CMP 10 - Decisions


Body Decision Title Versions
CMP 1/CMP.10 Report of the Adaptation Fund Board EN SP FR CH AR RU
CMP 2/CMP.10 Second review of the Adaptation Fund EN SP FR CH AR RU
CMP 3/CMP.10 Date of the completion of the expert review process under Article 8 EN SP FR CH AR RU
CMP 4/CMP.10 Guidance relating to the clean development mechanism EN SP FR CH AR RU
CMP 5/CMP.10 Guidance on the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol EN SP FR CH AR RU
CMP 6/CMP.10 Synergy relating to accreditation under the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol EN SP FR CH AR RU
CMP 7/CMP.10 Outcome of the work programme on modalities and procedures for possible additional land use, land-use change and forestry activities under the clean development mechanism EN SP FR CH AR RU
CMP 8/CMP.10 Administrative, financial and institutional matters EN SP FR CH AR RU
CMP Resolution 1/CMP.10 Expression of gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Peru EN SP FR CH AR RU