Constituted Body meetings and events
Ninth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC9)
01 - 03 Mar. 2016
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
United Nations Campus
Constituted Body meetings and events
Ninth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC9)
01 - 03 Mar. 2016
09:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
United Nations Campus

The meeting was held in Bonn, Germany from 1 to 3 March 2016.
Venue: UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1,  AHH, Room EG F-030.
(For all observers: The meeting opened officially at 14:00 on 1 March*)
For AC members only: An informal meeting took place on 1 March from 9:00 to 13:00 prior the official opening.

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the ninth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC9) by agenda item

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda


AC/2016/1 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Election of the Co-Chairs

Summary outcome

Ms. Minpeng Chen (China) and Mr. Donald Lemmen (Canada) were elected as Co-Chairs of the Adaptation Committee (AC).

4. Organization of work

Summary outcome

The organization of work was agreed.

5. Revising the AC’s workplan following the Paris outcomes:

5. (a) Mapping of adaptation-relevant mandates


5. (b) Revision of the workplan of the Adaptation Committee


AC/2016/2 - Revising the workplan of the Adaptation Committee following the Paris outcomes. Discussion paper


Discussion paper on revising the workplan of the AC following the Paris outcomes

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on a revised workplan for the years 2016 to 2018 (171 kB) in line with the new mandates from COP21.

6. Supporting the implementation of the Paris outcomes:

6. (a) Technical examination process on adaptation (A-TEP)


AC/2016/3 - Concept note on the technical examination process on adaptation


Concept note on the technical examination process on adaptation

Reporting back from breakout group 1

Reporting back from breakout group 2

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to establish a core working group (WG), tasked with planning for the two A-TEMs in 2016.

The AC agreed on a 2016 TEP-A umbrella topic “Reducing vulnerability and mainstreaming climate change adaptation, including through the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans”

1.  Enhancing the implementation of adaptation action, with emphasis on gaps, needs, challenges, options and opportunities for implementation on the ground; means of implementation, including for the improvement of climate information services and understanding of scientific information at the national level; and good practices for reducing vulnerability;

2.  Effective policy frameworks and institutional arrangements for adaptation planning and implementation, including for multilevel governance and monitoring and evaluation.

6. (b) Paris Agreement


AC/2016/4 - Concept note on the implementation of tasks for the Adaptation Committee emanating from decision 1/CP.21


Concept note on the implementation of tasks for the AC emanating from decision 1/CP.21

Intervention by Mr. Ignacio Lorenzo (Uruguay)

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on key messages and next steps on this matter.

The key messages are:

  • The AC is ready to address the five tasks in a comprehensive, technical and strategic manner reaching out to Parties, other bodies under the Convention, organizations and other stakeholders;

  • The AC will adopt an iterative step-by-step approach, which will benefit from input and engagement of a wide range of stakeholders;

  • The AC will consider various means to trigger discussion to achieve a shared understanding such as side events, expert meetings, submissions, including from Parties, taking stock and making use of relevant events such as the Adaptation Futures.

The agreed next steps are:

1.  The AC will reach out to the LEG and propose a joint meeting to decide on next steps, including a possible joint task force and report the outcome thereof;

2.  The AC  requested the secretariat supporting the AC and LEG to prepare a background paper to inform discussions during the joint meeting;

3.  The AC will reserve dedicated time at its 10th meeting to discuss the Paris Agreement;

4.  The AC will explore means of having additional inter-sessional interaction on the five tasks;

5.  The Co-Chairs will reach out to other relevant bodies on the five tasks.

7. Overarching coherence:

7. (a) Coherence and collaboration under the Convention

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed a letter from the Co-Chairs of the Excom on L&D and requested the AC Co-Chairs to draft a response and share it with the AC for comments.

The AC welcomed an invitation from the Chair of the SBSTA regarding the AC’s and the LEG’s consideration of activities to be undertaken under the NWP. It also  welcomed an invitation regarding inputs to and/or participation in the in-session workshops on long-term finance, scheduled to take place during the May sessions of the SBs. The Co-Chairs requested AC to provide comments on the two letters above by Friday 11 March, on the basis of which they will draft responses.

 7. (b) Collaboration with other entities

Summary outcome

Collaboration with the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) on the GAN Forum: the AC agreed on a lead for the inter-sessional work on this matter, supported by the secretariat. The AC invited GAN to communicate the theme of the conference to the lead, the Co-Chairs and the secretariat.

