
regional technical expert meeting "efficiency in industry"

The objective of this meeting is to discuss actionable solutions to address barriers and needs in the context of energy and material efficiency improvements in industry, as well as circular economy models. The event will showcase viable business models and opportunities for green economic diversification. Success factors and the roles of different stakeholders in the process of enhancing industrial energy efficiency as well as best practices and lessons learned are presented.

The meeting also presents the work conducted the by the TEC and the CTCN about the identification and promotion of policy and technology options for climate change mitigation through energy efficiency in the industry sector. 

The meeting is organized in the context of the technical examination process started by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC in 2014. In line with decision 13/CP.23, the focus of the meeting is on specific policy options and opportunities that are actionable in the short term.