Workshop for facilitative sharing of views at the forty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation
10 - 11 Nov. 2016
09:00h - 18:00h
Marrakech, Morocco
Bab Ighli
Workshop for facilitative sharing of views at the forty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation
10 - 11 Nov. 2016
09:00h - 18:00h
Marrakech, Morocco
Bab Ighli

Second workshop for the facilitative sharing of views

The second workshop for the facilitative sharing of views took place from 10 to 11 November 2016 during the forty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) in Marrakech, Morocco.

Parties underdoing FSV during SBI 45

For the second FSV workshop, non-Annex I Parties that had submitted a BUR and had a final summary report by 30 September 2016 were subjected to the FSV. For information on the status of final summary reports, please refer to the secretariat webpage here.

The Parties presented as follows:

Schedule FSV workshop 2

Date of FSV


Name of Party






Costa Rica
















Written questions in advance

As provided in paragraph 6 of annex IV to decision 2/CP 17, Parties were allowed to submit written questions in advance of the FSV workshop. The secretariat was in contact with all Parties (via National Focal Points) to inform them of the steps for submitting such written questions in advance.

For the second workshop of FSV in Marrakech, the period to submit written questions in advance was open to all Parties from 1 to 31 October 2016.



1 - 31 Oct 2016

Other interested Parties could submit, through the secretariat, questions to the non-Annex I Parties undergoing FSV at SBI 45.

1 Oct - 9 Nov 2016

Non-Annex I Parties undergoing FSV could provide responses to the questions received, through the secretariat.

10 - 11 Nov 2016

FSV workshop. Non-Annex I Parties under FSV made a presentation on their BURs, followed by a question and answer session among Parties.

The working language for the question and answer process was English.

Questions or requests for clarification were addressed to the secretariat using the email address:ica@unfccc.int.

Other organizational matters

Time allocation: The workshop comprised three-hour sessions from 10 to 11 November 2016.  Each Party was allocated 35 minutes on average, as follows:

a. Opening –1 minute each to introduce each Party;
b. Presentation –15 minutes per Party on average to present their BUR;
c. Question and answer –20 minutes per Party on average after each presentation.

In the event that the Party undergoing FSV received no or very few questions, the total time allocated to that Party was shortened. Upon completion of the question and answer session for one Party, the next Party was invited to begin its presentation.

The sessions were webcasted and made publicly available on the secretariat's website.

6. Output of the FSV: A record of the FSV, summarizing the presentation by the Party and corresponding interaction with other Parties, was prepared, under the guidance of the SBI Chair, for each Party that went through the FSV. This, together with the summary report, constituted the final output of the ICA for each Party and was made available on the UNFCCC website: here.