AWG-KP Workshop on mitigation potentials
03 Dec. 2007
16:00h - 19:00h
Bali, Indonesia
AWG-KP Workshop on mitigation potentials
03 Dec. 2007
16:00h - 19:00h
Bali, Indonesia

AWG-KP Workshop on mitigation potentials

Workshop on mitigation potentials
Chair - Mr. Mama Konate, (Vice Chair AWG-KP)
Wednesday, 3 December

The AWG-KP, at its resumed fourth session, requested the secretariat to organize an in-session workshop on tasks set out in paragraph 17 (a) (i)1 and (ii)2 of document FCCC/KP/AWG/2006/4 at its resumed sixth session.

The objective of the workshop is to have an informal discussion on mitigation potentials and ranges of emission reduction objectives of Annex I Parties and to share information on national studies on mitigation potentials. The workshop will also provide an opportunity to hear information from international organizations on studies on this subject. Parties will further provide information on methodological issues such as methodologies for analysing mitigation potential, possible impacts of the considered reduction ranges, and criteria and approaches for allocation of emission reduction efforts among developed countries.

The workshop will be divided into three segments as follows:
1. Introductory presentations, including one from the secretariat on the update of the technical paper on mitigation potentials (FCCC/TP/2008/10) , and two presentations from IPCC and IEA each, on their work relevant to mitigation potentials.
2. Presentations by Parties on studies of national mitigation potentials and their views and perspectives on this subject.
3. Discussion focusing on the following questions:

a. What is the relation between mitigation potentials and ranges of emission reduction objectives?

b. How could information considered by the AWG-KP so far be used in the consideration of further commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol?

1 Analysis of the mitigation potential, effectiveness, efficiency, costs and benefits of current and future policies, measures and technologies at the disposal of Annex I Parties, appropriate in different national circumstances, taking into account their environmental, economic and social consequences, their sectoral dimensions, and the international context in which they are deployed.
2 Identification of possible ranges of emission reductions by Annex I Parties, through their domestic and international efforts, and analysis of their contribution to the ultimate objective of the Convention, ensuring due attention to the issues mentioned in the second sentence of Article 2 of the Convention

Preliminary agenda for the workshop on analysis of mitigation potentials and ranges of emission reduction objectives of Annex I Parties

1. Opening (10 minutes)

· Objectives and expected outcomes presented by the Chair of the workshop

2. Introductory presentations (45 minutes)

· Secretariat
· Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

· International Energy Agency

3. Presentations by Parties (up to 1.5 hours)

· European Union

· Japan

· Russian Federation

· Tuvalu on behalf of AOSIS

· Canada

· New Zealand

4. Discussion (30 minutes)

5. Closing (10 minutes)

· Summary by the Chair



Claudio Forner - UNFCCC secretariat

Update: technical paper on potential mitigations

Bert Metz - IPCC

Emission reductions for stabilisation and mitigation potentials

Barbara Buchner - IEA

Mitigation potentials in post-2012 climate scenarios

Arthur Rünge-Metzger - European Union

Mitigation potentials and ranges of reduction objectives for Annex I countries

Masaru Moriya - Japan

Japan's perspective on mitigation potentials

Sergey Tulinov - Russian Federation

Presentation by the Russian Federation on the mitigation potentials

Ian Fry - Tuvalu on behalf of AOSIS

AWG KP in session workshop on Mitigation (Potentials) Imperatives

Michael Martin - Canada

Mitigation Potentials Workshop (English)
Mitigation Potentials Workshop (French)

Ben Gleisner - New Zealand

Mitigation potential and effort sharing