Training programme for review experts of biennial reports and national communications

The courses of the training programme are intended to train review experts for the technical review of information reported in biennial reports and national communications by Annex I Parties.

The courses of the training programme are mandatory for any new expert with relevant experience of biennial reports and national communications matters, who has not previously participated in biennial report and/or national communication reviews. They are essential for all experts participating in expert review teams (ERTs) for these reviews and mandatory depending on the role of the experts in the ERTs. Each trainee taking the courses of the training programme will be required to study the general and cross-cutting aspects course and one specific course depending on the area of his/her expertise.

All courses are available online for a 8-week study period. During this period, trainees are expected to dedicate time to complete and follow the online courses. For trainees with limited access to Internet, the secretariat can provide off-line versions of the training material. The working language for the training is English. A good command of this language is required for participating in the training programme. Following completion of the online courses, trainees are required to take the on-line mandatory examinations.

New review experts who successfully complete the requirements of the training programme and pass the mandatory examinations will be invited to participate in centralized or in-country reviews of national communications and/or biennial reports, working alongside experienced review experts.

The training programme covers technical aspects of the review of BRs and NCs and covers specific requirements for their reviews and consists of the following four modules:

  • General and cross-cutting aspects of the review of national communications and biennial reports;
  • Targets and of policies and measures, their effects and their contribution to achieving those targets;
  • Greenhouse gas emissions, emission trends, projections and the total effect of policies and measures; and
  • Provision of financial support, technology transfer and capacity-building.


The course covers the reporting requirements and procedures for the general aspects of the review process of national communications and biennial reports under the Convention, and aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the reporting and review requirements and guidance to expert review teams on the process and steps for conducting reviews under the international assessment and review process. The course promotes consistency and fairness in the review process by providing technical guidance on the general review approaches and use of tools.

  • Target audience: All new review experts and lead reviewers.
  • Type of course: Online without instructors.

The course provides general guidance and approaches for the technical review of information on national policy context and GHG mitigation targets, policies and measures (PaMs), the effects of each individual PaM and their contribution to the reduction of GHG emissions.

  • Target audience: New review experts reviewing targets and PaMs, and lead reviewers.
  • Type of course: Online without instructors.

The course provides general guidance and approaches for the technical review of information on provision of financial resources by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention to Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention, the promotion, facilitation and financing of the transfer of technology, and capacity-building, including creating national expertise on climate change related issues, strengthening institutions and developing educational, training and awareness-raising activities.

  • Target audience: New review experts reviewing the provision of financial support, technology transfer and capacity-building, and lead reviewers.
  • Type of course: Online without instructors.