
Technology needs assessment at cop23

Interested in climate technology? Find out how technology needs assessments are accelerating climate implementation at this high-level event and exhibit:

Side Event 
NOV 11 @13:15 in Room 9

NOV 6-17 Bonn Zone

Technology Needs Assessment: Side Event

NOVEMBER 11, 2017  |  13:15 - 14:45  |  Meeting Room 9, Bonn Zone (Rheinaue Park)

The side event highlighted success stories in implementing technology action plans and technology needs assessments by developing countries to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Countries presented their experiences and lessons learned in conducting these assessments and implementing the action plans. Furthermore, at the event representatives of the financial community and governments shared their experiences in supporting environmentally sound projects in developing countries.

Technology Needs Assessment: Exhibit

NOVEMBER 6 - 17, 2017  |  Bonn Zone F.17.01

Visit the exhibit of the technology needs assessment to learn about the process and outcomes. You will be able to learn more about its work in 2017 and interact with various country practicioners who will share their stories.

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Technology Mechanism Events at COP 23

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Stories from Technology Needs Assessments