Global Stocktake
COP28 Closing
Credit: UN Climate Change
About the global stocktake
GST TD1.3 closing
Consideration of outputs or “political” component of the global stocktake

Please find the First Global Stocktake High-level Committee Summary of High-level events at COP 28 The third and final component of the global stocktake will identify opportunities for and challenges in enhancing action and support for collective progress in relation to the thematic areas of the global stocktake, as well as possible measures and good practices and international cooperation and related good practices. It will summarize key political messages, including recommendations for strengthening action and enhancing support. Outputs of this component will be referenced in a decision for consideration and adoption by the CMA and/or a declaration.  This political phase of the global stocktake consists of high-level events where the findings of the technical assessment will be presented and their implications discussed and considered by Parties, and the events will be chaired by a high-level committee consisting of the COP27, the incoming COP28 Presidency and the Chairs of the SBI and the SBSTA.  As communicated in his letter to Parties, the COP28 President-Designate Dr. Sultan Al Jaber requested the support of Her Excellency Barbara Creecy, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries of South Africa and His Excellency Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy of Denmark, to conduct consultations and engage at the political level, with Parties, Groups and constituencies, on critical elements regarding the outcome of the first global stocktake at COP28.  In addition, an upcoming intersessional workshop in October will consider elements for the outputs of the global stocktake, based on submissions provided by Parties and observers (reference the submission portal) and considering the indicative draft structure for the CMA5 GST decision   The Synthesis report for the views on the elements for the consideration of outputs component of the first global stocktake can be found here

Related documents

Pre-session documents

Annual GST dialogue, summary report


21 Oct 2024

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Informal notes

Informal note by the co-facilitators on modalities of the United Arab Emirates dialogue on implementing the GST outcomes


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Informal notes

Informal note by the co-facilitators on procedural and logistical elements of the overall GST process


01 Aug 2024

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Synthesis reports

Experience and lessons learned in relation to conducting the first global stocktake, Synthesis report by the secretariat


15 May 2024

Arabic PDF 380.44 KB
Chinese PDF 513.16 KB
English PDF 252.77 KB
French PDF 310.82 KB
Russian PDF 329.12 KB
Spanish PDF 268.97 KB

Session and meeting reports

1/CMA.5 Outcome of the first global stocktake


01 Apr 2024

Arabic PDF 886.21 KB
Chinese PDF 784.91 KB
English PDF 603.54 KB
French PDF 625.65 KB
Russian PDF 645.31 KB
Spanish PDF 518.45 KB

Informal notes

First Global Stocktake High-level Committee Summary of High-level events

04 Dec 2023

English PDF 755.3 KB

Briefing notes

First Global Stocktake: High Level Event on Adaptation Concept Note

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English PDF 594.5 KB

Briefing notes

First Global Stocktake: High Level Event on Means of Implementation Concept Note

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Briefing notes

First Global Stocktake: High Level Event on Mitigation Concept Note

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Summary of the intersessional workshop to develop elements and inform work of the joint contact group of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement - Informal notes by the Chairs of the Subsidiary Bodies

30 Oct 2023

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Synthesis Report: Views on the elements for the consideration of outputs component of the first global stocktake

04 Oct 2023

English PDF 623.07 KB


Key findings from the Technical Dialogue of the first Global Stocktake: Presentation at Ministerial Consultations on the GST by Harald Winkler and Farhan Akhtar, co-facilitators of the GST1 TD  

26 Sep 2023

English PDF 1.24 MB

Synthesis reports

Technical dialogue of the first global stocktake. Synthesis report by the co-facilitators on the technical dialogue


08 Sep 2023

Arabic PDF 1.59 MB
Chinese PDF 1.7 MB
English PDF 1.41 MB
French PDF 1.44 MB
Russian PDF 1.43 MB
Spanish PDF 1.39 MB

Intersessional documents

Summary report on the third meeting of the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement

15 Aug 2023

English PDF 1.83 MB

Briefing notes

Update by the high level-committee on progress in planning high-level events as part of the consideration of outputs of the global stocktake

28 Jul 2023

English PDF 97.63 KB

Briefing notes

Guiding questions prepared by the Chairs of the subsidiary bodies for the Consideration of Outputs component of the first global stocktake

28 Jul 2023

English PDF 109.48 KB

Intersessional documents

Information note on the third meeting of the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement

02 May 2023

English PDF 168.04 KB

Briefing notes

Summary of the informal consultation on preparations for the consideration of outputs component of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement Informal note by the Chairs of the subsidiary bodies

05 Jun 2023

English PDF 131.82 KB

Intersessional documents

Summary report on the second meeting of the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement

31 Mar 2023

English PDF 1.03 MB

Draft conclusions

Matters relating to the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chairs


11 Nov 2022

Arabic PDF 134.58 KB
Chinese PDF 154.63 KB
English PDF 116.76 KB
French PDF 153.11 KB
Russian PDF 170.07 KB
Spanish PDF 111.04 KB

Briefing notes

Informal compilation of mandates

24 May 2023

English PDF 351.5 KB

Intersessional documents

TD1.2 summary report: Reflections

18 May 2023

English PDF 240.12 KB

Intersessional documents

Summary report on the first meeting of the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement

28 Sep 2022

English PDF 2.65 MB

Draft conclusions

First Joint Contact Group of the Technical Assessment


15 Jun 2022

Arabic PDF 126.24 KB
Chinese PDF 138.7 KB
English PDF 108.6 KB
French PDF 146.97 KB
Russian PDF 164.85 KB
Spanish PDF 58.57 KB

Treaties and agreements

The Paris Agreement

12 Dec 2015

English PDF 4.34 MB

Informal notes

Preparations for the consideration of outputs component of the first global stocktake - April Workshop. Information note by the Chairs of the Subsidiary Bodies

25 Apr 2023

English PDF 201.32 KB

Briefing notes

Guiding questions by the SB Chairs for the Technical Assessment component of the first Global Stocktake

20 Oct 2021

English PDF 176.81 KB

Session and meeting reports

Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on its fifty-eighth session, held in Bonn from 5 to 15 June 2023


02 Aug 2023

Arabic PDF 725.11 KB
Chinese PDF 624.59 KB
English PDF 416.33 KB
French PDF 424.02 KB
Russian PDF 442.45 KB
Spanish PDF 331.19 KB

Session and meeting reports

Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its fifty-eighth session, held in Bonn from 5 to 15 June 2023


02 Aug 2023

Arabic PDF 663.45 KB
Chinese PDF 587.28 KB
English PDF 376.09 KB
French PDF 386.54 KB
Russian PDF 437.09 KB
Spanish PDF 320.87 KB

Session and meeting reports

Report of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement on the third part of its first session, held in Katowice from 2 to 15 December 2018. Addendum 2. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement


19 Mar 2019

English PDF 622.3 KB
Arabic PDF 1.02 MB
Chinese PDF 743.22 KB
French PDF 805.13 KB
Russian PDF 713.42 KB
Spanish PDF 540.5 KB