1 Million Women Organization | Australia

In Australia, women are building a movement to take action on climate change in their households, workplaces and communities. The organization 1 Million Women has a simple goal with a big impact: get one million women to pledge to take small steps in their daily lives that save energy, reduce waste, cut pollution and lead change.

Fast facts

  • Nearly 83,000 women have joined the campaign;
  • Members are committed to cut over 100,000 tons of CO2-e pollution;
  • The largest women's environmental organization in Australia.

The problem

Australia is a developed country with a high per-capita carbon pollution rate. In Australia, like many well-off nations, everyday lifestyles can be wasteful and polluting. This overconsumption harms the planet, the climate and future generations. Women make most of the household spending decisions, which means women have enormous economic power to make a difference and save money. If one million women were to make better choices, it can lead to real change.

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The solution

So far 80,000 women have joined the 1 Million Women campaign, and together they have committed to cut more than 100,000 tons of carbon pollution. Since 2009, 1 Million Women has grown to become Australia’s largest women’s environmental organization.

When the campaign reaches its ultimate target of one million women members and cutting more than one million tonnes of carbon, it will be equivalent to taking 240,000 cars off the road for a year. The campaign can be replicated in different countries – refined, modified and shaped in a way that makes it relevant to different cultures and communities – to foster women’s leadership on climate change.

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Helping people

In 2011, 1 Million Women launched its SAVE program, which helps its members conserve energy, cut waste and pollution while saving money at the same time.

The program revolves around a series of monthly themes – Food, Drive, Power, Wear, Shop, Build and Invest. SAVE summit events in metropolitan and regional cities attracted more than 1,500 participants.

SAVE includes a practical guide to shrink household bills by $1,000 a year simply by cutting waste.

Helping the planet

By April 2013, 1 Million Women had 79,066 registered members who had committed to cut 104,726 tonnes of CO2-e. When they reach their ultimate target of a million women as members and over a million tonnes of CO2-e pollution saved, this will be equivalent to taking 240,000 cars off the road for a year.

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Spillover effect

In its first three years, 1 Million Women has focused on building its campaign in Australia. During the next three years, the campaign aims to go global.

In 2013 and beyond, 1 Million Women is adapting its core message to a universal one of 'Less is More,' aimed at both climate change impacts and wider resource management, based on the need for women in developed countries to consume and waste less so that everyone can have greater quality of life while preserving environmental well‐being.

Finding ways to make 1 Million Women an organisation that engages women and girls everywhere is central to its development plans for the next three years 2013‐16, and longer‐term to 2020 by which time it aims to have recruited one million members or more.

Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.
