean mobilizes regional partners for the NDCs 3.0   In late April 2024, RCC Caribbean brought together more than 15 partners in the region to connect countries with support for the NDCs 3.0. This meeting was convened as part of a global series of partner meetings to develop ambitious NDCs by early 2025. Connecting governments with support for NDC development can increase the confidence needed to make bold commitments and accelerate implementation.    Background The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to prepare, communicate and maintain successive Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that it intends to achieve. The NDCs are the main vehicle for countries to express their climate ambition and actions, and to align them with their national development priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals. This is especially relevant now with Decisions 6/CMA.3 and 1/CMA.5 requiring new and more ambitious NDCs from countries to be developed and submitted in 2025, with targets until 2035. In addition to being more ambitious, the NDCs 3.0 must be country-owned, country-driven, implementable, and well-positioned to unlock financing. The first Global Stocktake (GST) outcome underlined that despite overall progress on mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation and support, Parties are not yet collectively on track towards achieving the purpose of the Paris Agreement and its long-term goals. As such, 43 percent emission reduction is needed by 2030 relative to 2019 levels, 60 percent emission reduction is needed by 2035, and net zero emissions by 2050. The outcome therefore encouraged Parties to come forward with ambitious, economy-wide emission reduction targets, covering all greenhouse gases, sectors and categories. The GST decision also emphasized the need for collective efforts by inviting the UN Climate Change Secretariat, including through the RCCs, and other organizations in a position to do so, to provide capacity-building support for the preparation and communication of the next NDCs.  Diverse development and implementation partners are providing NDC preparation and implementation support to countries in the Caribbean, including support for data and analysis, policy and planning, finance and investment, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement. This regional partner meeting is a follow-up to the global support workshop on NDCs convened by the UNFCCC secretariat in early March 2024 in Bonn, Germany. At that meeting, partners put together a framework to inform the NDC 3.0 support ecosystem.   Objectives To provide a platform for dialogue and exchange among development and implementing organizations actively supporting countries in the Caribbean on NDC development in 2024-25 Partners to discuss priority areas of work in addition to the types and scope of support available to the countries in the region To provide an opportunity for partners to discuss their perspectives on country engagement on NDC 3.0 and identify opportunities to create awareness around support available in the region.   Way Forward RCC Caribbean will map out the different support avenues available to the countries in the region and  provide insight on where collaborations can be developed. This information will be shared with the network of partners and made available to countries in the region. This exercise will hopefully ensure that Caribbean countries can access support that is fit for their purposes. RCC Caribbean will continue to engage with these and other partners providing support in the region on NDC development. The plan is to convene regular meetings to continue the discussions and collaborations on the way forward for the region to develop ambitious NDCs 3.0.

    LACCW 2022 Banner TEST
    Host an event at Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2023 - Expression of Interest

    The Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW) is now open for receiving Expressions of Interest to host an event at the climate week. National, regional and local governments, the private sector, investors, youth organizations, science organizations, universities and schools, cooperatives, Indigenous Peoples organizations, filmmakers, media and other stakeholders are welcome to submit their event proposals. Hosted by the government of Panama in Panama City, the Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week 2023 takes place from 23 to 27 October 2023. The Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week seeks to facilitate and accelerate the region’s response to the climate crisis. The climate week offers opportunities for presenting new ideas, taking part in lessons learned, and finding opportunities for working together. We welcome diverse applications from stakeholders working in the region and ask that all submissions align with one or several of the four thematic tracks that the climate week will focus on: Energy systems and industry Cities, urban and rural settlements, infrastructure, and transport Land, ocean, food, and water Societies, health, livelihoods, and economies The 2023 Regional Climate Weeks provide a timely opportunity for policymakers, practitioners, businesses and civil society to share climate solutions, overcome barriers, realize opportunities and ultimately take concrete action that will allow us to course-correct and achieve the Paris Agreement goals and objectives. LACCW 2023 is hosted by:  
