Industry Efficiency Accelerator - Implementing Energy Management Systems in Industry
25 November 2015


The Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE) Accelerator is part of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform and draws on the expertise and experience of partners to promote energy efficiency through the implementation of energy management systems in industry. 

The industrial sector accounted for about 29% of total final energy demand in 2011, and demand is expected to rise even higher than in the building and transport sectors in the next two decades. Widespread adoption of energy efficiency measures could reduce industrial energy use by over 25%. That potential is significant: it represents 3.92 Gt CO2 – an 8% reduction in global energy use and a 12.4% reduction in global CO2 emissions.

It is estimated that the technical potential to reduce energy use in the cement sector is 18%; 26% in pulp and paper, 24% in chemicals; 21% in iron and steel; and 11% in aluminum. Industrial energy efficiency offers a range of multiple benefits at the enterprise level such as increased competitiveness, improved operational efficiencies and productivity, reduced material losses and solid waste, decreased water use and improved product quality. Such benefits have the potential to add another 50% in economic benefits on top of the direct energy cost reductions. 

The IEE Accelerator serves as a knowledge platform for developing and sharing best practices and information on various energy efficiency policies for the industrial sector, including tools and instruments. Furthermore, it provides analytical support at the regional, national and sub-national levels to evaluate the efficacy of various best practices as well as innovative policy options at the regional, national, or sub-national levels. Inter alia, the accelerator also analyses the tools and instruments best suited for promoting successful policies under local circumstances and conditions.

With the financial support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNIDO has been working with many countries on implementing programmes to promote energy management systems in the industrial sector. 

The long-term objective is to facilitate the implementation of EMS for up to 50% of the world industries by 2030. Countries and businesses are invited to commit, through their government-led energy management programs, to encourage adoption of EnMS by companies responsible for 50% of industrial energy use in their territory and promote energy efficiency in energy intensive SMEs.

Specifically, participating enterprises undergo EnMS training and establish processes and systems that help the to reduce energy consumption, conduct industrial energy systems assessments and identify measures for improving energy productivity in motor systems, compressed air systems, steam systems, ventilation, etc.


Widespread adoption of energy efficiency measures could reduce industrial energy use by over 25%. That potential is significant: it represents 3.92 Gt CO2 – an 8% reduction in global energy use and a 12.4% reduction in global CO2 emissions.

Photo credit: Allegra Ricci (Flickr)