Media training
Media Training Workshop for developing country journalists
06 - 09 Apr. 2009
01:00h - 00:59h
Bonn, Germany
Hotel Maritim
Media training
Media Training Workshop for developing country journalists
06 - 09 Apr. 2009
01:00h - 00:59h
Bonn, Germany
Hotel Maritim

The media training workshop is a capacity-building initiative targeting developing country journalists.

The workshop in Bonn is made possible through capacity-building support provided by Danish Government, and Com+, an alliance of communicators for sustainable development. Other collaborating organizations are: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, PEW Centre, Munich Re, Germanwatch, Munich Climate Insurance Initiative.

The topics that will be discussed at the Bonn workshop comprise the status of UN climate change negotiations, including some topics that relate to the central building blocks of the Copenhagen agreement, mainly focussing on mitigation and  adaptation, along with latest scientific findings related to climate change.

The workshop presentations and documentation are distributed for educational purposes only.
For questions regarding the media training workshop, please contact press(at)




Session 1. Status of negotiations and overview of expected outcomes

The status of negotiations and the expected outcomes of the UN Climate Change Talks in Bonn(1829 kB)
Yvo de Boer, UNFCCC, Executive Secretary

Session 2. Climate Change Science

Is the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment still valid? (7175 kB)
Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Session 3. Mitigation

Mitigation actions and measurable, reportable and verifiable ( MRV) in a post-2012 climate agreement (1371 kB)
Elliot Diringer, Vice President for International Strategies, PEW Centre

South African perspective on mitigation actions by developing countries and support
Harald Winkler, Member of South African Delegation 

Session 4. Adaptation

What the Copenhagen Agreement can do to protect the most vulnerable against the risks of climate change: the roles of prevention and insurance(1743 kB) 

Speakers: - Koko Warner, Prof. Peter Hoeppe, Head of the Geo Risks Department at Munich Re, - Christoph Bals, Executive Director of Germanwatch and the Vice Chairman of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative

Reporting on the Bonn Climate Change Talks

Reports by workshop participants