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Information on the conference venue and services
1 - 12 December 2003, Fiera Milano, Porta Gattamelata Pad. 17, Milan, Italy

Registration and media accreditation Information on the meetings Documentation
Computer and communication services Funding for delegates Services available to NGOs
Media services Information on UNFCCC and climate change General services
Events Remarks Summary of Conference services (A-Z)
Notifications Information on hotels, transportation Emergency numbers in Milan
Floor plans Office space booking forms  

Registration and media accreditation

Registration of all participants, representatives of Observer organizations and the media, takes place at the Registration Counter, main entrance of the Fiera Milano Pavilion 17.

Badges are issued only on the basis of a letter of nomination from Parties, Observer States or accredited Observer Organizations.

Media participation in the conference is subject to accreditation from the UNFCCC secretariat. In view of space constraints, press accreditation is limited strictly to media representatives who fully meet United Nations accreditation standards and requirements. It will be granted upon presentation of valid press credentials and a letter of assignment.

Press passes may be collected at the Press Accreditation Counter, main entrance of the Fiera Milano Pavilion 17, upon presentation of two photo IDs (passport, national press card, driving licence, work ID, etc.) or a photo press pass from the United Nations in New York, Geneva, Vienna or Nairobi.

12 noon - 6 p.m.
Saturday, 29 November and
Sunday, 30 November

8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Monday, 1 December to
Friday, 12 December

Saturday, 6 December and
Sunday, 7 December

Ms. Hedwig Sandoval
Tel.: 02 4339.9204
Fax: 02 4339.9402

Mr. Michel Smitall (Press)
Tel.: 02 4339.9203

Double registration for the sessions is not permitted (e.g., as a State representative and simultaneously as an Observer organization representative, or as a State representative and simultaneously as a press/media representative).



Information on the meetings

The Daily Programme provides time and venue information on all scheduled meetings of the Convention bodies, and the agenda items to be considered. It also provides schedules of meetings of other groups and of press briefings, and other announcements relevant to the conference. The Programme is available at the Documents Distribution Counter and on the UNFCCC web site (http://unfccc.int/cop9/).

Information in the Programme is subject to change.Important announcements or last-minute changes not contained in the Daily Programme are displayed on CCTV monitors and posted on the UNFCCC web site.

The Information Desk, in the first floor foyer, provides information about the meetings and the venue.

Ms. Kaja Jungersen
Tel.: 02 4339.9222
Fax: 02 4339.9421

Meeting rooms can be reserved at the Meeting Room Assignment Desk, also located on the first floor, beside the Information Desk.

Ms. Lee Cando
Ms. Simone Swidersky
Tel.: 02 4339.9221
Fax: 02 4339.9421

Hours: 8 a.m. — 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 1 December to
Friday, 12 December



All official documents, as well as the Daily Programme and the list of participants, are available at the Documents Distribution Counter on the first floor. UNFCCC documents are also available on the Internet (http://unfccc.int/cop9/) and by email upon request to: secretariat@unfccc.int.

8 a.m. — 7.30 p.m.
Monday, 1 December to
Friday, 12 December
Tel.: 02 4339.9223

Designated tables are available in the conference facilities for the display of documents relating to climate change. Displayed documents should be clearly attributed to an admitted organization or Party, and a copy deposited with the secretariat (Barbara Black, Tel.: 02 4339.9263). Documents deposited elsewhere or not attributed will be removed.


Computer and communication services

Computers equipped with word processing and spreadsheet software and connected to the Internet, and high-speed printers are available to participants at the Computer Centre on the first floor.   Please follow signs posted in the congress centre for directions.

Helpdesk staff at the Computer Centre can assist participants who wish to make overhead transparencies or scans of pictures.

Note: Please be considerate and do not monopolize the equipment which is intended for use by all participants.

A commercial copy service is available to participants for the duration of the meetings at the Business Centre on the ground floor.   Additional copiers are located in the Press Area , also in the ground floor, for the use of media representatives and NGOs.

The Computer Centre and the writing corner of the Press Area offer plug and play desks to connect laptops to the Internet.   Instructions for use are posted on the desks, or Helpdesk staff can give assistance.   Card-operated telephones, fax machines, telephone cards and wireless PCMCIA cards are available in the Business Centre.  

Participants can rent mobile telephones at the Mobile Phone Desk on the first floor foyer.

