

[Watch the recorded webcast and view event photos through the Flickr photo album.]

On 14 March 2018, experts gathered in Bonn to explore how to boost climate tech incubators and accelerators in developing countries. They took part in an event that aimed to identify how to scale up the efforts of these initiatives, which provide vital life-support to small climate tech firms and entrepreneurs. Such initiatives play a key role in the innovation of new climate technologies that we need to achieve the Paris Agreement.


This thematic dialogue was organized by the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee, the Green Climate Fund and the Climate Technology Centre and Network. The dialogue informed the secretariat of the Green Climate Fund as it develops a request for proposals on climate technology incubators and accelerators for consideration by the Green Climate Fund Board.

Incubators and accelerators support entrepreneurs in the start-up and early development of technology ideas. They help entrepreneurs develop their ideas to a greater maturity by providing them with training, guidance and networking on technological issues. They also support them with partnerships, business models and fundraising. They thus play an important role in supporting new low-emission and climate-resilient technologies to be developed, used and accepted by society.