1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention
10 - 11 Jun. 2013
16:00h - 19:00h
Bonn, Germany
REGER, Hotel Maritim
Hotel Maritim
1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention
10 - 11 Jun. 2013
16:00h - 19:00h
Bonn, Germany
REGER, Hotel Maritim
Hotel Maritim

10 June 2013, 15:00-18:00


UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary

Mr. Richard Kinley

Welcoming remarks

Chair of the SBI and Chair of the 1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention

Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow

Objectives and organization of the Dialogue


Ms. Adriana Valenzuela (Dominican Republic)

Introductory remarks


Mr. Richard Merzian (Australia)

Introductory remarks

Session I: Panel discussion on strategic approaches and long-term planning of
climate change education

Dominican Republic

Mr. Moisés Álvarez

National Coordinator for the UN CC:Learn Project and Technical Director of the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism


Ms. Marie Jaudet

National Focal Point for Article 6 of the UNFCCC


Ms. Amanda Katili Niode

Coordinator of the Division of Communication, Information and Education, National Council on Climate Change and National Focal Point for Article 6 of the UNFCCC


Mr. Fritz Kadyoma

Chief Curriculum Specialist and Assistant Director, Department of Curriculum Development, Malawi Institute of Education


Mr. Bob Natifu

Senior Climate Change Officer, Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Water and Environment


Mr. Roman Kharytonov

National Focal Point for Article 6 of the UNFCCC

Focus questions for discussion by panelists

  • What process do you use to assess needs for climate change education at all levels and how do you prioritize these needs?

  • How do you ensure sustainability of results and a long-term impact of your national strategies and action plans on climate change education?

  • How are international policies on climate change translated into national action on education in your country?

Session II: Challenges, good practices and lessons learned from the implementation of climate change education at the national level


Mr. Jogeeswar Seewoobaduth

Recommendations from the Expert Meeting on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development in Africa hosted by Mauritius (577 kB)


Mr. Mats Kullberg

Climate Change Education - a Tool for National and International Objectives (328 kB)

United States

Mr. Frank Niepold

United States Perspective on the Challenges, Good Practices and Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Climate Change Education at the National Level (931 kB)

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Ms. Harriet Thew

Learn, Speak Out, Take Action - the WAGGGS Approach to Non-Formal Climate Change Education (820 kB)

International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change

Ms. Pasang Dolma Sherpa

Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change(986 kB)

Centre for Environment Education

Ms. Rixa Schwarz

Beyond Awareness: Education as a Driver of Change (626 kB)

Dialogue between presenters and participants based on the below focus issues

  • Interconnection of formal, non-formal and informal education on climate change

  • Role and experiences of various stakeholders

  • Interlinkages between science, traditional knowledge and education on climate change

  • Introduction of climate change in school curricula

Session III: Measuring for results


Mr. Makoto Kato

Japan's Experiences with Climate Change Education - Relevant Aspects with Measuring the Effectiveness (366 kB)

The Gambia

Mr. Bubu Pateh Jallow

Examples of Results-based Activities on Climate Change Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (1893 kB)

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations/ Youth and United Nations Global Alliance

Ms. Lucia Palombi

Measuring for Results in Climate Change Education: A 'Behaviour Change' Approach(919 kB)

Dialogue between presenters and participants based on the below focus issues

  • Approaches to measuring the effectiveness of climate change education

  • Introduction of ‘results-based’ education on climate change

Closing of Day 1

Chair of the SBI and Chair of the 1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention (or co-facilitators)

Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow

Closing remarks and wrap-up of Day 1

11 June 2013



Mr. Richard Merzian (Australia)

Opening remarks

Session IV: Challenges, good practices and lessons learned from the planning, implementation and evaluation of climate change training at the national level

Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

Ms. Mariia Khovanskaia

Trainings on the Supra-Regional Level: More Value - More Challenge (345 kB)

United Nations University

Ms. Zinaida Fadeeva

Emerging Learning Systems for Low Carbon Resilient Development (186 kB)

Engineering Staff College of India

Ms. Shalini Sharma

Climate Change: Capacity Building Scenario in India (479 kB)

Greenhouse Gas Management Institute

Mr. Stelios Pesmajoglou

Scaling a Professional Climate Change Workforce (179 kB)

International Labour Organziation

Mr. Marek Harsdorff

Skills needs in a Transition to Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economies, Empirical Evidence from ILO's Green Jobs Program (549 kB)

Dialogue between presenters and participants based on the below focus issues

  • Skills and competences required for addressing climate change

  • Technical and vocational training

  • Professional learning

Session V: Opportunities for strengthening the implementation of
climate change education and training through international cooperation


Mr. Yucheng Zhang

Enhancing Capacity Building through South-South Cooperation (665 kB)

European Union

Mr. Tony Carritt

EU support for climate training in LDCs: some examples (193 kB)









Ms. Jazmin Burgess

Ms. Jennifer Baumwoll

Ms. Fanina Kodre-Alexander

Mr. Achim Halpaap

Ms. Julia Viehöfer

Ms. Zinaida Fadeeva

Mr. Moritz Weigel

Mr. Yassen Tcholakov(695 kB)

Joint presentation on the United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness (674 kB)

Global Environment Facility Secretariat

Mr. Rawleston Moore

GEF Support to Advance Climate Change Education and Training (1194 kB)

Closing of the 1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention

Wrap-up and closing remarks by Mr. Tomasz Chruszczow, Chair of the SBI and Chair of the 1st Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention


Key information



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