Mobile phone rental reservation


Funding for delegates

Delegates from Parties eligible for funding may collect their daily subsistence allowance (DSA) from the Administration office located beside the central escalator, ground floor of the Fiera Milano. Please present your passport, tickets and boarding pass stubs to the travel officer when claiming DSA.

8 a.m. — 12 and 1 — 5 p.m.
Friday, 28 November to
Friday, 12 December

Sunday, 30 November
Saturday, 6 December and
Sunday, 7 December

Contact for DSA payments:
Ms. Gaby Kaufmann

Contact for travel:
Mr. Sascha Strobel
Ms. Karen Milka
Tel.: 02 4339 9301


Services available to NGOs

Offices for environmental groups, business/industry organizations and indigenous peoples groups are located beside the Press Area. Each office is equipped with three PC workstations and a printer.

Business and industry organizations

Office Ground Floor
Tel.: 02 4339 9273

Environmental groups
Office Ground Floor
Tel.: 02 4339 9272

Indigenous Peoples groups
Office Ground Floor
Tel.: 02 4339 9275

Local Environmental groups
Office Ground floor
Tel.: 02 4339.9274

Office space booking forms

Office space booking forms
Contact for delegations and observer organizations for the booking of office space during COP 9: Ms. Christina di Antoni
Fiera Milano Congressi SpA
E-mail: officeservices@fieramilanocongressi.it

Phone: +39 - 02 - 49 97 72 37
Fax: +39 - 02 - 48 01 02 70
Mobile: +39 - 335 - 789 38 63




Parties and Observer States
IGOs and NGOs
Arrangements for the COP 9 high-level segment

Media services

The Press Area, located on the ground floor, offers various services to accredited members of the press, including TV and radio coverage facilities, work facilities for the print media and a United Nations Press Documents Counter.

During the conference, the International Media Centre is operational 24 hours a day, with limited services between midnight and 7 a.m.

The Media Coordinator, the Conference Spokesperson and the Government Press Liaison Officer have their offices in the Press Area.

The Media Information Desk, also located in the Press Area, arranges bookings for the Press Conference Room and facilitates interviews with United Nations officials or delegates.

Mr. Axel Wuestenhagen
Media Coordinator
Tel.: 0335 8272 832

Mr. Michael Williams
Conference Spokesperson
Tel.: 0335 8272 811

Media Information Desk
Tel.: 02 4339.9297


Information on UNFCCC and climate change

The Climate Change Kiosk, on the first floor, is staffed daily between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. It’s primary goal is to provide information about climate change and the secretariat. It is a resource for anyone interested in:

  • Climate change information sources
  • Background information on the climate change process and the secretariatWho's doing what in the processWho's doing what in the secretariatHow to contact members of the secretariat
  • How to obtain access to, or copies of, secretariat information products or services.

The Climate Change Kiosk includes display panels as well as computers with Internet connections which will be used to provide assistance on how to:

  • Find relevant climate change information using the UNFCCC library online
  • Search and retrieve climate change information from the Internet
  • Evaluate the quality of web-based information
  • Locate other sources of climate change information.

A special feature of the kiosk is Climate Talk Days where invited representatives of IGOs, NGOs, business and industry, and governments, will give short presentations relating to one of the following themes:

1 — 3 p.m. Wednesday, 3 December

1 — 3 p.m. Friday, 5 December

CDM and DNAs
1 — 3 p.m. Saturday, 6 December

1 — 3 p.m. Tuesday, 9 December

Global Climate Science
1 — 3 p.m. Thursday, 11 December

The webcast of these series and other information materials will be posted on the UNFCCC COP 9 website. For more information, contact Sharon Taylor (staylor@unfccc.int) or visit the CCKiosk.


General Services

Information on hotel reservations, local transport, and train and air travel, as well as tourist information about Milan and Italy, are available at the Travel Desk, first floor foyer.

Representatives of NGOs may use the message board located near the escalators on the first floor to post messages. The posting of messages needs to be approved by the secretariat. Please contact

Mr. Horacio Peluffo (Tel.: 02 4339 9261) for messages addressed to delegates and Ms. Barbara Black (Tel.: 02 4339.9263) for messages addressed to representatives of Observer organizations.

There are vending machines on the ground floor and coffee bars on the first and second floors. There is a self-service restaurant and, a coffee bar in the annex area of Pavilion 17, and another restaurant on the second floor for which reservations must be made in advance. A coffee corner will be made available in the Press Area.

