The Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
Workstreams and functions of the WIM


The role of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM) guides the implementation of the functions of the Mechanism.

Established at COP 19, the Executive Committee implements its work through a five-year rolling work plan (see the previous workplans: initial two-year workplan, first five-year rolling workplan).

The Executive Committee implements its workplan with the contribution of its five thematic expert groups and through collaboration with various stakeholders.

Key documents

2023 Annual report of the WIM ExCom (Add.1, Add.2)

Current five-year rolling workplan of the WIM ExCom

Synthesis report for the technical assessment component of GST 1

Information on the development of technical guides

Loss and damage online guide

WIM ExCom Explainer

The Executive Committee implements its workplan with the contribution of its five thematic expert groups and through collaboration with various stakeholder

The Expert Group on Slow onset events (SOEs) focuses on strategic workstream (a) of the current five-year rolling workplan and aims to enhance cooperation and facilitation in relation to slow onset events by both strengthening the understanding of slow onset events as well as enhancing the capacity to address them, particularly at regional and national levels.

More information on the work of the Expert Group on Slow onset events here.

The Expert Group on Non-economic losses (NELs) focuses on strategic workstream (b) of the current five-year rolling workplan, which aims to enhance cooperation and facilitation in relation to non-economic losses through enhancing data collection on, as well as knowledge and awareness of non-economic losses, facilitating their mainstreaming in measures at the national level.

More information on the work of the Expert Group on Non-economic losses here

The Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive risk management (TEG-CRM) focuses on the strategic workstream (c) of the current five-year rolling workplan, which focuses on cooperation and facilitation in relation to comprehensive risk management to address and build long-term resilience of countries, vulnerable populations, and communities, to both extreme and slow onset events. It aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of comprehensive risk management approaches, including issues related to finance, data, technology, regulatory environments, and capacity building.

More information on the work of the Expert Group on Comprehensive risk management here.

The Task Force on Displacement (TFD) focuses on the strategic workstream (d) of the current five-year rolling workplan, which aims to enhance cooperation and facilitation in relation to human mobility, including migration, displacement, and planned relocation.

More information on the work of the Task Force on Displacement here.

The Expert Group on Action and Support (ASEG) focuses on strategic workstream (e) of the current five-year rolling workplan, which aims to enhance cooperation and facilitation in relation to action and support, including on finance, technology and capacity-building, to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change.

More information on the work of the Expert Group on Action and Support here.