
independent Review of the ctcn

In 2017 there will be an independent review of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). Here you will find more information about the review.

What is the independent review?

In 2011, the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) requested the secretariat to commission an independent review of the effective implementation of the CTCN four years after its inception. The COP decided that it shall consider the findings of the review, including any recommendations on enhancing the CTCN's performance. Subsequent reviews will be conducted every four years.

Why is the review taking place?

The COP noted that the review may include recommendations on enhancing the CTCN's performance. The review may also provide findings on how the CTCN host organization has fulfilled the CTCN's functions and responded to the COP's direction on the CTCN's roles and responsibilities. The COP will draw on this information as it considers the renewal of the agreement to host the CTCN.

When will the review take place?

The memorandum of understanding between the COP and UNEP, as CTCN's host, was signed in early 2013. At the end of 2013, the COP agreed on the CTCN's modalities and procedures. In accordance with the mandate, the secretariat commissioned the independent review to take place in 2017, four years after the CTCN's inception.

Who will undertake the review?

After an official procurement process in accordance with strict United Nation procurement policies, the assignment of undertaking the independent review was awarded to Ernst & Young et AssociƩs SAS.

How will the review take place?

It is at the discretion of the independent reviewer to determine how to undertake the review. However, the review will include data collection (such as interviews, surveys and a document review), data analysis (of the data collected) and the preparation of a final report. Following completion of the review, the reviewer will submit the report to the secretariat for publishing. The secretariat will publish the report and ensure it is publicly available prior to COP 23, in accordance with official document deadlines (August 2017).

Want to know more?

Want to know even more? Contact the secretariat at: