Links to external sources of data on greenhouse gas emissions and to socio-economic data and tools

At the request of the SBSTA at its 19th session, the secretariat is providing links to external sources of emissions and socio-economic data. The list below focuses on so-called ‘primary’ sources (i.e. the original source of data), it does not include sources which reproduce data except for secondary sources which are noteworthy for compiling and presenting large quantities of data. Sources which provide only national data (such as national climate change web sites), or sources of estimates of corporate emissions data are not included.


Description/Data sources


Web site link (access)

International organizations

United Nations Statistics Division

The Statistics Division compiles statistics from many international sources and produces global updates, including the Statistical Yearbook, World Statistics Pocketbook and yearbooks in specialized fields of statistics. It also provides, to countries, specifications of the best methods of compiling information so that data from different sources can be readily compared.

Original data sources
FAO, OECD, UNICEF, UNFCCC (carbon dioxide), World Bank and others

By country,
by region,



Millennium Development Goals Indicators

The Millennium Development Goals Indicators presents official data, definitions, methodologies and sources for more than 60 social and economic indicators and related series since 1990. These indicators are used to measure the progress toward the Millennium Development Goals.

Original data sources
The responsible specialized agencies provide data, which may be adjusted, as necessary, to ensure international comparability.

By country, by region, global

MDG Indicators


UN Data

The UN Data is an internet-based data service for the global community. It serves as the single-entry point to access statistical data of the UN system. The numerous databases cover a wide range of themes including, among others, agriculture, education, employment, environment, health, human development, industry and population.

Original data sources
Statistics are supplied by the UN Statistics and Population Division and other UN agencies.

By country, by region

UN Data


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

FAO, as part of its mandate, compiles information and data on various aspects of food and agriculture from all countries in FAOSTAT. The user interface to the database provides data under 18 domains. The data can be classified into three groups: country-level data referring to items such as agricultural production and trade, producer prices, land use, and means of production; derived data such as agricultural production and trade indices and food supply; and data referring to items such as population and labour force that are derived by, or in collaboration with, other international agencies. FAOSTAT includes data on production, trade, food balance sheets, fertilizer and pesticides, land use and irrigation, forest products, fishery products, population, agricultural machinery and food aid shipments.

Data sources
Country-level data are collected through tailored questionnaires sent annually to member countries; magnetic tapes, diskettes, FTP transfers and accessing web sites of the countries; national/international publications; country visits made by the FAO statisticians; and reports of FAO representatives in member countries

By country



United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Global Environment Outlook (GEO)

Data are from sets used by UNEP and partners in the Global Environment Outlook Project – mainly United Nations and other international organizations and national data centres. The online database holds more than 400 different variables, as national, subregional, regional and global statistics or as geospatial data sets (maps), covering themes such as freshwater, population, forests, emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4, aggregated HFCs, PFCs,SF6) climate, disasters, health and GDP. Data can be displayed in tabular or graphic format.

Data sources
Emission data are provided by UNFCCC, OECD/IEA, CDIAC, RIVM

By country,
by region,




United Nations Environment Programme/Global Resource Information Database (UNEP/GRID) Arendal

Graphical representation of greenhouse gas emissions produced in preparation for the Conference of the Parties at its seventh session. The graphs feature actual (1990–1999) and projected (2000, 2010) emissions of the six greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6. The emissions are aggregated and represented as CO2 equivalents.

Data sources
Data are taken from several UNFCCC documents compiling data from submissions by Annex I Parties, including first and second national communications, and annual national inventory data. Additional sources include updated reports from individual countries.

Annex I Parties
By country

GRID Arendal


The World Bank – World Development Indicators (WDI) Online Database

WDI Online contains statistical data for more than 550 development indicators and time series data for more than 200 countries and areas and 18 country groups. Data cover social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. Results can be scaled, indexed against a particular year, viewed by percentage change, and charted. Data export options include standard formats such as Excel.

Data sources
Environmental data and most socio-economic data are taken from other sources such as CDIAC, IEA (for data on CO2), UNEP

By country,
by region,

World Bank Data


The World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) coordinates the activities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services worldwide. It is the United Nations System's authoritative source for scientific information on weather, climate and water. Among other, it provides critical information on the global state of the atmosphere in a concise manner and highlights recent accomplishments of research and technology application. The latest WMO annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin shows that levels of climate-warming greenhouse gases continue to increase in the atmosphere. The latest Bulletin and press release, as well as earlier issues, are available here.

Data sources
WMO prepares and distributes the annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletins in cooperation with the GAW Scientific Advisory Group for Greenhouse Gases, with the assistance of the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory and WMO’s World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG). The measurement data are archived and distributed by the WDCGG, hosted by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).

By country, by region, global



Description/Data sources


Web site link (access)

Regional and national organizations

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)

CDIAC’s data holdings include records of the concentrations of CO2, CH4, SF6, and HFC-23 in the atmosphere; emissions of CO2 from fuel combustion; emissions of CH4; and long-term climate trends.The compendiumTrends Online: A Compendium of Data on Global Change provides synopses of frequently used time series of global-change data, including:

  • Estimates of global, regional and national CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels, gas flaring, and the production of cement Historical and modern records (from ice cores and current monitoring stations) of atmospheric concentrations of CO2 Atmospheric concentrations of CH4 Global emissions estimates for CH4 Carbon flux from land-cover change
  • Long-term temperature records, whose spatial coverage ranges from individual sites to the entire globe and from the Earth's surface to the lower stratosphere

Data sources
Calculations by CDIAC

CO2 emissions
by country



International Energy Agency (IEA)

IEA provides data and information on energy consumption, products, prices and taxes. Energy-related statistical data include coal, oil, gas, electricity and heat statistics, energy balances, prices and emissions. IEA calculates and publishes CO2 emissions from fuel combustion from its energy data.

