OnDemand Webcast

Organizer: UNFCCC
Type: In-session workshop
Time: 20/05/06 10:00
Location: Plenary 2

In-session workshop on carbon dioxide capture and storage


10.00 am - 1.00 pm

Welcome remarks by the workshop Chair. Mr. Kishan Kumarsingh, Chair of the SBSTA
Overview of carbon dioxide capture and storage and IPCC SRCCS. Mr. Bert Metz, IPCC
 Overview of CCS technology
 - CCS technology options. Mr. Larry Myer, United States of America
Geological assessment and storage capacity: an international perspective. Mr. John Bradshaw, Australia 
Questions and answers
Experiences for demonstration and pilot projects, and other related work
Experiences and lessons learned from demonstration and pilot projects
Experiences and lessons learned from demonstration and pilot projects: a regional partnership perspective. Mr. Tore Torp, IPIECA (Statoil)
Experiences and lessons learned from Weyburn project. Ms. Carolyn Preston, Canada
Experiences and lessons learned from In Salah project. Mr. Iain Wright, IPIECA (BP)
Experiences from coal enhanced bed methane projects. Mr. Pascal Winthaegen, Netherlands
Short-term opportunities and challenges for CCS in the fossil fuel sector: CCS status in India. Ms. Malti Goel, India
Non-governmental organizations perspectives
 - An industry perspective. Mr. Haroon Kheshgi, BINGOs - IPIECA
Environmental NGO perspectives, ENGOs - Ms. Gabriela von Goerne, Greenpeace
Questions and answers
Agenda Charts
English Floor