APA item 6

Matters relating to the global stocktake (GST) referred to in Article 14 of the Paris Agreement:

(a) Identification of the sources of input for the global stocktake

(b) Development of the modalities of the global stocktake

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APA 1.7 - Resumed first session,  2 - 8 Dec 2018

Pre-session document

Textual proposals  by the APA Co-Chairs   (15 October 2018) 


APA 1.6 - Resumed first session,  4 Sep 2018 - 9 Sep 2018

Revised additional tool under item 6 of the agenda - final iteration  (9 September 2018)

Pre-session document

Additional tool for item 6 of the APA agenda


APA 1.5 - Resumed first session, 30 April - 10 May 2018

Informal Note by the Co-facilitators - final iteration  (8 May 2018)

Informal Note by the Co-facilitators - second iteration  (6 May 2018)

Informal Note by the Co-facilitators - first iteration  (3 May 2018)


APA 1.4 - Resumed first session, 6 - 17 November 2017

The APA continued to build on the outcomes of previous sessions (APA 1.2 and 1.3) on this Agenda item. Parties structured their work under the two APA mandates into building blocks, which could seamlessly be converted into a possible negotiating text outline, and the identification of elements relevant to each building block. Parties also dedicated time to discuss what it would mean to conduct the GST in the light of equity and the best available science. The outcomes of the work on this agenda item were summarised in an informal note by the APA 1.4 co-facilitators for this agenda item, under their own responsibility.

Parties concluded their work at the session acknowledging that substantive progress had been achieved, but agreed that there was a need to accelerate their work to reach the maturity and level of detail required to complete it by December 2018. The APA 1.4 conclusions are available here.

Parties can submit their views to the APA on agenda item 6 here.
Submissions received to date on APA item 6 are available here.

 Informal note by Co-Facilitators – final version (478 kB)  

 Informal note by Co-Facilitators – first iteration (478 kB)

Written inputs from Parties:

-   Arab Group input (158 kB)
-   Arab Group submission on GST APA 1-4 (105 kB)
-   Arab Group 3rd submission on GST (337 kB)   
-   Arab Group 4th submission on GST (60 kB)
-   China short revised template - Textual input from China (300 kB)
-   Federated States of Micronesia comments on short revised template (302 kB)     
-   G77 Inputs on the Building Blocks of GST (216 kB)
-   Key Ideas of the G77 on Equity (119 kB)
-   LDCs Inputs to building blocks table (376 kB)  
-   Input from South Africa: Equity in the GST (263 kB)  
-   South Africa short revised template - Textual input from South Africa (523 kB)


Preliminary material in preparation for the first iteration of the informal note on this agenda item 

 Revised building blocks for APA item 6 (468 kB)   (version of 12 November 2017)

 Revised building blocks for APA item 6 (465 kB)   (version of 11 November 2017)

 Revised building blocks for APA item 6 (418 kB)   (version of 9 November 2017)   

 Revised building blocks for APA item 6 and clarification by Co-Facilitators on the organization of work(407 kB)   (version of 8 November 2017

Pre-sessional round-table on APA item 6
Date:  Sunday, 5 November 2017
Venue:  Room Rakiraki   

 APA agenda item 6 (GST) round table draft agenda (495 kB)   (version of 24 October 2017)

Template for and reports of the breakout groups  

-   Template (357 kB)
-   Report from breakout group Red (384 kB)   
-   Report from breakout group Blue (371 kB)   
-   Report from breakout group Yellow (376 kB)     

Icebreaker presentations:  

-   China's Perspective on the Design & Operationalization of GST (1237 kB)
-   The Global Stocktake: Operational Modell II (556 kB)
-   Informing the global stocktake - Inputs fit for purpose (1440 kB)
-   EU icebreaking intervention roundtable GST (145 kB)   fgsdfg
-   Global Stocktake (GST) Model 3 (46 kB)   


APA 1.3 - Third part of the resumed first session, 8 - 18 May 2017

Building on the outcome of APA 1.2, Parties, at APA 1.3, continued their work on this agenda item by clarifying views and/or sharing new ideas with each other on the topics that emerged from APA 1.2: linkages and context, outputs/outcome, modalities and sources of input for the GST. Parties also shared their views on what a possible textual outline for the work on this agenda item could be.

These discussions are summarized in an informal note by the APA 1.3 co-facilitators for this agenda item, prepared under their own responsibility.

The APA concluded its work at the third part of the resumed first session on this item by (see paragraph 26 of the APA 1.3 report): 

  1. inviting Parties to make, by 30 September 2017, focused submissions on the possible elements of textual outline for the identification of the sources of input to and development of the modalities for the GST taking into consideration, as appropriate, the views of Parties reflected in the informal note on this agenda item.
  2. requesting the secretariat to organize, under the guidance of the APA Co-Chairs, a pre-sessional round table, to be held on Sunday, 5 November 2017, to facilitate work under this agenda item, taking into consideration the submissions and the informal note by the co-facilitators from APA 1.3. 

APA 1.2 - Second part of the resumed first session, 7-14 November 2016

At the second part of the resumed first session of the APA, Parties made important progress in their collective understanding of the approach for their work on this agenda item and the GST process. Parties also started identifying additional sources of input and related modalities for conducting the GST. A summary of these discussions was captured by the co-facilitators in an informal note.

The APA concluded its work at the second part of its resumed first session on this item by inviting Parties to submit, by 30 April 2017, their views on issues discussed under this agenda item taking into consideration guiding questions included paragraph 25 of the APA1.2 report.

In addition to the APA work on the GST, the SBSTA also concluded its work and provided its advice to the APA on how the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change can inform the GST. The SBSTA advice is included in paragraphs 47-56 of document FCCC/SBSTA/2016/4.


To assist Parties with their work under APA item 6, all informal documents prepared by the co-facilitators are available below:  


Documents by the APA item 6 Co-Facilitators


Document Session Date
 Informal note by Co-Facilitators – final version

APA 1-4, 6-17 November 2017

Informal note by Co-facilitators for item 6 (GST)
- Final iteration
Previous iterations of the informal note are available on the APA 1.3 in-session page. See item 6

APA 1-3, Bonn, 8-18 May 2017

16 May 2017 
Informal note by Co-facilitators for item 6 (GST) APA 1-2, Marrakech 7-14 November 2016          
14 November 2016

Submissions received on APA item 6

The APA, at its resumed first session, invited Parties to submit, by 30 April 2017, their views on the issues discussed under this agenda item, taking into consideration the questions identified by Parties as relevant for this item and listed in the APA1.2 conclusions.

All submissions received to date are available on the UNFCCC submissions portal, including submissions on views on how to progress the work of the APA.

Compilation of submissions

Document Compilation date
APA 1.3 Submissions
15 May 2017
APA 1.2 Submissions
7 Oct 2016
FCCC/APA/2016/INF.4/Add.1 18 Oct 2016
FCCC/APA/2016/INF.4/Add.2 3 Nov 2016