Data sources
The data are originally collected by official bodies (often national statistical offices) in OECD member countries from firms, government agencies and industry organizations. For non-OECD-member countries they are collected directly from government and industry contacts and from national publications. CO2 emissions are calculated by IEA.

By country,
by region,

IEA-Energy Information Center

IEA-Energy Statistics

IEA-Climate Change

IEA-CO2 Emissions


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

OECD publishes socio-economic, environmental and emissions data for OECD member countries. Energy statistics and energy-related CO2 emissions data are those of IEA.

Data sources
OECD collects statistics needed for the analysis of economic and social developments by its in-house analysts, committees, working parties, and member country governments from statistical agencies and other institutions of its member countries.

By country.
by group (e.g. OECD),



Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT)

EUROSTAT provides the European Union (EU) with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. As part of the European Statistical System (ESS), it focuses on EU policy areas, but, with the extension of EU policies, harmonization has been extended to nearly all statistical fields. The ESS also coordinates its work with international organizations such as OECD, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Data sources
Data collected by member States

By country,
by group



European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency is an agency of the European Union which provides environmental data and indicator sets, assessments and thematic analyses that is the basis for environmental policies in the EU and Member countries.

Data sources
The information provided by the EEA comes from a wide range of sources. These include a network of national environmental bodies involving more than 300 institutions in Europe, as well as European and international organizations (eg. Eurostat, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, OECD, UNEP, FAO and WHO.

By country,
by group



United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)

USEPA has published emissions and projections of non-CO2 greenhouse gases from developing countries (CH4 and N2O) and from developed countries (CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCS and SF6).

Data sources
USEPA’s calculations

By country



Description/Data sources


Web site link (access)

Sectoral institutions

World Steel Association

The World Steel Association collects statistical data on amounts of steel produced for several production technologies and steel products per country and year, and production data on crude steel and iron on a monthly basis.

Data sources
Data are reported by countries directly to the World Steel Association.

Global (63 countries)
By country



International Aluminium Institute (IAI)

IAI collects statistical data on worldwide aluminium production, production capacities, energy used in production, etc., from 1972 to 2003, grouped for seven country areas. It also has data on surveys of PFC emissions from the international aluminium industry over the period 1990–2000.

Data sources
Data are provided directly by aluminium producing companies.

By region



International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

The crop, soils and water sciences (CSWS) Database on Methane Emissions from Rice Fields provides records of methane emissions collected from eight experimental stations in five countries in Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand). The records can be sorted by country, experimental station, year, cropping season, treatment, and replication.

Data sources
Data are calculated by IRRI.

By country



Description/Data sources


Web site link (access)

Non-governmental organizations

World Resources Institute (WRI)

EarthTrends, an initiative of the WRI, is an online collection of information providing statistical, graphic, and analytical data on environmental, social and economic trends. To facilitate the comparison of data from different sources, EarthTrends supplements its content with detailed metadata that report on research methodologies and evaluate the reliability of information.

Data sources
Emission data come from IEA, CDIAC sources and WRI’s own analyses (e.g. calculation of cumulative emissions, carbon intensity of economy) and from EDGAR for non-CO2 gases.

By country

WRI Earthtrends


World Resources Institute (WRI) Climate Analysis Indicators Tool

The Climate Analysis Indicators Tool provides quantitative indicators by country relating to climate change. Data can be viewed and analysed. Included are emissions (cumulative and current and projected), contributions to concentration and temperature increase, socio-economic factors (income, education, health, carbon intensity) and natural factors (climate, natural resources, geography and population).

Data sources
UNFCCC, United Nations statistics, IEA, World Bank, FAO, CDIAC, RIVM and others

By country,
by region,



Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)

RIVM provides the following databases:

  • International core data sets; such as for Integrated Environment Assessment and the Global Environmental Outlook
  • HYDE: History Database on the Global Environment. The database consists of statistical as well as geo-referenced historical data sets (e.g. population, land use, GDP, livestock, value added, energy consumption, emission of greenhouse gases) on global, regional and national levels for the period 1700–1990.
  • GEIA: Global Emissions Inventory Activity; data sets at RIVM.
  • GEAS: Global Environment Statistics. Regional aggregates for indicators on driving forces in society (population, economy, land use, energy) and concomitant environmental pressures (emissions).
  • NH3 emission inventory: New global inventory of ammonia emissions from application of fertilizers and animal manure to agricultural fields based on a Residual Maximum Likelihood model.
  • N2O / NO emission inventory: New global inventory of N2O / NO emissions from agricultural fields based on a Residual Maximum Likelihood model.

Data sources
Statistical offices at the country level and own calculations

By country,


(European Commission - Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC)

JRC provides the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) with open access to anthropogenic emissions data under the format of historic time series (1970-2012) and of geospatially gridded at 0.1 degree resolution by source category. The chemical substances include all Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6 ), and all air pollutants and aerosols of the Convention for Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CO, NOX, NMVOC, SO2, NH3, PM10, PM2.5, BC, OC and Hg).

Data sources
Statistical offices at the country level and own calculations

By country, global EDGAR

* Note: The time coverage in the data series differs from one organization to another, and it may also differ from one data set to another within an organization.