Coffee bars:
8 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Self-service restaurant:
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

VIP restaurant:
12 noon - 3 p.m. and
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Participants expecting deliveries to the Fiera Milano should contact the Information Desk, located on the first floor.

During exhibitions, Fiera Milano runs a free bus service linking all the entrances to the exhibition centre:

8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Monday, 1 December to
Friday, 12 December

There are no shuttle buses available for transporting staff from their hotels to the conference site.

Underground stations near the Fiera Milano:

Underground station Amendola Fiera, Halls 15 and 16 (Viale Teodorico).

Underground stations Amendola Fiera and Lotto Fiera 2 San Siro carpark, Halls 15 and 16 (Viale Teodorico)

Surface public transport to the Fiera Milano:

Tram 19:
Stops in Piazzia Sei Febbraio and Largo Domodossola

Tram 27:
Ends in Piazzia Sei Febbraio

Bus No. 78:
Stops in Via Colleoni

Trams 1 and 33; Bus nos. 57 and 94:
Stops at the corner of Corso Sempione and Via Domodossola

Bus No. 68:
Stops in Viale Berengario

Delegates can use public transport free of charge by showing their badge.

A tip for those taking the cab:

Call the central number for Milano Taxi/Taxi Blu: 02 40 40, say

"Un taxi per favore

Via Gattemelata, Porte 2 (due), Fiera di Milano (or replace this with any other street name or name of hotel, etc.)"

The operator will give you the number of the taxi and say in how many minutes the car will arrive. Feel free to try in English too. On a couple of occasions, the operator spoke excellent English.

The Unicredit Banca will be available for participants. Services include cashing of travellers' cheques and currency exchange. The Bank is located in the Business Centre, ground floor. In addition, a cash machine is available on the first floor foyer. For further details, please contact the bank personnel.



All COP 9 participants are warmly invited to an ecumenical service on Sunday, 7 December at 4 p.m. to be held at the Santi Apostoli E Nazaro Maggiore (Piazza S. Navaro in Brolo 5, 20122 Milan). This event is co-sponsored by the World Council on Churches (WCC), the Council of Christian Churches of Milan (CCCM) and the European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN). A reception will follow the service. For further information, please contact Dr. David Hallman (+44-7740-455-292).

All participants are invited to a gospel concert by the Baltimore City College Choirs on Wednesday, 3 December, 8.30 p.m. in the Auditorium, Largo Gustav Mahler. A bus will leave Pavilion 17 at 8 p.m. to shuttle all participants who want to attend the event. Complimentary tickets can be collected at the Regione Lombardia desk, Pavilion Italia on Tuesday, 2 December from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

Another concert 'Vespro della Beata Vergine' by the Jubilate Choirs will be held in the Auditorium, Largo Gustav Mahler on Tuesday, 9 December. This concert is free of charge for all COP 9 participants.

An NGO party will be held on Saturday evening, 6 December.

Please refer to the CCTV monitors and the Daily Programme for further information.

A preliminary schedule of special events and a list of exhibits held during COP 9 will be made available at the Information Desk.

For updates and changes in the calendar, please see the Daily Programme and the announcements on the CCTV monitors as well as the message board for special events and exhibits in the main foyer.

In order to provide a better focus for information on events and to avoid paper wastage, participants are kindly requested to post flyers and posters regarding special events, exhibits or meetings only on this message board and to inform the secretariat ( Ms Barbara Black, Tel.: 02 4339 9461) before posting any material. Please note that flyers posted in other areas will be removed.



In case of a medical emergency, please contact the medical staff located beside the central escalator, ground floor (Tel. 02 4339 9499).

For other emergencies immediately contact
United Nations security staff (wearing either a United Nations uniform or a United Nations armband), who will be located at the entrance of the conference area, or call the following numbers:

02 4339 9202, 02 4339 9201

Access to the conference area is restricted to registered participants of the meetings. In order to help enforce the high security standards of the secretariat, participants are expected to wear their badges at all times and in all areas for the duration of the conference. Loss of a badge must be reported to the Registration Desk immediately.

Please be aware that unattended items will be removed. Contact the United Nations security staff, located beside the main entrance, for lost and found items.

Food or drinks are not permitted in the meeting rooms.

Smoking is not permitted in the meeting premises, except in the designated areas.




Carabinieri emergency service 112
Public emergency service 113
Fire brigade 115
Road emergency service — ACI 116
First aid duty service 118
Ambulance, Red Cross (02) 3883
Road Police (02) 326781
State railways (02) 63712639
Antoradio taxi (02) 8585