Response Measures Models - IPAC


Name and contact of the organization

Energy Research Institute, China

Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission,
Block B-1518, Jia.No.11,
Muxudibeili, Xicheng Dist.,
Beijing 100038,

Tel: ++86 10 63908576

Description of model

IPAC is an energy modelling system comprised of: 1) general energy supply and demand models; 2) an emissions model; 3) a disaggregated set of energy supply models that focus on technologies and regions of China (in particular Beijing); and 4) air and health impact models.  The model's main relevance to the suggested response measures is its detailed treatment of energy technologies.

The model is mainly used for: 1) forecasting GHGs emissions; 2) assessing the impact of new technologies; 3)  analysing the impact of different energy and environmental  policies; and 4) forecasting energy demand.

Particular relevance

The IPAC model is relevant in analysing the adoption of cleaner and more efficient uses of energy in China.  The model has a particular focus on available technologies and how their use can be encouraged.



Model applications


Organization's main area of research

Energy issues regarding China

Other projects / reseach

Publications (