Regarding collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO): the AC welcomed a presentation by a representative of ISO. The AC agreed that  it will not be able to actively contribute to the work of ISO but will keep informed of the developments inter-sessionally.

Regarding collaboration with the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) on the 10th international conference on community-based adaptation: The AC requested the secretariat to enquire on further information from the IIED regarding possible input from the AC, following up to IIED’s letter to the AC of September 2015.

7. (c) Side event during the 44th sessions of the subsidiary bodies


AC/2016/5 - Concept note on a side event to be conducted by the Adaptation Committee during the 44th sessions of the subsidiary bodies


Concept note on a side event conducted by the AC during the 44th sessions of the subsidiary bodies

Summary outcome

The AC endorsed the concept note and requested the secretariat to proceed with the organization of the event under the guidance of the Co-Chairs.

8. Workstream A: Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action:

8. (a) Expert meeting on livelihoods and economic diversification


AC/2016/6 - Draft report on the expert meeting on livelihoods and economic diversification

AC/2016/7 - Concept note for an information product on livelihoods and economic diversification


Draft report on the expert meeting on livelihoods and economic diversification and  concept note for an information product on livelihoods and economic diversification

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the report on the expert meeting and agreed that the recommendations therein need further reflection. The Co-Chairs invited members to send further written comments to the secretariat before AC10 with a view to adopting the recommendations at that meeting and including them into the 2016 report to COP22.
The AC requested the secretariat to proceed with the development of the information product as agreed at AC8 and as outlined in the concept note. The secretariat is requested to consider how the information product could be produced as a living document and include a link to a survey to obtain more information. 

8. (b) NAP Task Force


AC/2016/8 - Background note on the Adaptation Committee’s task force on NAPs


Background note on a workplan of the AC’s task force on NAPs

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to continue the NAP TF and also agreed on co-leads and members of the TF.

The AC further agreed to request the AC Co-Chairs to engage in a process to confirm the non-AC members of the NAP TF.

The AC requested the NAP TF to inter-sessionally:

1. Elaborate a draft workplan for 2016-2018, including activities and who will do what, taking into account the information contained in in the background document and related discussions at AC9, for consideration by the AC by May 2016;

2. Consider the revision of the ToRs of the NAP TF, including objectives and extending the membership, and engagement of the members, for consideration by the AC by May 2016;

3. Organize a meeting of the NAP TF at the margins of the 2016 NAP Expo (July 2016) and to report on its outcome at AC10.

9. Workstream B: Technical support and guidance to the Parties on means of implementation:

9. (a) Engagement with the Green Climate Fund

Summary outcome


AC took note of an oral report by the Co-Chairs of the AC on engagement with the GCF and requested the two secretariats to continue informal exchanges.

9. (b) Information paper on experiences of countries in accessing the readiness programme of the Green Climate Fund


AC/2016/9 - Scoping paper for the development of an information paper on experiences of countries in accessing the GCF readiness programme


Scoping paper for the development of an information paper on experiences of countries in accessing the readiness programme of the GCF

Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to proceed with the drafting of the report, taking into account the suggestions made during the meeting, including the revision to the time line.

10. Workstream C: Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information

10. (a) Third Adaptation Forum


AC/2016/10 - Draft concept note for the 2016 Adaptation Forum


Draft concept note for the 2016 Adaptation Forum

Summary outcome

AC adopted the concept note as presented.

The Co-Chairs invited the AC to provide additional comments to the list of potential presenters that the secretariat could contact. Comments were invited by Monday, 7 March 2016.

10. (b) 2016 thematic report

Summary outcome

The thematic reports will be absorbed by the technical papers under the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (A-TEP) and have therefore been deleted from the AC’s revised workplan.

11. Organization of intersessional work

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on working groups established under the AC and their respective members and (co-)leads. 

12. Any other matters

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to extend its next meeting by one day. The new dates are 13-16 September (Tuesday to Friday) instead of 13-15 September 2016.

13. Closure of the meeting


Information on observer participation

The AC acknowledges and welcomes the active participation of observers in its meetings.

The COP, by decision 2/CP.17, decided that the meetings of the Adaptation Committee shall be open to attendance by admitted observer organizations, except where otherwise decided by the Adaptation Committee, with a view to encouraging a balanced representation of observers from Annex I Parties and from non-Annex I Parties.

Notifications (also available here):

Other relevant documents

Revised workplan of the AC for the period 2016-2018 (version 8 March 2016)

COP decisions on the work of the Adaptation Committee

Contact: AC@unfccc.int